local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[2048] | Text | The input text to be formatted. |
Text | RetText | [Pass by Reference] The formatted output text. |
Boolean | AsHTML | If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | StyleText | The style expression for the text. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[2048] | Text | The input text to be formatted. |
Text | RetText | [Pass by Reference] The formatted output text. |
Boolean | AsHTML | If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | StyleText | The style expression for the text. |
local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[2048] | Text | The input text to be formatted. |
Text | RetText | [Pass by Reference] The formatted output text. |
Boolean | AsHTML | If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | StyleText | The style expression for the text. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[2048] | Text | The input text to be formatted. |
Text | RetText | [Pass by Reference] The formatted output text. |
Boolean | AsHTML | If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | StyleText | The style expression for the text. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure NVXDTOnBeforeEditText(var ExtendedTextLine: Record "Extended Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Line" | ExtendedTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The extended text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeGetRecordRefData(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Integer | _TableID | [Pass by Reference] The Table Id for this document. |
Code[20] | _DocNo | [Pass by Reference] The document number. |
Date | _DocDate | [Pass by Reference] The document date. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | _DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Option | _DocStatus | [Pass by Reference] The document status. |
Integer | _DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Code[20] | _DocLineTheNo | [Pass by Reference] The number of line type. |
Option | _DocLineTheType | [Pass by Reference] The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterGetRecordRefData(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Integer | _TableID | [Pass by Reference] The Table Id for this document. |
Code[20] | _DocNo | [Pass by Reference] The document number. |
Date | _DocDate | [Pass by Reference] The document date. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | _DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Option | _DocStatus | [Pass by Reference] The document status. |
Integer | _DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Code[20] | _DocLineTheNo | [Pass by Reference] The number of line type. |
Option | _DocLineTheType | [Pass by Reference] The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnGetRecordRefDataUnknownTable(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var GlobalVersionNo: Integer; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Integer | _TableID | [Pass by Reference] The Table Id for this document. |
Code[20] | _DocNo | [Pass by Reference] The document number. |
Date | _DocDate | [Pass by Reference] The document date. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | _DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Option | _DocStatus | [Pass by Reference] The document status. |
Integer | GlobalVersionNo | [Pass by Reference] The version number of the document. |
Integer | _DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Code[20] | _DocLineTheNo | [Pass by Reference] The number of line type. |
Option | _DocLineTheType | [Pass by Reference] The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeDeleteText(RecordRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterDoPrintUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheType2: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; Unconditionally: Boolean; var AutoText: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Option | DocLineTheType | The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Option | DocLineTheType2 | The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Code[20] | DocLineTheNo | The number of line type. |
Boolean | Unconditionally | Print the text unconditionally. |
Boolean | AutoText | [Pass by Reference] Print the text automatically. |
Boolean | Handled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeDoPrintText(var TableID: Integer; var DocLineTheType: Option; var DocLineTheType2: Option; var DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var Unconditionally: Boolean; var AutoText: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | [Pass by Reference] The Table Id for this document. |
Option | DocLineTheType | [Pass by Reference] The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Option | DocLineTheType2 | [Pass by Reference] The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Code[20] | DocLineTheNo | [Pass by Reference] The number of line type. |
Boolean | Unconditionally | [Pass by Reference] Print the text unconditionally. |
Boolean | AutoText | [Pass by Reference] Print the text automatically. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeExtTextToDocTextSetSequelFields(var TempDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | TempDocTextLine | [Temporary] [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeExtTextToJobTextSetSequelFields(var TempNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" | TempNVXDTJobTextLine | [Temporary] [Pass by Reference] The job text line. |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeResetDocTypeFilterSetFilterGroup(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetExtTextHeaderFilters(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; TableID: Integer; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var DocDate: Date; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var Unconditional: Boolean; var AddedLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Code[10] | LanguageCode | The language code. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Code[20] | DocNo | The document number. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Date | DocDate | The document date. |
Option | DocLineTheType | The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Code[20] | DocLineTheNo | The number of line type. |
Integer | DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | TextType | [Pass by Reference] The text type. |
Boolean | Unconditional | [Pass by Reference] Print the text unconditionally. |
Boolean | AddedLines | [Pass by Reference] Print the text automatically. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderFilters(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var AddedLines: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Boolean | AddedLines | [Pass by Reference] Print the text automatically. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetDocTextLineFields(TableID: Integer; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Code[20] | DocNo | The document number. |
Integer | DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | TextType | [Pass by Reference] The text type. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeShowTexts(RecordRef: RecordRef; TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | TextType | The text type. |
Boolean | Handled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetDocTextLineFilterOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; var DocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
Code[20] | DocNo | The document number. |
Integer | DocLineNo | The document line number. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | DocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | Handled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Boolean | Handled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderTableFilterOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var Handled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Option | DocLineTheType | The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line. |
