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 Cash Registers

2024/11/11 • 6 min. to read
A Cash Register Code must be specified in an invoice or credit memo if a Payment Method is selected that is subject to the cash register obligation. For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods. Cash Registers are managed or created via the Cash Register Setup page. For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.

General, Fields

The first thing to do is to assign a freely definable Code for the Cash Register.
CodeSpecifies a Code for the Cash Register. For historical reasons, this field is case-sensitive, as the Code used to have to match the ID stored in the fiscal trust service. This was later changed and the ID stored in the fiskaltrust service has since been stored in the Cash register identification field.


If several Cash Registers have been created, you can specify in the Cash Register User Setup whether a specific Cash Register should be suggested when selecting the Payment Method in the document. For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
DescriptionSpecifies a description for the Cash Register.
CountrySpecifies the Country for the Cash Register.
StatusSpecifies the current state of the Cash Register.
  • Pending indicates that the Cash Register is not yet in operation.
  • Active indicates that the Cash Register is ready for operation.
  • Out of Operation indicates that the Cash Register is no longer in operation.
Pending ErrorsSpecifies the number of Cash Register Entries with a pending error for the Cash Register. For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Allow Manual CompletionSpecifies whether the Complete manually action may be executed in the Cash Register Entries.


The Complete manually action may only be used in justified exceptional cases and only if there are no other possibilities to complete an entry in the Cash Register Entries.
BlockedSpecifies whether the Cash Register is blocked. You cannot post documents with a blocked Cash Register.


When copying a Company, all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company are automatically set to Blocked.

fiskaltrust CashBox, Fields

After a Code has been assigned, the connection with the fiskaltrust service must be set up. As soon as Environment, CashBoxID and AccessToken are specified, the action Check Connection can be used to check whether the fiskaltrust service is reachable and a connection with the stored settings is possible. For more information on how to request your fiskaltrust access, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
EnvironmentSpecifies whether the Cash Register should send data to the fiskaltrust production environment or to the fiskaltrust test environment.
CashBoxIDSpecifies the CashBoxID of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section. For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.


When copying a Company, the field will be resetted in all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company.
AccessTokenSpecifies the AccessToken of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section. For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.


When copying a Company, the field will be resetted in all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company.
Cash register identificationSpecifies the Cash register identification of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section. For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
Timeout (Milliseconds)Specifies the length of time in milliseconds that the service is allowed to use, before aborting with an error.

Documents, Fields

Sales Slip Text Setup ExistsSpecifies whether beginning- and/or ending-texts for the sales slip are set for the Cash Register. Click on the field to set up the texts. For each text, a time period can be specified in which the text is valid. The text can contain up to 1000 characters. Line breaks in the text are also possible. All texts valid at the time of posting are stored for the posted document.
Ongoing DocumentsSpecifies the number of ongoing sales documents for the Cash Register. Ongoing documents were created but not yet posted.
Ongoing Service DocumentsSpecifies the number of ongoing service documents for the Cash Register. Ongoing service documents were created but not yet posted.

History, Fields

Last Month Document DateSpecifies the date of the last month document for the Cash Register.
Last Year Document DateSpecifies the date of the last year document for the Cash Register.
Start of Operation DateSpecifies the start of operation date for the Cash Register.
End of Operation DateSpecifies the end of operation date for the Cash Register.


  • Check Connection

    Checks if the fiskaltrust service can be reached and a connection with the stored settings is possible.
  • Open Portal

    Opens the fiskaltrust Portal for the Cash Register depending on the selected environment.
  • Reload Service Configuration

    If the configuration of a fiskaltrust CashBox is changed in the Portal, it may be necessary to call up this action so that the changes take effect immediately.
  • Start of Operation

    This will put the cash register into operation. The start document will be created as a Posted Sales Invoice with Amount 0. If the document has been successfully signed by the service, the Status of the cash register is set to Active. If an error occurs, the cause of the error must first be corrected and then a further signature attempt must be made with the Fix Errors action. For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.


    The Start Document must be kept and can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document. In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 document of the posted sales invoice, the appropriate report layouts must be set up. For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
  • Create Status Document

    This action can be used to create status documents. For more information, see Working with the App, Status Documents.
  • Fix Errors

    Sends all Cash Register Entries with a pending error to the service again and tries to sign them. For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
  • End of Operation

    This will take the cash register out of operation. The procedure is identical to that for Start of Operation.


    If the cash register is taken out of operation, it can no longer be used or put back into service. The Final Document must be kept and can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document.
  • Entries

    View the Cash Register Entries resp. the document history for the Cash Register. For more information, see Archive, Cash Register Entries.

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