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 Edit Balance Schedule

2024/12/04 • 6 min. to read
In the Balance Schedule page you can set up the lines of the balance schedule. To do this, select the balance schedule that you want to edit in the Name field. For more information, see Working with the App, Balance Schedules. A balance schedule consists of the 3 areas Assets, Liabilities and Income Statement. The Area field determines which area is to be displayed or which lines are to be edited.


Row No.Specifies a row number which can be used in other lines in a Formula (field Totaling Type). You can also assign a row number more than once. This allows you, for example, to add together several balance groups located in different positions in one formula.


Use letters in row numbers (e.g. A0003, R4711, etc.) to clearly distinguish between rubric numbers and values in formula.
DescriptionSpecifies a description for the line.
NumberingSpecifies the numbering type. For example, the first time you select A-B-C (Upper), that line is marked with A, the next one with B, and so on. The other options work in exactly the same way.
No NumberingSpecifies that no numbering should be done for this line.
Totaling TypeDetermines which type of calculation should be performed for the line. Options:
  • Group Select a Balance Group.
  • Account Select one or more G/L Accounts from the Chart of Accounts in Financial Accounting.
  • All Income Accounts All G/L Accounts that are marked as Income Statement in the Income/Balance field are calculated in total. This option is needed for the current period result (Liabilities).
  • Formula This option allows you to perform calculations with the row numbers.
  • End-Total This option calculates up to this line the cumulative value of all previous lines with Totaling Type Group or Account.
  • Begin-End-Total At the first occurrence of Begin-End-Total, the sum of all previous lines is calculated. The next occurrence of Begin-End-Total calculates the sum of the values since the last Begin-End-Total line, and so on. Only lines with the Totaling Type Group or Account are considered.
  • Group-Total Here you can add up different Balance Groups. In contrast to the Group option, no G/L Accounts are listed and the calculated total is not included again in the overall result.


Lines with Totaling Type Formula, End-Total, Begin-End-Total, and Group-Total have no effect on the total Assets/Liabilities.
TotalingDepending on the Totaling Type field, select the valid values here.


It is not allowed to specify two consecutive operators (e.g. * -) in Formulas. The following formula is therefore not allowed: A / B * -100 The error message can be avoided by correcting the formula or by using brackets. In this case, the formula must be specified as follows: A / B * (-100)
Thereof LineSpecifies whether this is a Thereof Line whose value is not automatically included in the total lines. The display is automatically indented by a further level. Lines with Totaling Type Group and Account can be defined as a Thereof Line.
No Total ViewSpecifies whether the automatic display as a total line (right-justified with separator lines) should be suppressed. This selection affects the Formula, End-Total, Begin-End-Total, and Group-Total Totaling Types.
HideSpecifies which information of this line should be hidden. Options:
  • Empty (default setting) The line will be printed only if the value is <> 0.
  • Detailed G/L Account Lines The G/L Accounts of this line are hidden or not printed.
  • Line Incl. Detailed G/L Account Lines All G/L Accounts and the line itself are hidden or not printed.
  • Never The line is always displayed. For Totaling Type Group or Account, the final result line of the totaling is also always displayed, even if there are no detailed G/L Account lines and the amount is therefore 0.
No Assets/Liabilities SwitchIndicates whether no asset/liability switch should be made. By default, an account defined in Assets is displayed only if it has a positive balance. In the liabilities, only those with a negative balance are displayed. If you activate this field, the line will be displayed where it is defined, regardless of the balance. (e.g. negative balances of depreciation accounts if you use indirect depreciation for assets). Note that the negative or positive balance definition always refers to the actual balance in Financial Accounting. The Show Opposite Sign field has no effect on this function. The setting in this field affects the Group, Account and Group-Total Totaling Types.
Row No. Assets/Liabilities SwitchSpecifies whether the asset/liability switch should be made based on another line. In this case, specify the Row No. of the line that should control the switch of the current line. Only lines located before the current line can be accessed.
Show Opposite SignSpecifies whether the sign of the result in this line should be reversed. The setting is ignored for Totaling Type Formula.
Income BaseSpecifies whether the selected line should be used as the basis for the income statement. This field is used as a reference point (100% basis) in the income statement. All other lines are calculated in relation to this as a percentage. For example, you can specify the line Operating performance as the basis. A multiple selection is possible - the sum of the lines for which the income base is set forms the calculation basis.
Income Balance at DateIndicates whether the Balance at Date and not the Net Change should be used in the selected line. Thus, not only profit and loss accounts but also balance sheet accounts can be evaluated in the income statement.
OrientationSpecifies the orientation for the line.
New PageSpecifies whether a page break should occur before the current line.
BoldSpecifies whether to print the line in bold or not. With Automatic, only automatically generated total lines are printed in bold. The setting does not affect the Detailed G/L Account Lines.
ItalicSpecifies whether to print the line in italics.
UnderlineSpecifies whether to underline the line when printing.


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