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2024/12/20 • 37 Min. Lesedauer
Auf der folgenden Seite sind Events aufgelistet die Ihnen dabei helfen sollen, Integrationen in NAVAX Zahlungsverkehr Exports einzubinden.

Table - NCPE Payment File Setup

The events are used to integrate custom logic when creating remittance information and, if necessary, to change the texts.
  • OnAfterCreateRemitInfoText

    This event is used to integrate custom logic when creating remittance information and, if necessary, to change the texts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterCreateRemitInfoText(NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempRmtInfo: Text[140])
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry The payment remittance entry that contains the information from imported file.
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment remittance entry.
    Text[140] TempRmtInfo [Pass by Reference]
    The generated remittance text that can be customized. This text is the result of the function.

Codeunit - NCPE Entry Calculation

The events are executed during the calculation of the vendor and customer ledger entries. They help to intervene in the calculation of the ledger entries.
  • OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1CheckOldVendLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered before checking the old vendor ledger entry in the procedure CalcVendLedgEntryStep1.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1CheckOldVendLedgerEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary TempOldVendorLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry.
  • OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindVendLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered before finding the vendor ledger entry in the CalcVendLedgEntryStep1 procedure.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindVendLedgerEntry(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ApplyingDate: Date; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine [Pass by Reference]
    The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Date ApplyingDate [Pass by Reference]
    The applying date that is used to calculate the vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary TempOldVendorLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the vendor ledger entry is found.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep2

    This event is triggered before step 2 of the vendor ledger entry calculation is performed. It allows for the adjustment or verification of data before the actual calculation takes place. The event can be used to execute custom logic before step 2 of the vendor ledger entry calculation is performed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcVendLedgEntryStep2(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var AmountToApply: Decimal; var PmtTolAmtToBeApplied: Decimal; var RemainingAmount: Decimal; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscount: Decimal; var AppliedAmount: Decimal; var TempOldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; var OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary; Vendor: Record Vendor; var Completed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine [Pass by Reference]
    The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal AmountToApply [Pass by Reference]
    The amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal PmtTolAmtToBeApplied [Pass by Reference]
    The payment tolerance amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal RemainingAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The remaining amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal LineAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The line amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal LineDiscount [Pass by Reference]
    The line discount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Decimal AppliedAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The applied amount that is applied to the vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary TempOldVendorLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" temporary OldVendorLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The vendor ledger entry that is used to calculate the new vendor ledger entry.
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Boolean Completed [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the calculation is completed.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1CheckOldCustLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered before checking the old customer ledger entry in the CalcCustLedgEntryStep1 procedure.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1CheckOldCustLedgerEntry(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var TempOldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary TempOldCustLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry.
  • OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindCustLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered before finding the customer ledger entry in the CalcCustLedgEntryStep1 procedure.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep1OnBeforeFindCustLedgerEntry(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var ApplyingDate: Date; var TempOldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary; var Result: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine [Pass by Reference]
    The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry.
    Date ApplyingDate [Pass by Reference]
    The applying date that is used to calculate the customer ledger entry.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary TempOldCustLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the customer ledger entry is found.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep2

    This event is triggered before step 2 of the customer ledger entry calculation is performed. It allows for the adjustment or verification of data before the actual calculation takes place. The event can be used to execute custom logic before step 2 of the customer ledger entry calculation is performed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCalcCustLedgEntryStep2(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var AmountToApply: Decimal; var PmtTolAmtToBeApplied: Decimal; var RemainingAmount: Decimal; var LineAmount: Decimal; var LineDiscount: Decimal; var AppliedAmount: Decimal; var OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary; Customer: Record Customer; var Completed: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine [Pass by Reference]
    The general journal line that is used to create the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal AmountToApply [Pass by Reference]
    The amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal PmtTolAmtToBeApplied [Pass by Reference]
    The payment tolerance amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal RemainingAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The remaining amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal LineAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The line amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal LineDiscount [Pass by Reference]
    The line discount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Decimal AppliedAmount [Pass by Reference]
    The applied amount that is applied to the customer ledger entry.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" temporary OldCustLedgerEntry [Temporary][Pass by Reference]
    The old customer ledger entry that is used to calculate the new customer ledger entry.
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the customer ledger entry.
    Boolean Completed [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the calculation is completed.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.

