The import is performed and loads the file in Business Central. If not all bank accounts were determined automatically, click Data and select the Bank Account Number manually.
The next time you import a file with the same criteria, the bank account will be suggested automatically.
As long as there is no journal line or reconciliation line for an import line, you can delete the line. Click Import to re-import deleted data.
NCPI Dropzone for Bank Files FactBox
The settings and defaults for the Bank Files Dropzone are defined on the NAVAX Dropzone Setup page.
For more information, see Setup, Import, NAVAX Dropzone Setup.
The functionality of the dropzone for bank files is shown by importing a camt.053 account statement file.
You can find the dropzone on the right side in the NCP Imports page, in the factbox Dropzone for Bank Files.:
Files can be imported over the Dropzone for Bank Files by Drag & Drop. NCP Imports checks the imported file whether it is a bank file (camt.052, camt.053, camt.054, mt940, etc.). This happens independently of which file type (xml, txt, etc.) is imported.
It is also possible to click on the Dropzone. In this case a file selector appears where you can select a single file.
After the files have been checked and loaded by the Dropzone, it is necessary to confirm the import of files:
The added files will then appear on the left side in the NCP Imports page, as a new record:
After a successful import, a new record is created for each file. The information from the imported file is written to the respective fields in the database.
Setup, Imports, Imports Setup Before NAVAX Payment Imports can be used, its basic functionality must be set up. In the window NCP Imports Setup the general settings and defaults are defined...
Archive, Imports On this page you can see the overview of the imported bank files. For each of the imported files a Import line is created, these in turn can have several transaction lines and remittance info lines...