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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Evaluations  /  Edit Evaluations

 Column Definition

2024/12/04 • 6 min. to read
Here you can set up the lines of the evaluation.


Via the Add action line definition lines can be added. Depending on the selected line from which the action is called, different options are available. More information will follow soon.


Dimension/Line TypeDisplays information about the line definition line. The symbol indicates that this is a dimension loop in which the values of the dimension are run through. The indentation displayed here has no influence on the display of the evaluation result or the indentation of the lines and is only used to show the structural design of the line scheme. The line type or the dimension of a loop can be changed by clicking on the field.
CodeSpecifies a code that can be displayed in the evaluation line.
IndentationSpecifies the indentation of the description. For dimension loops, the indentation is ignored when the evaluation is executed.
Indentation from Cost Dim. ValueSpecifies whether to use the indentation setting from the cost dimension value. If the field is set on a dimension loop, everything within the loop is additionally indented by the indentation of the parent cost dimension value.
DescriptionSpecifies text that will appear on the line when the evaluation is executed. If no text is specified, the description is determined automatically. It is possible to specify the placeholder %1 in the text, which will be replaced by the name of the current dimension value of the loop. The placeholder %2 can be used to output the name of the dimension value from a parent loop.
Formula IDSpecifies an ID that can be used to access the lines in formulas. In formulas, only lines from the same loop run and lines from the parent or subordinated loop can be accessed. Lines from higher/lower level loops can only be accessed via intermediate steps.
Value Filter/FormulaSpecifies which dimension values should be calculated or, in the case of a dimension loop, taken into account, or specifies a formula.


It is not allowed to specify two consecutive operators (e.g. * -) in Formulas. The following formula is therefore not allowed: A / B * -100 The error message can be avoided by correcting the formula or by using brackets. In this case, the formula must be specified as follows: A / B * (-100)
Group FilterSpecifies which dimension groups should be calculated or, in the case of a dimension loop, taken into account. Click on the field to edit the group filters.
Value TypeSpecifies which dimension value types should be considered or calculated.
  • If no specification is selected, all types are considered.
  • The Standard option considers only the Standard type.
  • The Totals option considers the Heading, Total, Begin-Total and End-Total types.
Column ReferenceSpecifies a column reference that is valid from this line within the loop and in all subordinate loops. The reference can then be accessed in the column definition with the operators % and =. The operator % calculates the percentage of the column amount related to the line amount. The = operator can be used to access the line amount directly. The reference can be set in a line of Type Text and thus reset to 0. Any number of column references can be specified.
Line Controlled Column TypeSpecifies which value to calculate in line controlled columns. By default, the individual columns themselves determine what or which values are calculated. For columns of the type Line Controlled it is the other way round. Here the line determines which value is calculated in the column. For more information, see Evaluations, Edit Evaluations, Line Controlled Column Type.
Show Opposite SignSpecifies whether the sign of the result in this line should be reversed.
BoldSpecifies whether to print the line in bold or not. If no specification is selected, the actual bold setting from the cost dimension value will be used.
ItalicSpecifies whether to print the line in italics.
UnderlineSpecifies whether to underline the entire line or only the result area (column area) of the line when printing.
Align RightSpecifies whether to print the description right aligned.
Line Without ShadingSpecifies whether to turn off the automatic shading for this line on the print-out.
ShowSpecifies whether the line should be displayed. The If Any Column Not Zero option is only considered by the print-out and when exporting to Excel.
Blank Line and Page BreakSpecifies whether a blank line should be inserted before or after the current line or whether a page break should occur before the current line.
Additional FilterSpecifies additional filters that will be used to calculate the values.


These filters only affect the current line. Filters set on evaluation level cannot be cancelled with the filters of the line and are still valid. The filters of the line are only set additionally.
Click on the field to edit the additional filters.
Date FilterSpecifies a filter that will be used to calculate the values.


It is possible to specify IDs (placeholders) in date filters that will be calculated and replaced based on the Date Filter Calculation Date when the evaluation is executed. A list of Date Filter ID examples can be opened via the lookup of the field. For more information, see Evaluations, Edit Evaluations, Date Filter IDs.
Cost Type FilterSpecifies a filter that will be used to calculate the values. The caption of the field depends on how the cost type is set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
Cost Dimension FiltersSpecifies filters that will be used to calculate the values. The caption and number of fields displayed depend on how the cost dimensions are set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
Work Type FilterSpecifies a filter that will be used to calculate the values.
Budget FilterSpecifies a filter that will be used to calculate the values.
CommentSpecifies a comment.


  • Add

    Inserts a new line definition line. Depending on the selected line from which the action is called, different options are available.
  • Up / Down

    The position or the order of the lines can be changed with Up and Down.
  • Subordinate

    This action can be used to subordinate a line or a dimension loop to another dimension loop or to move it down one level.
  • Superordinate

    If a line or a dimension loop is subordinated to another dimension loop, this action can be used to remove the subordination or to move it up one level.
  • Copy

    Inserts a copy of the current line. Dimension loops cannot be copied.
  • Clear Filter

    Clears all filter fields of the selected lines.
  • Preview Layout

    Displays a preview of all lines and columns that will be created when executing the evaluation, without the results being calculated.

Deleting a loop

When you delete a dimension loop, you can choose whether you want to
  • remove only the loop In this case, all subordinate loops and their lines will be preserved and moved up one level.
  • delete all In this case, the entire child tree structure is deleted.

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