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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Setup

 Source Codes

2023/05/19 • 2 min. to read
The source codes for the NCCA Cost Accounting are set up in the Source Code Setup page. All relevant codes can be found in the NCCA Cost Accounting group.


The codes in the NCCA Cost Accounting group can also be initialized with default values. To do this, the page must be opened via the Source Codes action from the NCCA Cost Accounting Setup. For more information, see Setup, Cost Accounting Setup.


NCCA G/L Entry TransferSpecifies the code assigned to entries that are posted from the G/L Entry Transfer. Default value: CAGLTRAN
NCCA Calc. FA Entry TransferSpecifies the code assigned to entries that are posted from the calculatory FA Entry Transfer. Default value: CAFATRAN
NCCA Cost Jnl.Specifies the code assigned to entries that are posted from a cost journal. Default value: CACOSTJNL
NCCA Service Allocation Jnl.Specifies the code assigned to entries that are posted from a service allocation journal. Default value: CASERVJNL
NCCA Allocation Jnl.Specifies the code assigned to entries that are posted from a allocation journal. Default value: CAALLOCJNL
NCCA ReversalSpecifies the code assigned to entries that are posted when reversing cost entries. Default value: CAREVERSE
NCCA Compress EntriesSpecifies the code assigned to entries that are posted by the date compression. Default value: CACOMPR

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