Docs / NAVAX Extension Base / Informationen für Entwickler Dienstprotokoll Anfrage/Antwort2024/10/03 • 4 Min. Lesedauer In diesem Thema
Dienstprotokoll Anfragen/Antworten können mit Hilfe der Codeunit
NCEX Service Log Mgt. über diverse Funktionen angezeigt werden.
Die Funktionen können für Anfragen und Antworten verwendet werden, welche im JSON-Format oder im XML-Format gesendet/zurückgegeben wurden und in einem BLOB-Feld zur Verfügung stehen.
Dabei wird eine Seite geöffnet, welche detaillierte Informationen darüber angezeigt, was an den Dienst gesendet bzw. vom Dienst zurückgegeben wurde.
Die Informationen können für den technischen Support hilfreich sein.
Displays a JSON format request/response in a new page.
procedure ShowJSONRequestResponse(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowJSONRequestResponse(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; RequestJSONPartFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseJSONPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef RequestFieldRef The field that contains the request to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] RequestJSONPartFieldRef The field that contains the JSON part of the request to be displayed.
FieldRef ResponseFieldRef The field that contains the response to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] ResponseJSONPartFieldRef The field that contains the JSON part of the response to be displayed.
Displays a JSON format request in a new page.
procedure ShowJSONRequest(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowJSONRequest(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; RequestJSONPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef RequestFieldRef The field that contains the request to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] RequestJSONPartFieldRef The field that contains the JSON part of the request to be displayed.
Displays a JSON format response in a new page.
procedure ShowJSONResponse(ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowJSONResponse(ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseJSONPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef ResponseFieldRef The field that contains the response to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] ResponseJSONPartFieldRef The field that contains the JSON part of the response to be displayed.
Displays a XML format request/response in a new page.
procedure ShowXMLRequestResponse(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowXMLRequestResponse(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; RequestXMLPartFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseXMLPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef RequestFieldRef The field that contains the request to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] RequestXMLPartFieldRef The field that contains the XML part of the request to be displayed.
FieldRef ResponseFieldRef The field that contains the response to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] ResponseXMLPartFieldRef The field that contains the XML part of the response to be displayed.
Displays a XML format request in a new page.
procedure ShowXMLRequest(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowXMLRequest(RequestFieldRef: FieldRef; RequestXMLPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef RequestFieldRef The field that contains the request to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] RequestXMLPartFieldRef The field that contains the XML part of the request to be displayed.
Displays a XML format response in a new page.
procedure ShowXMLResponse(ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef)
procedure ShowXMLResponse(ResponseFieldRef: FieldRef; ResponseXMLPartFieldRef: FieldRef)
Type Name Description
FieldRef ResponseFieldRef The field that contains the response to be displayed.
FieldRef [Optional] ResponseXMLPartFieldRef The field that contains the XML part of the response to be displayed.