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 Extending NCDT Document Text

2024/12/05 • 38 min. to read
This page contains a list of all available events for the individual objects that can be used to extend the core functionality of NCDT Document Text.

Table - NVXDT Doc. Text Line

  • OnBeforeGetFormattedText

    The event is used to format the text before it is rendered for reports.
    local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Text[2048] Text The input text to be formatted.
    Text RetText [Pass by Reference]
    The formatted output text.
    Boolean AsHTML If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterCreateStyleExpression

    The event is used to create the style expression for the text.
    local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)


    Type Name Description
    Text StyleText The style expression for the text.
  • OnBeforeEditText

    The event is used to edit the text before it is saved.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.

Table - NVXDT Doc. Text Line Archive

  • OnBeforeGetFormattedText

    The event is used to format the text before it is rendered for reports.
    local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Text[2048] Text The input text to be formatted.
    Text RetText [Pass by Reference]
    The formatted output text.
    Boolean AsHTML If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterCreateStyleExpression

    The event is used to create the style expression for the text.
    local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)


    Type Name Description
    Text StyleText The style expression for the text.

Table - NVXDT Posted Doc. Text Line

  • OnBeforeGetFormattedText

    The event is used to format the text before it is rendered for reports.
    local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Text[2048] Text The input text to be formatted.
    Text RetText [Pass by Reference]
    The formatted output text.
    Boolean AsHTML If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterCreateStyleExpression

    The event is used to create the style expression for the text.
    local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)


    Type Name Description
    Text StyleText The style expression for the text.
  • OnBeforeEditText

    The event is used to edit the text before it is saved.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.

Table - NVXDT Job Text Line

  • OnBeforeGetFormattedText

    The event is used to format the text before it is rendered for reports.
    local procedure OnBeforeGetFormattedText(Text: Text[2048]; var RetText: Text; AsHTML: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Text[2048] Text The input text to be formatted.
    Text RetText [Pass by Reference]
    The formatted output text.
    Boolean AsHTML If true, the text is formatted as HTML. If false the text returned as saved in the database.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterCreateStyleExpression

    The event is used to create the style expression for the text.
    local procedure OnAfterCreateStyleExpression(StyleText: Text)


    Type Name Description
    Text StyleText The style expression for the text.
  • OnBeforeEditText

    The event is used to edit the text before it is saved.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeEditText(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.

TableExt - NVXDT Extended Text Line

  • NVXDTOnBeforeEditText

    The event is used to edit the text before it is saved.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure NVXDTOnBeforeEditText(var ExtendedTextLine: Record "Extended Text Line"; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Line" ExtendedTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.

Codeunit - NVXDT Document Text Mgt.

  • OnBeforeGetRecordRefData

    The event is used to read all necessary values of a document and store them in global variables. These global variables are then needed in the various functions of the codeunit. If IsHandled is set to true, the execution of the called function is interrupted.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeGetRecordRefData(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option; var IsHandled: Boolean)


    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Integer _TableID [Pass by Reference]
    The Table Id for this document.
    Code[20] _DocNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document number.
    Date _DocDate [Pass by Reference]
    The document date.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" _DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Option _DocStatus [Pass by Reference]
    The document status.
    Integer _DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Code[20] _DocLineTheNo [Pass by Reference]
    The number of line type.
    Option _DocLineTheType [Pass by Reference]
    The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterGetRecordRefData

    The event is used to read all necessary values of a document and store them in global variables. These global variables are then needed in the various functions of the codeunit.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterGetRecordRefData(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option)


    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Integer _TableID [Pass by Reference]
    The Table Id for this document.
    Code[20] _DocNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document number.
    Date _DocDate [Pass by Reference]
    The document date.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" _DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Option _DocStatus [Pass by Reference]
    The document status.
    Integer _DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Code[20] _DocLineTheNo [Pass by Reference]
    The number of line type.
    Option _DocLineTheType [Pass by Reference]
    The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
  • OnGetRecordRefDataUnknownTable

