Balance Current Year To | Specifies the date of the current year up to which the balance should be considered. |
Balance Previous Year To | Specifies the date of the previous year up to which the balance should be considered. |
Income Current Year From | Specifies the date of the current year from which the income statements should be considered. |
Income Current Year To | Specifies the date of the current year up to which the income statements should be considered. |
Income Previous Year From | Specifies the date of the previous year from which the income statements should be considered. |
Income Previous Year To | Specifies the date of the previous year up to which the income statements should be considered. |
Global Dimension 1 Filter | Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values. |
Global Dimension 2 Filter | Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values. |
Business Unit Filter | Specifies a filter that will be used to filter or calculate the values. |
Hide Detailed G/L Account Lines | Specifies whether the G/L Accounts should be displayed or not. |
Rounding Factor | Specifies the factor that should be used to round the results in the balance. |
Hide Assets | Specifies whether the assets should be displayed or not. |
Hide Liabilities | Specifies whether the liabilities should be displayed or not. |
Hide Income Statement | Specifies whether the income statements should be displayed or not. |
Show Schedule Name | Specifies whether the name of the balance schedule should be displayed. |
Calculate Journal | Specifies that a journal should be included in the printout which has already entered a balance sheet or income statement but has not yet been posted. |
Journal Template Name | Specifies the name of the journal template. |
Journal Batch Name | Specifies the name of the journal. |
Finmatics Autonomous Accounting Interface for AI-driven document processing tool by Finmatics. More information AppSource |