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Docs  /  NCCA Cost Accounting  /  Chart of Cost Types & Chart of Cost Dimensions

 Unit of Measures

2023/05/19 • 2 min. to read
In NCCA Cost Accounting, each Cost Type can be assigned a Unit of Measure Code.


Quantities can only be posted in combination with a Unit of Measure Code.

Changing the Unit of Measure Code

The Unit of Measure Code of a Cost Type can be changed only under the following conditions:
  • If no Unit of Measure Code is specified for the Cost Type, the Unit of Measure Code of the Cost Type can be changed, regardless of whether entries already exist for the Cost Type or not. Any existing entries are not relevant in this case, as they were posted without a Unit of Measure Code, thus ensuring that no quantities were specified either.
  • If a Unit of Measure Code is specified for the Cost Type, it can only be changed if no entries with this Unit of Measure Code have yet been posted or exist for the Cost Type.

Rules when posting

  • In the Cost Journal, the Cost Type determines the Unit of Measure Code of the journal line.
  • In the Service Allocation Journal, the Credit Cost Type determines the Unit of Measure Code of the journal line. The Unit of Measure Code of the Debit Cost Type Code must match the Unit of Measure Code of the journal line.

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