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Docs  /  fiskaltrust POS Interface  /  General

 fiskaltrust Access Data

2024/01/29 • 3 min. to read
The fiskaltrust POS Interface operates exclusively in conjunction with a fiskaltrust account.

How do I request my fiskaltrust access?

To create a new account with fiskaltrust, you need to register on the fiskaltrust portal.


The test environment is completely separated from the production environment, there is no data transfer between the two systems. This means that a separate account must be created with fiskaltrust for the test environment. To create a new account for the test environment, you need to register on the fiskaltrust sandbox portal.

Master Data

Once you have completed the registration process, you must log in to the portal and check your company details. It is important that the UID number or the Taxpayer identification number is entered and the Data Check has been completed. To do this, click on Master data in the Company info section:

FinanzOnline Data

In addition to the master data, you must also enter your FinanzOnline access data. To do this, click on FinanzOnline notifications in the Tools area:

Assignment as Pos Operator

Once you have checked the master data and entered the FinanzOnline access data, you must define your company as a Pos Operator. To do this, click on Overview in the Company info section and select the PosOperator role: As soon as you click on the slider, the contract that you need to sign will be displayed on the next page:

Assignment of the Pos Dealer

Once your company has been assigned the Pos Operator role, the PosOperator section appears in the navigation area: In the PosOperator area, click Search PosDealer/Consultant and search for navax: Then click on Request assignment - PosDealer: In the next step, NAVAX will process or activate your invitation and carry out the rollout management for you.

Rollout Management

After you have requested the assignment of the Pos Dealer, NAVAX will contact you to carry out the rollout management. The rollout management consists of 2 steps:
  1. Creation of the license
  2. Creation of the CashBox

Cash Register Setup - Business Central

In the last step, a Cash Register or a Cash Register Code must be created in Business Central for each CashBox created. To do this, click on CashBox in the Configuration area: Copy the fields CashBoxID, AccessToken and Cash register identification into the corresponding fields of the Cash Register Card in Business Central: For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.

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