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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Budget  /  Journals

 Cost Budget Journals

2024/12/21 • 3 min. to read
More information will follow soon.


Budget NameSpecifies the name of the journal budget.
DateSpecifies the entry''s date. The date is always automatically set to a start date of a period, depending on the field Period.
Document No.Specifies the number of the related document.
Posting TypeSpecifies whether to add the amount and the quantity of the journal line to the existing budget of the selected cost dimensions, or to replace the existing budget with the entered values.
Cost Type CodeSpecifies the Cost Type for the entry. The caption of the field depends on how the cost type is set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
Cost Dimension CodesSpecifies the cost dimension values for the entry. The caption and number of fields displayed depend on how the cost dimensions are set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
DescriptionSpecifies a description for the entry.
Work Type CodeSpecifies the work type. For more information, see Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions, Work Types.
QuantitySpecifies the quantity.


Quantities can only be posted with a Unit of Measure Code.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the Unit of Measure Code of the Cost Type. For more information, see Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions, Unit of Measures.
PriceSpecifies the price of one unit.
AmountSpecifies the total amount that the journal line consists of.
Reason CodeSpecifies the reason code, a supplementary source code that enables you to trace the entries.
Line No.Specifies the line number.


  • Post

    Finalize the journal by posting the amounts and quantities to the cost dimensions.
  • Preview Posting

    Displays a preview of all entries that will be created when posting the journal. For more information, see Journals, Extended, Posting Preview.
  • Test Report

    View a test report so that you can find and correct any errors before you perform the actual posting of the journal.
  • Line View: All/Issues

    Click on the action to show all lines or only lines that have issues.
  • Column View: Reduced/Extended

    Click on the action to switch between the reduced and the extended column view. In the journals of NCCA Cost Accounting some fields and actions (depending on e.g. the setting in the journal name or the Cost Accounting Setup) are automatically displayed or hidden. In addition, this action gives you the option to choose a simpler display or to show only the most important fields. Fields such as Work Type, Quantity and Unit of Measure Code are hidden in the simpler display. The settings are saved for each user and journal.
  • Cost Entries

    View the history of transactions that have been posted for the Cost Type.
  • Cost Budget Entries

    View the cost budget entries of the Cost Type.
  • Import from Excel

    Import journal lines from an Excel file. For more information, see Budget, Journals, Import Cost Budget Journal.
  • Create Excel Workbook for Import

    Creates an Excel workbook that can be used as a template for importing journal lines.
  • Import from File

    Import journal lines from a file.

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