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 Calculatory FA Entry Transfer

2023/12/13 • 6 min. to read
In order for FA Entries to be transferred to Cost Entries, the Depreciation Book Code field and the Starting Date Calc. FA Entry Transfer field must first be set in the Cost Accounting Setup. For more information, see Setup, Cost Accounting Setup.

Manual/Automatic Transfer

Basically, a distinction is made between manual and automatic transfer.
  • Manual Transfer

    A manual transfer can be performed at any time and regardless of whether the automatic transfer is activated. Already existing FA Entries can only be transferred to the Cost Entries via a manual transfer. An initial initialization of the Cost Entries is thus performed by a manual transfer. The manual transfer can be accessed via the Administration area in the NCCA Cost Accounting Menu Bar. For more information, see General, Role Center Integration. Alternatively, the transfer can be accessed using the search term NCCA Calculatory FA Entry Transfer.


    It is recommended to perform the manual transfer first with the Test Transfer option and to perform the real transfer only when all entries could be transferred.


    Depreciation Book CodeSpecifies the Depreciation Book for the calculatory FA Entry Transfer.
    FA Posting TypesSpecifies which FA Posting Types should be transferred by the calculatory FA Entry Transfer.
    Starting DateSpecifies the earliest posting date on which FA Entries can be transferred to the NCCA Cost Accounting.
    From Posting DateSpecifies the posting date from which FA Entries should be transferred to the NCCA Cost Accounting. If no date is specified, or if the date is before the starting date, then all entries with posting date from the starting date will be taken over.
    To Posting DateSpecifies the posting date to which FA Entries should be transferred to the NCCA Cost Accounting.
    Reason CodeSpecifies the reason code, a supplementary source code that enables you to trace the entries.
    Include Transfer ErrorsSpecifies whether the currently existing transfer errors should also be included. This will again attempt to transfer the entries with the specified corrections. Note that this will also include corrections that may not have been fully specified.
    Test TransferSpecifies whether a test run should be performed so that you can find and correct any transfer errors before you perform the actual transfer. If the option Include Transfer Errors is also activated, all errors that could be transferred now due to the specified corrections will be set to the status Error (Corrections OK). For more information, see Entry Transfer, Transfer Errors.


    The manual transfer can also be scheduled. This results in a kind of semi-automatic takeover where a recurring time for the transfer can be defined. When the transfer is scheduled with recurring time, it would be advisable not to set the Include Transfer Errors option. This allows any transfer errors that may have occurred to be corrected independently of the automatically recurring transfer.
  • Automatic Transfer

    If the automatic transfer is active, then the NCCA Cost Accounting is updated at each posting in the fixed asset accounting.


    • Only FA Entries of the current posting are taken into account by the automatic transfer.
    • A cumulation of FA Entries is not possible during the automatic transfer.

Which FA Entries are taken into account?

The field Depreciation Book Code in the NCCA Cost Accounting Setup specifies the Depreciation Book with which the FA Entries must be posted in order to be transferred. The field FA Posting Types in the NCCA Cost Accounting Setup specifies which FA Posting Types should be transferred. For more information, see Setup, Cost Accounting Setup.

Which FA Entries will not be transferred?

  • Entries where neither the FA No. field nor the Canceled from FA No. field contains a value
  • Entries without amount
  • Closing Entries
  • Entries for which a Transfer Exception has been created. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Transfer Errors.

What amount is taken over?

For FA Entries with FA Posting Type Depreciation, Write-Down, Custom 1 and Custom 2, the amount of the entry is transferred with inverted sign. For FA Posting Type Book Value on Disposal or Gain/Loss the amount of the entry is taken.

Are quantities taken over?

If the FA Entry Transfer incl. Quantities field is set for the determined cost type, the quantity of the FA Entry is transferred. Like the amount, quantities are also transferred with inverted sign for certain FA Posting Types.

How are Cost Type and Cost Dimensions determined?

  • Cost Type

    The cost type is basically determined via the FA Posting Group from the FA Depreciation Book of the FA Entry. For this purpose, the cost type must be specified for the individual FA Posting Groups. It is also possible that the cost type for certain postings has already been specified in the fixed assets journal or has been defined manually for the entry transfer. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Cost Type as Dimension (G/L).

    FA Posting Groups, Fields


    The caption of the fields depends on how the cost type is set up in the Cost Dimension Setup.
    NCCA Depreciation Cost Type CodeSpecifies a Cost Type that is used by the Transfer for FA Entries with the following FA Posting Type:
    • Depreciation
    • Write-Down
    • Custom 1
    • Custom 2
    NCCA Book Value on Disposal Cost Type CodeSpecifies a Cost Type that is used by the Transfer for FA Entries with the following FA Posting Type:
    • Book Value on Disposal
    NCCA Gain/Loss Cost Type CodeSpecifies a Cost Type that is used by the Transfer for FA Entries with the following FA Posting Type:
    • Gain/Loss
  • Cost Dimensions

    The cost dimensions are determined by the settings of the Related Dimension (G/L) field of the Cost Dimension Setup. For more information, see Setup, Cost Dimension Setup.

Successful Transfer and Transfer Errors

After a manual transfer has been performed, a summary message is displayed. The message also shows, among other things, the number of the currently existing transfer errors. Example of a summary message with Test Transfer option enabled: The automatic transfer does not display a summary message. Transfer errors or a note that errors exist are also displayed at the following locations:
  • When opening the NCCA Cost Dimension Setup
  • When opening the NCCA Cost Registers
  • When opening the NCCA Cost Entries.
  • In the Accountant and Accounting Manager roles For more information, see General, Role Center Integration.
Transfer Errors must be corrected manually. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Transfer Errors.

FA Ledger Entries, Fields

The following fields are available in the FA Entries.
NCCA Transfer StatusDisplays the status of the transfer. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Transfer Errors.
NCCA Cost Entry No.Specifies the number of the assigned cost entry.

Reverse Transfer

For more information, see Entry Transfer, Reverse Transfer.

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