The balance schedule can be printed via the action Print Balance resp. Print Balance incl. Difference.
To do this, select the balance schedule that you want to print in the Name field.
Filter, Fields
Balance Current Year To
Specifies the date of the current year up to which the balance should be considered.
Balance Previous Year To
Specifies the date of the previous year up to which the balance should be considered.
Income Current Year From
Specifies the date of the current year from which the income statements should be considered.
Income Current Year To
Specifies the date of the current year up to which the income statements should be considered.
Income Previous Year From
Specifies the date of the previous year from which the income statements should be considered.
Income Previous Year To
Specifies the date of the previous year up to which the income statements should be considered.
Global Dimension 1 Filter
Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values.
Global Dimension 2 Filter
Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values.
Business Unit Filter
Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values.
Options, Fields
Hide Detailed G/L Account Lines
Specifies whether the G/L Accounts should be displayed or not.
Rounding Factor
Specifies the factor that should be used to round the results in the balance.
Hide Assets
Specifies whether the assets should be displayed or not.
Hide Liabilities
Specifies whether the liabilities should be displayed or not.
Hide Income Statement
Specifies whether the income statements should be displayed or not.
Show Schedule Name
Specifies whether the name of the balance schedule should be displayed.
Journal Preview, Fields
Calculate Journal
Specifies that a journal should be included in the printout which has already entered a balance sheet or income statement but has not yet been posted.