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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Entry Transfer

 Reverse Transfer

2023/05/19 • 2 min. to read
When G/L Entries or FA Entries are transferred to Cost Accounting, an entry is automatically created in the NCCA Cost Register. Via the action Reverse Cost Register the transfer can be reversed. For more information, see Journals, Extended, Cost Registers. A reversal restores G/L Entries or FA Entries to their pre-transfer status. Thereby applies:
  • Entries that have Transferred set in the NCCA Transfer Status field will be set to Not transferred.
  • For entries that have Transferred with Corrections set in the NCCA Transfer Status field, it must be specified whether to keep any existing dimension corrections during the reversal. Therefore, after starting the reversal, a selection window with the following options appears:
    • Keep dimension corrections Dimension corrections are not deleted and the entries are set to Error (Corrections OK) status. So these entries will be shown again in the transfer errors and can be changed there further, or, if entries were part of the transfer by mistake, removed from the transfer errors with the action Reset Transfer. For more information, see Entry Transfer, Transfer Errors.
    • Remove dimension corrections All dimension corrections are deleted and the entries are set to status Not transferred.


    The selection window appears even if there are no dimension corrections. In this case, the selected option does not affect the result of the reversal.

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