    The event is used to read all necessary values of a non standard Business Central table and store them in global variables. These global variables are then needed in the various functions of the codeunit.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnGetRecordRefDataUnknownTable(RecordRef: RecordRef; var _TableID: Integer; var _DocNo: Code[20]; var _DocDate: Date; var _DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var _DocStatus: Option; var GlobalVersionNo: Integer; var _DocLineNo: Integer; var _DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var _DocLineTheType: Option; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Integer _TableID [Pass by Reference]
    The Table Id for this document.
    Code[20] _DocNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document number.
    Date _DocDate [Pass by Reference]
    The document date.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" _DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Option _DocStatus [Pass by Reference]
    The document status.
    Integer GlobalVersionNo [Pass by Reference]
    The version number of the document.
    Integer _DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Code[20] _DocLineTheNo [Pass by Reference]
    The number of line type.
    Option _DocLineTheType [Pass by Reference]
    The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
  • OnBeforeDeleteText

    The event is used to delete the text lines before deleting the document.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeDeleteText(RecordRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterDoPrintUnknownTableID

    The event is used to print the text lines of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterDoPrintUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheType2: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; Unconditionally: Boolean; var AutoText: Boolean; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Option DocLineTheType The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Option DocLineTheType2 The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Code[20] DocLineTheNo The number of line type.
    Boolean Unconditionally Print the text unconditionally.
    Boolean AutoText [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text automatically.
    Boolean Handled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnBeforeDoPrintText

    The event is used to edit the text lines before printing.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeDoPrintText(var TableID: Integer; var DocLineTheType: Option; var DocLineTheType2: Option; var DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var Unconditionally: Boolean; var AutoText: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID [Pass by Reference]
    The Table Id for this document.
    Option DocLineTheType [Pass by Reference]
    The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Option DocLineTheType2 [Pass by Reference]
    The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Code[20] DocLineTheNo [Pass by Reference]
    The number of line type.
    Boolean Unconditionally [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text unconditionally.
    Boolean AutoText [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text automatically.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnBeforeExtTextToDocTextSetSequelFields

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for the document flow of the document text line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeExtTextToDocTextSetSequelFields(var TempDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" TempDocTextLine [Temporary]
    [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
  • OnBeforeExtTextToJobTextSetSequelFields

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for the job flow of the document text line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeExtTextToJobTextSetSequelFields(var TempNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" TempNVXDTJobTextLine [Temporary]
    [Pass by Reference]
    The job text line.
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
  • OnBeforeResetDocTypeFilterSetFilterGroup

    The event is used to set the filter group for the document type.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeResetDocTypeFilterSetFilterGroup(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
  • OnBeforeSetExtTextHeaderFilters

    The event is used to set the filters for the extended text header.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetExtTextHeaderFilters(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; LanguageCode: Code[10]; TableID: Integer; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var DocDate: Date; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var Unconditional: Boolean; var AddedLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Code[10] LanguageCode The language code.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Code[20] DocNo The document number.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Date DocDate The document date.
    Option DocLineTheType The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Code[20] DocLineTheNo The number of line type.
    Integer DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" TextType [Pass by Reference]
    The text type.
    Boolean Unconditional [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text unconditionally.
    Boolean AddedLines [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text automatically.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderFilters

    The event is used to set the filters for the extended text header.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderFilters(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var AddedLines: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Boolean AddedLines [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text automatically.
  • OnBeforeSetDocTextLineFields

    The event is used to set the fields for the document text line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetDocTextLineFields(TableID: Integer; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Code[20] DocNo The document number.
    Integer DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" TextType [Pass by Reference]
    The text type.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnBeforeShowTexts

    The event is used to show the texts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeShowTexts(RecordRef: RecordRef; TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" TextType The text type.
    Boolean Handled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetDocTextLineFilterOnUnknownTableID

    The event is used to set the filter for the document text line of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetDocTextLineFilterOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; var DocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
    Code[20] DocNo The document number.
    Integer DocLineNo The document line number.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" DocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean Handled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersOnUnknownTableID

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Boolean Handled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderTableFilterOnUnknownTableID

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetExtTextHeaderTableFilterOnUnknownTableID(TableID: Integer; DocLineTheType: Option; DocLineTheNo: Code[20]; var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; var Handled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Option DocLineTheType The type of transaction that is being posted for the document line.
    Code[20] DocLineTheNo The number of line type.
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Boolean Handled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnInsertItemAttributeTextLineUnknownTableID

    The event is used to insert the item attribute text line of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnInsertItemAttributeTextLineUnknownTableID(RecordRef: RecordRef; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; DocLineNo: Integer; TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var AddedLines: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
    Code[20] DocNo The document number.
    Integer DocLineNo The document line number.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" TextType The text type.
    Boolean AddedLines [Pass by Reference]
    Print the text automatically.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnSetDocTextLineFieldTableNotDefined

    The event is used to set the fields for the document text line of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnSetDocTextLineFieldTableNotDefined(TableID: Integer; var DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type"; DocNo: Code[20]; var DocLineNo: Integer; var TextType: Enum "NVXDT Text Type"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType [Pass by Reference]
    The document type.
    Code[20] DocNo The document number.
    Integer DocLineNo [Pass by Reference]
    The document line number.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" TextType [Pass by Reference]
    The text type.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnBeforeGetCustomerOrVendorTextCodes

    The event is used to get the customer or vendor text codes.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeGetCustomerOrVendorTextCodes(GlobalTableID: Integer; Customer: Record Customer; Vendor: Record Vendor; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Integer GlobalTableID The Table Id for this document.
    Record Customer Customer The customer record.
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor record.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnCopyJobTextToDocText

    The event is used to copy the job text to the document text.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnCopyJobTextToDocText(var FromNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var ToNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" FromNVXDTJobTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The job text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" ToNVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
  • OnAfterCopyJobTextLineToTempDocTextLineOnSetSequelFields

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for the document text line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterCopyJobTextLineToTempDocTextLineOnSetSequelFields(var FromNVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; var TempNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line");
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" FromNVXDTJobTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The job text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" TempNVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetFilterOnCopyText

    The event is used to set the filter on copy text.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetFilterOnCopyText(FromRecordRef: RecordRef; ToRecordRef: RecordRef; DeleteFromText: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef FromRecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    RecordRef ToRecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Boolean DeleteFromText Delete the text from the text line.
  • OnAfterSetFilterOnCopyText

    The event is used to set the filter on copy text.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetFilterOnCopyText(FromRecordRef: RecordRef; ToRecordRef: RecordRef; DeleteFromText: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef FromRecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    RecordRef ToRecordRef The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Boolean DeleteFromText Delete the text from the text line.
  • OnBeforeTestDocTextLineInsert

    The event is used to test the document text line insert.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeTestDocTextLineInsert(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the test.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnTestDocTextLineInsertUnknownTable

    The event is used to test the document text line insert of a non standard Business Central table.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnTestDocTextLineInsertUnknownTable(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the test.
  • OnAfterTestDocTextLineInsert

    The event is used to test the document text line insert.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterTestDocTextLineInsert(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var Result: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the test.
  • OnAfterResetSequelFields

    The event is used to reset the sequel fields.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterResetSequelFields(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line");
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
  • OnAfterResetSequelFieldsArchive

    The event is used to reset the sequel fields for the archive.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterResetSequelFieldsArchive(var NVXDTDocTextLineArchive: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line Archive");
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line Archive" NVXDTDocTextLineArchive [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line archive.
  • OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersSales

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header for sales.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersSales(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
  • OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersPurchase

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header for purchase.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersPurchase(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
  • OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersService

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header for service.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersService(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
  • OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersJob

    The event is used to set the filter for the extended text header for job.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnSetExtTextHeaderDocTypeFiltersJob(var ExtendedTextHeader: Record "Extended Text Header"; TableID: Integer; DocType: Enum "NVXDT Document Type")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Extended Text Header" ExtendedTextHeader [Pass by Reference]
    The extended text header.
    Integer TableID The Table Id for this document.
    Enum "NVXDT Document Type" DocType The document type.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsSales

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for sales.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsSales(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFieldsSales

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for sales.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsSales(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsPurchase

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for purchase.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsPurchase(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFieldsPurchase

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for purchase.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsPurchase(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsService

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for service.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsService(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFieldsService

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for service.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsService(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJob

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for job.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJob(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJob

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for job.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJob(var NVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" NVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for job planning line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine(var NVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" NVXDTJobTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The job text line.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new job text line.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for job planning line.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFieldsJobPlanningLine(var NVXDTJobTextLine: Record "NVXDT Job Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Job Text Line" NVXDTJobTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The job text line.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new job text line.
  • OnAfterSetSequelFields

    The event is used to set the sequel fields.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterSetSequelFields(var ToNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; var FromNVXDTDocTextLine: Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line"; MakeNew: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" ToNVXDTDocTextLine [Pass by Reference]
    The document text line.
    Record "NVXDT Doc. Text Line" FromNVXDTDocTextLine The document text line from which the sequel fields are copied.
    Boolean MakeNew Make a new document text line.
  • OnBeforeSetSequelFieldsArchive

    The event is used to set the sequel fields for the archive.

Codeunit - NVXDT File Management

  • OnBeforeExportOnBeforeDialog

    The event is used to export the file before the dialog.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeExportOnBeforeDialog(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Text[1024] ClientFileName The client file name.
    TempBlob [Pass by Reference]
    The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved.
    IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterExportOnAfterExport

    The event is used to export the file after the export.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterExport(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
    Type Name Description
    Text[1024] ClientFileName The client file name.
    Codeunit "Temp Blob" TempBlob [Pass by Reference]
    The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved.
  • OnBeforeImportOnBeforeDialog

    The event is used to import the file before the dialog.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeImportOnBeforeDialog(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; FilterString: Text[250]; ExtFilterString: Text[250]; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Text[1024] ClientFileName The client file name.
    Codeunit "Temp Blob" TempBlob [Pass by Reference]
    The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved.
    Text[250] FilterString The filter string.
    Text[250] ExtFilterString The extension filter string.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterImport

    The event is used to import the file after the import.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterImport(ClientFileName: Text[1024]; var TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob")
    Type Name Description
    Text[1024] ClientFileName The client file name.
    Codeunit "Temp Blob" TempBlob [Pass by Reference]
    The temporary blob where the binary stream is to be saved.

Codeunit - NVXDT Placeholder Mgt.

  • OnBeforeConvertPlaceholder

    The event is used to convert the placeholder.
    local procedure OnBeforeConvertPlaceholder(var Text: Text; var RecordRef: RecordRef; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Text Text [Pass by Reference]
    The text to be converted.
    RecordRef RecordRef [Pass by Reference]
    The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.
  • OnAfterConvertPlaceholder

    The event is used to convert the placeholder.
    local procedure OnAfterConvertPlaceholder(var Text: Text)
    Type Name Description
    Text Text [Pass by Reference]
    The text to be converted.

Codeunit - NVXDT Report Management

  • OnGetReportText

    The event is used to get the report text.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    procedure OnGetReportText(var RecordRef: RecordRef; NVXDTTextType: enum "NVXDT Text Type"; AsHTML: Boolean; var Output: Text; var IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    RecordRef RecordRef [Pass by Reference]
    The RecordRef that refers to the document.
    Enum "NVXDT Text Type" NVXDTTextType The type of the text.
    Boolean AsHTML True if the text is in HTML format; otherwise, false.
    Text Output [Pass by Reference]
    The output text.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    If set to true, the execution of the calling function is interrupted.

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