Codeunit - NCPE Install

The events are executed during the installation of NCPE Payment Transactions. They help to intervene in the creation of the necessary parameters for execution.
  • OnBeforeInitLanguageRecords

    This event is executed before the initialization of the NCP language setup.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeInitLanguageRecords(var NCPLanguageSetup: Record "NCP Language Setup"; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCP Language Setup" NCPLanguageSetup [Pass by Reference]
    The NCP language setup that is used to initialize the language records.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the language records are handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnAfterInitLanguageRecords

    This event is executed after the initialization of the NCP language setup.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterInitLanguageRecords(var NCPLanguageSetup: Record "NCP Language Setup")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCP Language Setup" NCPLanguageSetup [Pass by Reference]
    The NCP language setup that is used to initialize the language records.
  • OnAfterInitSEPACountriesList

    This event is executed after the initialization of the SEPA countries/regions.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterInitSEPACountries(var TempCountryRegion: Record "Country/Region")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Country/Region" TempCountryRegion The country/region that is used to initialize the SEPA countries/regions.

Report - NCPE Suggest Vendor Payments

The report is used to suggest vendor payments based on the open vendor ledger entries. The events are executed during the suggestion of vendor payments. They help to intervene in the creation of the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeOnPreReportEvent

    This event is triggered before the execution of the OnPreReport trigger.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeOnPreReportEvent(Vendor: Record Vendor; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterPreReport

    This event is triggered after the execution of the OnPreReport trigger.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterPreReport(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor [Pass by Reference]
    The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry [Pass by Reference]
    The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterIncludeVendor

    This event is triggered after a vendor is included in the payment suggestion. It allows customization or validation of the data after the vendor and its balance are considered.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterIncludeVendor(Vendor: Record Vendor; VendorBalance: Decimal; var Result: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Decimal VendorBalance The balance of the vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the vendor is included in the payment suggestion.
  • OnGetVendLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop

    The event is triggered before the loop to process the vendor ledger entries begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entries starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnGetVendLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; Future: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastDueDateToPayReq The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeHandledVendLedgEntry

    This event is triggered before the vendor ledger entry is processed. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entry starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeHandledVendLedgEntry(VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; LocGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; HandledEntry: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" LocGenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Boolean HandledEntry [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnAfterGetVendLedgEntries

    This event is triggered after the vendor ledger entries are processed. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual processing of the entries is completed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterGetVendLedgEntries(var VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; Vendor: Record Vendor; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; UsePriority: Boolean; UseDueDateAsPostingDate: Boolean; DueDateOffset: DateFormula; Positive: Boolean; Future: Boolean; PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; NextEntryNo: Integer)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastDueDateToPayReq The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UsePriority Indicates if the priority is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UseDueDateAsPostingDate Indicates if the due date is used as the posting date to create the payment suggestion.
    DateFormula DueDateOffset The due date offset that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Positive Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is positive.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future.
    Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" PayableVendorLedgerEntry The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Integer NextEntryNo The next entry number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered before the loop to process the payable vendor ledger entries begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entries starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; var SummarizePerVend: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" PayableVendorLedgerEntry The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerVend [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor.
  • OnBeforePayableVendorLedgerEntryLoop

    This event is triggered before the loop to process the payable vendor ledger entries begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entries starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforePayableVendorLedgerEntryLoop(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; var OriginalAmountAvailable: Decimal; var AmountAvailable: Decimal; var StopPayments: Boolean; Future: Boolean; Vendor: Record Vendor; SummarizePerVendor: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" PayableVendorLedgerEntry The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Decimal OriginalAmountAvailable [Pass by Reference]
    The original amount that is available for payment.
    Decimal AmountAvailable [Pass by Reference]
    The amount that is available for payment.
    Boolean StopPayments [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the payments are stopped.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is in the future.
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerVendor Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the vendor ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnCopyPayVendorLedgerEntryFromVendorLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered when the payable vendor ledger entry is copied from the vendor ledger entry. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual copying takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    procedure OnCopyPayVendorLedgerEntryFromVendorLedgerEntry(var PayableVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry"; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry");
    Type Name Description
    Record "Payable Vendor Ledger Entry" PayableVendorLedgerEntry The payable vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnUpdateTempBufferFromVendorLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered when the temporary buffer is updated from the vendor ledger entry. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual update takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferFromVendorLedgerEntry(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary TempNCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered after the loop to process the payable vendor ledger entries is completed. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual processing of the entries is completed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterLoopPayableVendorLedgerEntry(var Vendor: Record Vendor; var CurrencyBalance: Decimal; GlobalLastDueDateToPay: Date; PostingDate: Date; UsePaymentDisc: Boolean; LastPmtDiscDateToPay: Date; NCPPaymentType: Option)
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor [Pass by Reference]
    The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Decimal CurrencyBalance [Pass by Reference]
    The currency balance that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date GlobalLastDueDateToPay The global last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UsePaymentDisc Indicates if the payment discount is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastPmtDiscDateToPay The last payment discount date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Option NCPPaymentType The payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterOnPostVendorDataItem

