Via the NCCA G/L Entry Transfer Errors and NCCA Calc. FA Entry Transfer Errors page you can edit the transfer errors that occurred when transferring the G/L Entries and the FA Entries to NCCA Cost Accounting. Both pages are identical except for the fields for G/L Accounts and Fixed Assets. The screenshots below show the G/L Entry Transfer Errors.
NCCA Transfer Status
If a manual or an automatic entry transfer is performed, the NCCA Transfer Status field is set for all considered entries.
Basically the following options are possible:
Not transferred
The entry has not yet been transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting.
This status is the default value, which is basically set for all G/L Entries and FA Entries.
The entry could not be transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting.
Transfer errors occur if, for example, the cost type is locked or if required cost dimensions could not be determined.
The entry was transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting.
There are other options that will be discussed in more detail later.
If there are errors in the transfer, this is displayed directly in a summary message after a manual transfer. The automatic transfer does not display a summary message.
Transfer errors or a note that errors exist are also displayed at the following locations:
The errors can then be corrected or edited via the pages NCCA G/L Entry Transfer Errors and NCCA Calc. FA Entry Transfer Errors.
By default, the page is opened in the Errors view.
Cause of Error & Correction
The cause of error is displayed in the NCCA Transfer Error Message field. The cost type and all cost dimensions, which could be determined automatically by the transfer, are also displayed in the NCCA Correction fields.
The correction is done by specifying the appropriate codes in the NCCA Correction fields of each entry. The Assign Correction action can be used to assign a correction value to several selected entries. If certain entries are to be excluded from the transfer, the Create Transfer Exception action can be used for this purpose. This removes the entry from the current view or moves it to the Transfer Exceptions view.
Transfer again
With the Transfer action the manual transfer can be executed again.
The Include Transfer Errors and Test Transfer fields are set by default.
Only if Include Transfer Errors is set, the currently existing transfer errors are considered.
If the option Test Transfer is also activated, all errors that could be transferred now due to the specified corrections will be set to the status Error (Corrections OK) and are ranked after the open errors in the Errors view.
If the action is performed without the Test Transfer option, another attempt is made to transfer the entries.
Thereby applies:
Entries for which the cause of the error was eliminated indirectly, e.g. by releasing a blocked cost type, are marked with the status Transferred by the transfer and are therefore no longer part of the transfer errors.
Entries which can be transferred by the specification of corrections are marked by the transfer with the status Transferred with Corrections. These entries will be removed from the current view or moved to the Transferred with Corrections view. This view can be seen as a kind of archive or history, where all corrections ever made can be found.
Specifies which data should be displayed on the page.
The Errors option displays entries with status Error and Error (Corrections OK).
Posting Date
Specifies the Entry's posting date.
Document Type
Specifies the Entry's document type.
Document No.
Specifies the Entry's document no.
G/L Account No.
Specifies the G/L Account that the G/L Entry has been posted to.
FA No.
Specifies the Fixed Asset that the FA Entry has been posted to.
Depreciation Book Code
Specifies the code of the depreciation book that the FA Entry has been posted to.
FA Posting Category
Specifies the FA Entry's posting category.
FA Posting Type
Specifies the FA Entry's posting type.
Specifies the description of the Entry.
Specifies the amount of the Entry.
User ID
Specifies the ID of the user who posted the Entry.
Source Code
Specifies the source code that specifies where the Entry was created.
Entry No.
Specifies the number assigned to the Entry.
Dimension Set ID
Specifies a reference to the posted general ledger dimensions.
NCCA Transfer Status
Displays the status of the transfer.
Not transferred
The entry has not yet been transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting. This status is the default value, which is basically set for all G/L Entries and FA Entries.
The entry could not be transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting. The reason for the error is displayed in the NCCA Transfer Error Message field.
The entry was transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting.
Transferred with Corrections
The entry has been transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting through or with corrections.
Transfer Exception
The entry should not be transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting.
Error (Corrections OK)
The entry could be transferred to NCCA Cost Accounting with the corrections specified.
NCCA Transfer Error Message
Displays information about the transfer error.
NCCA Correction Cost Type Code
Displays the determined cost type of the entry in case of an error, or specifies a corrected (different) value which should be used for the transfer.
If the field is empty, the cost type is determined during the transfer.
The caption of the field depends on how the cost type is set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
NCCA Correction Cost Dimension Codes
Displays the determined cost dimension values of the entry in case of an error, or specifies corrected (different) values which should be used for the transfer.
If the field is empty, the cost dimension is determined during the transfer using the posted general ledger dimensions.
By specifying '', the cost dimension can be forced to be empty for the transfer.
The caption and number of fields displayed depend on how the cost dimensions are set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
Specifies a Cost Dimension Correction for the selected Entries which should be used for the transfer.
Remove Correction
Removes a Cost Dimension Correction from the selected Entries.
Reset Transfer
Removes all corrections from the selected Entries and resets them to the Not transferred status. So the Entries are removed from the transfer errors. Entries in the status Transferred or Transferred with Corrections cannot be reset with this action.
For more information, see Entry Transfer, Reverse Transfer.
Create Transfer Exception
Creates a Transfer Exception for the selected Entries. Entries for which an exception exists are not transferred.
Remove Transfer Exception
Removes the Transfer Exception from the selected Entries.
Find entries...
Find entries and documents that exist for the document number and posting date on the selected document.
Dimensions (G/L)
View the posted general ledger dimensions.
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