Code[20] | DocLineTheNo | The number of line type. |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Boolean | Handled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnInsertItemAttributeTextLineUnknownTableID(RecordRef: RecordRef; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var AddedLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
Code[20] | DocNo | The document number. |
Integer | DocLineNo | The document line number. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | TextType | The text type. |
Boolean | AddedLines | [Pass by Reference] Print the text automatically. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSetDocTextLineFieldTableNotDefined(TableID: Integer; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | [Pass by Reference] The document type. |
Code[20] | DocNo | The document number. |
Integer | DocLineNo | [Pass by Reference] The document line number. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | TextType | [Pass by Reference] The text type. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeGetCustomerOrVendorTextCodes(GlobalTableID: Integer; Customer: Record Customer; Vendor: Record Vendor; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Integer | GlobalTableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Record Customer | Customer | The customer record. |
Record Vendor | Vendor | The vendor record. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnCopyJobTextToDocText(var FromNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var ToNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" | FromNVXDTJobTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The job text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | ToNVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterCopyJobTextLineToTempDocTextLineOnSetSequelFields(var FromNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var TempNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line");
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" | FromNVXDTJobTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The job text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | TempNVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetFilterOnCopyText(FromRecordRef: RecordRef; ToRecordRef: RecordRef; DeleteFromText: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | FromRecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
RecordRef | ToRecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Boolean | DeleteFromText | Delete the text from the text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetFilterOnCopyText(FromRecordRef: RecordRef; ToRecordRef: RecordRef; DeleteFromText: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | FromRecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
RecordRef | ToRecordRef | The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Boolean | DeleteFromText | Delete the text from the text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeTestDocTextLineInsert(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the test. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnTestDocTextLineInsertUnknownTable(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the test. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterTestDocTextLineInsert(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Boolean | Result | [Pass by Reference] The result of the test. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterResetSequelFields(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line");
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterResetSequelFieldsArchive(var NVXDTDocTextLineArchive: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line Archive");
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line Archive" | NVXDTDocTextLineArchive | [Pass by Reference] The document text line archive. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersSales(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersPurchase(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersService(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersJob(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
Type | Name | Description |
Record "Extended Text Header" | ExtendedTextHeader | [Pass by Reference] The extended text header. |
Integer | TableID | The Table Id for this document. |
Enum "NVXDT Document Type" | DocType | The document type. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsSales(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsSales(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsPurchase(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsPurchase(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsService(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsService(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJob(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJob(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | NVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine(var NVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" | NVXDTJobTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The job text line. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new job text line. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine(var NVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" | NVXDTJobTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The job text line. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new job text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFields(var ToNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | ToNVXDTDocTextLine | [Pass by Reference] The document text line. |
Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" | FromNVXDTDocTextLine | The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied. |
Boolean | MakeNew | Make a new document text line. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeExportOnBeforeDialog(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[1024] | ClientFileName | The client file name. |
TempBlob | [Pass by Reference] The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved. |
IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterExport(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
Type | Name | Description |
Text[1024] | ClientFileName | The client file name. |
Codeunit "Temp Blob" | TempBlob | [Pass by Reference] The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnBeforeImportOnBeforeDialog(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; FilterString: Text[250]; ExtFilterString: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text[1024] | ClientFileName | The client file name. |
Codeunit "Temp Blob" | TempBlob | [Pass by Reference] The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved. |
Text[250] | FilterString | The filter string. |
Text[250] | ExtFilterString | The extension filter string. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnAfterImport(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
Type | Name | Description |
Text[1024] | ClientFileName | The client file name. |
Codeunit "Temp Blob" | TempBlob | [Pass by Reference] The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved. |
local procedure OnBeforeConvertPlaceholder(var Text: Text; var RecordRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | Text | [Pass by Reference] The text to be converted. |
RecordRef | RecordRef | [Pass by Reference] The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
local procedure OnAfterConvertPlaceholder(var Text: Text)
Type | Name | Description |
Text | Text | [Pass by Reference] The text to be converted. |
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
procedure OnGetReportText(var RecordRef: RecordRef; NVXDTTextType: enum "NVXDT Text Type"; AsHTML: Boolean; var Output: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean);
Type | Name | Description |
RecordRef | RecordRef | [Pass by Reference] The RecordRef that refers to the document. |
Enum "NVXDT Text Type" | NVXDTTextType | The type of the text. |
Boolean | AsHTML | True if the text is in HTML format; otherwise, false. |
Text | Output | [Pass by Reference] The output text. |
Boolean | IsHandled | [Pass by Reference] If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted. |
Finmatics Autonomous Accounting Interface for AI-driven document processing tool by Finmatics. More information AppSource |