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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions

 Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions

2024/09/10 • 7 min. to read
The Chart of Cost Types and the different Chart of Cost Dimensions are the core of the NCCA Cost Accounting. Define indentation levels for a structured overview of your Cost Types and Cost Dimensions. Basically, all pages are structured identically, with a few exceptions. The screenshots shown here mostly show the Chart of Cost Types.


CodeSpecifies the code for the cost dimension value.
NameSpecifies a descriptive name for the code dimension value.
CommentsSpecifies if there are comments for the cost dimension value. Click on the field to view or edit the comments.
Direct PostingSpecifies whether you will be able to post directly or only indirectly to this cost dimension value.
Net ChangeSpecifies the total during the time period in the Net Change Date Filter field.


The Net Change Date Filter can be suggested via the Default Net Change Date Filter field in the NCCA Cost Accounting Setup. For more information, see Setup, Cost Accounting Setup.
BalanceSpecifies the total during the time period in the Balance Date Filter field.


Since there is no year-end closing in NCCA Cost Accounting, there is a separate date filter for calculating the balance. By default, the Balance Date Filter is set to the fiscal year from the work date.
Budgeted AmountSpecifies either the code dimension value's total budget or, if you have specified a name in the Budget Name field, a specific budget.
BlockedSpecifies that the cost dimension value is blocked from being posted in transactions.
TypeSpecifies the purpose of the cost dimension value.
  • Standard specifies that no sums are to be formed here.
  • Heading specifies that the value is only used to improve the readability of the Chart of Cost Dimensions.
  • Total specifies that different values are added here, which are specified in the Totaling field.
  • Begin-Total specifies that a series of values to be totaled starts from here, ending with End-Total.
  • End-Total specifies that the sum of the series of values to be totaled, starting with Begin-Total, is displayed here. Use the Indent Values action to update the Totaling field for End-Total.
TotalingSpecifies an cost dimension value interval or a list of cost dimension values. The entries of the cost dimension value will be totaled to give a total balance. How entries are totaled depends on the value in the Type field.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the Unit of Measure Code of the Cost Type. The field is only displayed in the Chart of Cost Types and is only available for cost types. For more information, see Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions, Unit of Measures.
G/L Entry Transfer incl. QuantitiesSpecifies whether the Entry Transfer should also transfer the quantities from the G/L Entries. The field can only be set if a Unit of Measure Code is specified for the cost type. The field is only displayed in the Chart of Cost Types and is only available for cost types. For more information, see Entry Transfer, G/L Entry Transfer.
FA Entry Transfer incl. QuantitiesSpecifies whether the Entry Transfer should also transfer the quantities from the FA Entries. The field can only be set if a Unit of Measure Code is specified for the cost type. The field is only displayed in the Chart of Cost Types and is only available for cost types. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Calculatory FA Entry Transfer.
Service Allocation Prices ExistsSpecifies if there are Service Allocation Prices for the cost dimension value. Click on the field to view or edit the prices. The field is only displayed in the Chart of Cost Dimensions of cost dimension 1 and is only available for cost dimension 1. For more information, see Journals, Service Allocations, Service Allocation Prices.
No. of Related G/L AccountsSpecifies if there are G/L Accounts that are related to the Cost Type. The field available only for cost types.
Dimension Value ExistsSpecifies if there is a dimension value for the cost dimension value. The field is available only for cost dimensions.
Search NameSpecifies an alternate name that you can use to search for the record in question when you cannot remember the value in the Name field.
Last Date ModifiedSpecifies when the cost dimension value was last modified.
Group 1 to 8Specifies groups for the cost dimension value. The group assignments can be used for evaluations. For more information, see Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions, Cost Dimension Groups.


  • Entries

    View the history of transactions that have been posted for the selected record.
  • Budget Entries

    View the cost budget entries for the selected record.
  • Open

    Opens another Chart of Cost Dimensions for a selected Cost Dimension. The action is also available in the FactBox pane.
  • Open with Filters

    Opens another Chart of Cost Dimensions for a selected Cost Dimension and applies the filters set in the current page. The action is also available in the FactBox pane. Example A filter has been set to 40* for the cost types in the Chart of Cost Types: If the Chart of Cost Dimensions for the Departments is now called up via the action Open with Filters, the filters set in the Chart of Cost Types are also set in the Chart of Cost Dimensions of the Departments:
  • Create new Evaluation

    Creates an evaluation based on the currently displayed (filtered) values. For more information, see Evaluations, Edit Evaluations, Edit Evaluation.
  • Open Ad Hoc Evaluation

    Opens the ad hoc evaluation with the currently displayed (filtered) values. For more information, see Evaluations, Edit Evaluations, Edit Evaluation.
  • Indent Values

    Indent cost dimension values between a Begin-Total and the matching End-Total one level to make the chart of cost dimensions easier to read. The Totaling field for each End-Total will also be updated.
  • Reset Date Filter

    Resets the Net Change Date Filter and the Balance Date Filter to the default value.
  • Service Allocation Prices

    View or set up the Service Allocation Prices. The Service Allocation Prices are based on Cost Dimension 1. For more information, see Journals, Service Allocations, Service Allocation Prices.
  • Groups

    View or set up the Cost Dimension Groups for the Cost Dimension. Groups can be assigned to the individual cost dimension values and used for evaluations. For more information, see Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions, Cost Dimension Groups.
  • Print

    Prepare to print the Chart of Cost Dimensions. A report request window opens where you can specify what to include on the print-out.


  • Chart of Cost Dimensions

    Additional Chart of Cost Dimensions can be opened via the Chart of Cost Dimensions FactBox. The functionality is identical to the two actions Open and Open with Filters.
  • Evaluations

    Evaluations with the Add to FactBox pane field set can be executed directly from the Chart of Cost Dimensions via the Evaluations FactBox. For more information, see Evaluations, Execute Evaluations, Execute Evaluation.

Deleting a Cost Type

There must be no cost entry and no cost budget entry for the cost type that is on or after the Allow Deletion Before (Cost Accounting Setup) date. For more information, see Setup, Cost Accounting Setup.


Unlike deleting a G/L Account in general ledger, the balance of the cost type does not have to be 0 when deleting. When deleting a cost type, the cost type field is deleted for all related cost entries. So the cost entries are not deleted directly. To ensure that the cost entries are no longer included in any evaluations, all values of the cost dimension fields 1 to 8 in the cost entries are also deleted when a cost type is deleted. The cost budget entries of the cost type are completely deleted when a cost type is deleted.

Deleting a Cost Dimension

There must be no cost entry or cost budget entry for the cost dimension. A cost dimension can therefore only be deleted if all cost types with which the cost dimension was posted together have been deleted first.

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