Excel Evaluations are managed or created via the Excel Report Builder Evaluations page.
If a new evaluation is created or an existing evaluation is edited, the Excel Evaluation Card opens where the general settings and the individual Excel sheets of the evaluation can be set up.
Via the Add action in the Sheets area Excel sheets can be added to the evaluation.
There must be at least one active sheet for an evaluation to be executed.
A Data Sheet is automatically suggested when creating a new evaluation.
General, Fields
Specifies the code for the evaluation.
Specifies a description for the evaluation.
Displays the first comment line if there are comments for the evaluation. Click on the field to view or edit the comments.
Specifies which user is responsible for the evaluation.
User Permission"
Specifies whether the evaluation may be executed only by the user responsible for the evaluation, by all users, or only by a restricted group of users.
Regardless of the selected option, the following applies: For a user to be able to execute an evaluation, he must be authorized to read the data (tables) to be evaluated.
Select the Responsible User option as long as the evaluation is not yet fully set up.
No. of User Permissions
Specifies the number of users who are allowed to execute the evaluation if User Permission Restricted Group is set.
Click on the field to manage the permissions.
For more information, see Edit Evaluations, Extended, User Permissions.
No. of User Assignments
Specifies the number of users who have added the evaluation to their My Excel Evaluations list.
Click on the field to manage or change the assignments.
For more information, see Edit Evaluations, Extended, User Assignments.
File Name
Specifies a file name for the evaluation.
It is possible to specify IDs (placeholders) in the file name that will be replaced by actual values when the evaluation is executed. The IDs can be selected via a lookup.
If the field is empty, the default setting from the Excel Evaluation Setup will be used.
In addition to the available IDs, the lookup also shows a preview based on the currently specified IDs.
Date Filter Calc. Date Formula
Specifies a date formula for the Date Filter Calculation Date.
It is possible to specify IDs (placeholders) in date filters that will be calculated and replaced based on the Date Filter Calculation Date when the evaluation is executed. As Date Filter Calculation Date the Work Date is suggested.
The suggested date can be additionally modified via the Date Filter Calculation Date Formula.
For more information, see Edit Evaluations, Data Sheets, Date Filter IDs.
Fixed Date Filter Calc. Date
Specifies a fixed date that should be suggested as the Date Filter Calculation Date when the evaluation is executed.
Codeunit to Run
Specifies a codeunit to run when the evaluation is executed. This can be used, for example, to display notes or to recalculate or update data directly before the evaluation is executed.
For more information, see Information for Developers, Runnable Codeunits.
Archive Size
Specifies whether there should only be a certain maximum number of archive entries per user for the evaluation. If the evaluation is archived and the value is exceeded, the oldest entries in the archive are deleted.
If the field is empty, the default setting from the Excel Evaluation Setup will be used.
For example, you can schedule the Archive Excel Evaluation action so that the evaluation is archived once per day "visible to all users".
By specifying in the Archive Size field, you can determine how many days the archived evaluation will be available in the archive.
If the value 1 is specified in the Archive Size field, only the most recent version of the evaluation is available in the archive.
Executes the evaluation, saves the Excel workbook in your Business Central folder in OneDrive and opens it in a new window so you can manage or share the file.
The action is only available if OneDrive is available.
For more information, see Execute Evaluations, Execute Excel Evaluation.
Executes the evaluation, saves the Excel workbook in your Business Central folder in OneDrive and shares the file. You can also see who it's already shared with.
The action is only available if OneDrive is available.
For more information, see Execute Evaluations, Execute Excel Evaluation.
Creates a copy of the evaluation.
Imports an evaluation from a file, or multiple evaluations from a zip file.
Exports the evaluation to a file, or multiple selected evaluations to a zip file.
For more information, see Edit Evaluations, Extended, Copy, Export & Import.
In the Sheets area the Excel sheets of the evaluation are created or managed.
Sheets can be added to the evaluation via the Add action.
The following sheets are available, each with different properties:
Edit Evaluations, Data Sheets, Date Filter IDs For date filters, IDs (placeholders) can be specified in square brackets [ ] that will be calculated and replaced based on the Date Filter Calculation Date when the evaluation is executed...
Edit Evaluations, Extended, User Permissions The User Permission field on the evaluation card specifies whether the evaluation may be executed only by the user responsible for the evaluation, by all users, or only by a restricted group of users...
Edit Evaluations, Extended, User Assignments The No. of User Assignments field on the evaluation card shows the number of users who have added the evaluation to their My Excel Evaluations list...
Execute Evaluations, Evaluation Archive The Excel Evaluation Archive page shows an overview of all archive entries of the evaluation and can be accessed directly via the evaluation, or via My Excel Evaluations...
Information for Developers, Runnable Codeunits On the Excel Evaluation Card page, a Codeunit for the evaluation can be specified in the Codeunit to Run field. This can be used, for example, to display notes or to recalculate or update data directly before the evaluation is executed...