    This event is triggered after the vendor data item is posted. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual posting of the data item is completed.
    [IntegrationEvent(true, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterOnPostVendorDataItem(var Vendor: Record Vendor;
                                                GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";
                                                GenJournalBatch: Record "Gen. Journal Batch";
                                                GenJournalTemplate: Record "Gen. Journal Template";
                                                BankPmtType: Enum "Bank Payment Type";
                                                NCPEPmtType: Option;
                                                PostingDate: Date;
                                                LastDueDateToPay: Date;
                                                UsePaymentDisc: Boolean;
                                                LastPmtDiscDateToPay: Date;
                                                GenJournalLineInserted: Boolean;
                                                LastLineNo: Integer;
                                                NextDocNo: Code[20];
                                                var Dialog: Dialog;
                                                BalAccountType: Enum "Gen. Journal Account Type";
                                                BalAccountNo: Code[20])
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor [Pass by Reference]
    The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Gen. Journal Batch" GenJournalBatch The general journal batch that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Record "Gen. Journal Template" GenJournalTemplate The general journal template that is used to create the vendor ledger entry.
    Enum "Bank Payment Type" BankPmtType The bank payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Option NCPEPmtType The NCPE payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastDueDateToPay The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UsePaymentDisc Indicates if the payment discount is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastPmtDiscDateToPay The last payment discount date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean GenJournalLineInserted [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the general journal line is inserted.
    Integer LastLineNo The last line number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Code[20] NextDocNo The next document number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Dialog Dialog [Pass by Reference]
    The dialog that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Enum "Gen. Journal Account Type" BalAccountType The general journal account type that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Code[20] BalAccountNo The general journal account number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeCheckBalance

    This event is triggered before the balance is checked. It allows customization or validation of the balance before the actual check takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCheckBalance(Vendor: Record Vendor; Result: Boolean; IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record Vendor Vendor The vendor that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the balance is checked.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the balance is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeNCPEGetExternalBankAccount

    This event is triggered before the external bank account is retrieved. It allows customization or validation of the external bank account before the actual retrieval takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeNCPEGetExternalBankAccount(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line";
                                                        TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer";
                                                        NCPEPmtType: Option " ","Direct Debit Suggestion","Credit Transfer Suggestion","Non-SEPA Credit Transfer",,"SEPA Credit Transfer","SEPA Direct Debit";
                                                        CountryRegion: Record "Country/Region";
                                                        NCPBankAccountSetup: Record "NCP Bank Account Setup";
                                                        NCPESetup: Record "NCPE Setup";
                                                        ExternalBankAccountCode: Code[20];
                                                        IsHandled: Boolean);
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" TempNCPEPaymentBuffer The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Option NCPEPmtType The NCPE payment type that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Country/Region" CountryRegion The country/region that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCP Bank Account Setup" NCPBankAccountSetup The NCP bank account setup that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCPE Setup" NCPESetup The NCPE setup that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Code[20] ExternalBankAccountCode The external bank account code that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the external bank account is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer

    This event is triggered before the general journal line dimensions are updated from the temporary NCPE payment buffer. It allows customization or validation of the dimensions before the actual update takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; SummarizePerVend: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary TempNCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerVend Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor.
  • OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeTempNCPEPaymentBufferInsertNonSummarize

    This event is triggered before the general journal lines are created from the temporary NCPE payment buffer. It allows customization or validation of the general journal lines before the actual creation takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeTempNCPEPaymentBufferInsertNonSummarize(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; SummarizePerVend: Boolean; NextDocNo: Code[20])
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary TempNCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerVend Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor.
    Code[20] NextDocNo The next document number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferAmounts

    This event is triggered before the general journal lines are created from the temporary NCPE payment buffer. It allows customization or validation of the general journal lines before the actual creation takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnMakeGenJnlLinesOnBeforeUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferAmounts(var TempNCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; VendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; SummarizePerVend: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary TempNCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" VendorLedgerEntry The vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerVend Indicates if the vendor ledger entries are summarized per vendor.

Report - NCPE Suggest Customer Payments

The report is used to suggest customer payments based on the customer ledger entries. The report is used to create payment suggestions for customers.
  • OnBeforeOnPreReport

    This event is triggered before the report is run. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual report is executed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeOnPreReportEvent(Customer: Record Customer; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" CustLedgerEntry The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterIncludeCustomer

    This event is triggered after the customer is included in the payment suggestion. It allows customization or validation of the data after the customer and its balance are considered.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterIncludeCustomer(Customer: Record Customer; CustomerBalance: Decimal; var Result: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Decimal CustomerBalance The balance of the customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the customer is included in the payment suggestion.
  • OnGetCustLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop

    This event is triggered before the loop to process the customer ledger entries begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entries starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnGetCustLedgEntriesOnBeforeLoop(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry"; PostingDate: Date; LastDueDateToPayReq: Date; Future: Boolean; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" CustLedgerEntry The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastDueDateToPayReq The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnAfterGetCustLedgEntries

    This event is triggered after the customer ledger entries are processed. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual processing of the entries is completed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterGetCustLedgEntries(var CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry";
                                                Customer: Record Customer;
                                                PostingDate: Date;
                                                LastDueDateToPayReq: Date;
                                                UsePriority: Boolean;
                                                UseDueDateAsPostingDate: Boolean;
                                                DueDateOffset: DateFormula;
                                                Positive: Boolean;
                                                Future: Boolean;
                                                PayableCustLedgerEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry";
                                                NextEntryNo: Integer)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" CustLedgerEntry The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date PostingDate The posting date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Date LastDueDateToPayReq The last due date that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UsePriority Indicates if the priority is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean UseDueDateAsPostingDate Indicates if the due date is used as the posting date to create the payment suggestion.
    DateFormula DueDateOffset The due date offset that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Positive Indicates if the customer ledger entry is positive.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future.
    Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" PayableCustLedgerEntry The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Integer NextEntryNo The next entry number that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforePayableCustomerLedgerEntryLoop

    This event is triggered before the loop to process the payable customer ledger entries begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual processing of the entries starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforePayableCustomerLedgerEntryLoop(var NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry";
                                                            var OriginalAmountAvailable: Decimal;
                                                            var AmountAvailable: Decimal;
                                                            var StopPayments: Boolean;
                                                            Future: Boolean;
                                                            Customer: Record Customer;
                                                            SummarizePerCust: Boolean;
                                                            var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Decimal OriginalAmountAvailable [Pass by Reference]
    The original amount that is available for payment.
    Decimal AmountAvailable [Pass by Reference]
    The amount that is available for payment.
    Boolean StopPayments [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the payments are stopped.
    Boolean Future Indicates if the customer ledger entry is in the future.
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerCust Indicates if the customer ledger entries are summarized per customer.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the customer ledger entry is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnCopyPayableCustLedgerEntryFromCustLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered when the payable customer ledger entry is copied from the customer ledger entry. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual copying takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    procedure OnCopyPayableCustLedgerEntryFromCustLedgerEntry(var NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry: Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry"; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry");
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payable Cust. Ledg. Entry" NCPEPayableCustLedgEntry The payable customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" CustLedgerEntry The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeCheckBalance

    This event is triggered before the balance is checked. It allows customization or validation of the balance before the actual check takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCheckBalance(Customer: Record Customer; Result: Boolean; IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record Customer Customer The customer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean Result [Pass by Reference]
    The result of the function that determines if the balance is checked.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the balance is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer

    This event is triggered before the general journal line dimensions are updated from the temporary NCPE payment buffer. It allows customization or validation of the dimensions before the actual update takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeUpdateGnlJnlLineDimensionsFromTempNCPEPaymentBuffer(var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; NCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; SummarizePerCust: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary NCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean SummarizePerCust Indicates if the customer ledger entries are summarized per customer.
  • OnUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferFromCustomerLedgerEntry

    This event is triggered when the temporary buffer is updated from the customer ledger entry. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual update takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnUpdateTempNCPEPaymentBufferFromCustomerLedgerEntry(var NCPEPaymentBuffer: Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary; CustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE Payment Buffer" temporary NCPEPaymentBuffer [Temporary]
    The temporary buffer that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" CustLedgerEntry The customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.

Report - NCPE Create Payment File

The report is used to create a payment file based on the payment suggestion. The report is used to create payment files for vendors, customers, and employees.
  • OnBeforeVendorRemittanceInfoInsert

    This event is triggered before the vendor remittance information is inserted. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual insertion takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeVendorRemittanceInfoInsert(var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" OldVendorLedgerEntry The old vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeCustomerRemittanceInfoInsert

    This event is triggered before the customer remittance information is inserted. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual insertion takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeCustomerRemittanceInfoInsert(var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" OldCustLedgerEntry The old customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterCreateVendorRemittanceInfo

    This event is triggered after the vendor remittance information is created. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual creation takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterCreateVendorRemittanceInfo(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldVendorLedgerEntry: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; NoOfRmtInfoTextLines: Integer; RmtInfLength: Integer)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Vendor Ledger Entry" OldVendorLedgerEntry The old vendor ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Integer NoOfRmtInfoTextLines The number of remittance information text lines that are used to create the payment suggestion.
    Integer RmtInfLength The length of the remittance information that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterCreateCustomerRemittanceInfo

    This event is triggered after the customer remittance information is created. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual creation takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterCreateCustomerRemittanceInfo(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry: Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry"; OldCustLedgerEntry: Record "Cust. Ledger Entry")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCP Payment Remittance Entry" NCPPaymentRemittanceEntry The NCPE payment remittance entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Cust. Ledger Entry" OldCustLedgerEntry The old customer ledger entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnGenJournalLineCheck

    This event is triggered before the check of the general journal line. It allows customization or validation of the general journal line before the actual check takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnGenJournalLineCheck(GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnBeforeLoopWriteXMLLine

    This event is triggered before the loop to write the XML line begins. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual writing of the line starts.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeLoopWriteXMLLine(var TempNCPEXmlSchemaLine: Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; Type: Option Header,OrderHeader,Line,OrderFooter,Footer; var IsHandled: Boolean)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary TempNCPEXmlSchemaLine [Temporary]
    The temporary XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Option Type The type of the XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean IsHandled [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the XML schema line is handled by custom code. The standard behavior will be skipped.
  • OnBeforeWriteXMLLineToOutStream

    This event is triggered before the XML line is written to the output stream. It allows customization or validation of the data before the actual writing of the line takes place.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnBeforeWriteXMLLineToOutStream(var TempNCPEXMLSchemaLine: Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; TXT: Text)
    Type Name Description
    Record "NCPE XML Schema Line" temporary TempNCPEXMLSchemaLine [Temporary]
    The temporary XML schema line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" GenJournalLine The general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Text TXT The text that is used to create the payment suggestion.
  • OnAfterPaymentFileCreatedOnBeforeShowSummary

    This event is triggered after the payment file is created and before the summary is shown. It allows customization or validation of the data after the actual creation of the file and before the summary is displayed.
    [IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
    local procedure OnAfterPaymentFileCreatedOnBeforeShowSummary(var SendingGenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line"; var NCPClearingEntry: Record "NCP Clearing Entry"; var AutoSend: Boolean; var ProgressDialog: Dialog)
    Type Name Description
    Record "Gen. Journal Line" SendingGenJournalLine The sending general journal line that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Record "NCP Clearing Entry" NCPClearingEntry The NCPE clearing entry that is used to create the payment suggestion.
    Boolean AutoSend [Pass by Reference]
    Indicates if the payment file is sent automatically.
    Dialog ProgressDialog The progress dialog that is used to create the payment suggestion.

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