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2024/09/13 • 21 min. to read
On this page you can see the overview of the imported bank files. For each of the imported files a Import line is created, these in turn can have several transaction lines and remittance info lines. Depending on the imported file format, different fields are populated or used. For more information, see Appendix, Data Structure.


As long as a row has not been posted yet, you can delete it in the journal or reconciliation at any time. Click Transfer if you want to retransfer the deleted line.
In the NCP Imports window you can perform the following actions:


Import Date Shows when the data was imported.
Import Time Shows when the data was imported.
Import User ID Shows from which user the data was imported.
File Format Shows the file format of the imported file.
Imported File Shows the name of the imported file.
Archived Import File Exists Shows you if an archived import file already exists.
No. of Data Shows the number of imported data entries.
No. of Data without Bank Allocation Shows the amount of data without bank assignment.


If the bank allocation does not match during import, the bank allocation can be entered manually. To do this, open the NCP Imports Data either by clicking in the field or by selecting the action Navigate > Data.
Bank Account No. If the NCP Imports data all have the same bank account, the bank account number is displayed here. If the accounts are different, no value is displayed.


If a bank account is detected when importing a payment file, the system first checks whether fixed account allocations exist.
Bank Account Name If the NCP Imports data all have the same bank account, the bank account name is displayed here. If the accounts are different, no value is displayed.
Bank Account IBAN If the NCP Imports data all have the same bank account, the bank account name is displayed here. If the accounts are different, no value is displayed.
No. of Transactions Shows the number of imported transactions.
Open Journal Lines Shows if data has been transferred to an general journal and if there are open general journal lines.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Journal Lines Shows if data has been transferred to an general journal and general journal lines have been posted.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Open Reconciliations Shows if data has been transferred to an reconciliation and if there are open reconciliation lines.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Reconciliation Lines Shows if data has been transferred to an reconciliation and reconciliation lines have been posted.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Statements Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and posted statements are available.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Statement Lines Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and if there are posted statement lines.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be displayed.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Message Date Shows when the file was created (File info: CreDtTm).
Message Time Shows when the file was created (File info: CreDtTm).
Message Recipient Name Shows the name of the recipient of the file (file info: MsgRcpt Nm).
Additional Info.Shows additional information (file info: AddtlInf).
Entry No. Specifies the number of the entry that was assigned to it when it was created from the specified number series.

Actions, Process

  • Import

    Click Import to import the file provided by your bank. As long as there are no journal lines or reconciliations for the imported entry, the line can be deleted at any time. Click on Import if you want to re-import the deleted data. For more information, see Tasks, Imports, Working with Payment Imports.
  • Export Archived Import File

    Starts the download of the archived import file.

Actions, Transfer

  • Transfer

    With this option, entries from the NCP Imports can be transferred to a journal. During the transfer, a corresponding entry is created for each NCP Imports transaction in the Journal or in the Bank Account Reconciliation. If the field Trans. Charges is set to Yes in the NCP Imports Setup, an entry is also created for the total charges per transaction. You can either transfer the entire imported file, or individual NCP Imports Data, or just individual NCP Imports Transactions. For more information, see Tasks, Imports, Working with Payment Imports.

Actions, Report

  • Import List

    This list shows information about the imported file.

Actions, Navigate

  • Data

    Here the Data from the NCP Imports are listed. Each line in the NCP Imports window can contain several data lines, which in turn can contain several transactions. The transactions, in turn, can contain several remittance lines and charges.
  • Transactions

    Here the Transactions from the NCP Imports are listed. Each line in the NCP Imports window can contain several data lines, which in turn can contain several transactions. The transactions, in turn, can contain several remittance lines and charges.
  • Open Reconciliations

    Shows the list with Open Reconciliations if such exist. In the lines you can see the number of open reconciliations in the field Open Reconciliation Lines.


    This action is only available if the option Bank Acc. Reconciliation has been set up in the NCP Imports Setup, in the field camt.053 - Statement or MT940 - Account Statement.
  • Open Journal Lines

    Opens the open journal lines. In the journal it is possible to clear and close open entries based on the imported data.


    This action is only available if the option General Journal has been set up in the NCP Imports Setup, in the field camt.053 - Statement or MT940 - Account Statement.
  • Posted Statement

    In this overview, the posted statements are listed.


    This action is only available if the option Bank Acc. Reconciliation has been set in the NCP Imports Setup, in the fields camt.053 - Account Statement, camt.054 - Debit Credit Notification, MT940 - Account Statement or Custom.
  • Additional Info.

    Opens the card with the additional information from the Group Header (GrpHdr) of the import.

Import Data

On this page you can see the overview of the data entries of the imported bank file. Depending on the imported file format, different fields are filled or used.


As long as a row has not been posted yet, you can delete it in the journal or reconciliation at any time. Click on Transfer if you want to retransfer the deleted row.


Statement No. Shows the bank statement number (file info: LglSeqNb). The lookup function opens the NCP Imports Data Card page, this provides a better overview of the bank statement.
Statement Date Shows the date of the bank statement (file info: CreDtTm).
Statement from Shows the statement period (file info: FrToDt FrDtTm).
Statement to Shows the statement period (file info: FrToDt FrDtTm).
Bank Account No. The import tries to determine a bank account for each data row based on various criteria. If not all bank accounts were suggested automatically, select the bank account number manually. The next time you import a file with the same criteria, the bank account is suggested.
Bank Account Name If the NCP Imports data all have the same bank account, the bank account name is displayed here. If the accounts are different, no value is displayed.
Bank Account IBAN If the NCP Imports data all have the same bank account, the IBAN is displayed here. If the accounts are different, no value is displayed.
No. of Balances Shows the number of imported balances in the bank statement. The lookup function opens the NCPI Payment Import Balances page.
No. of Transactions Specifies the number of imported transactions. The Lookup function opens the NCPI Payment Import Transactions page.
Open Journal Lines Shows that data has been transferred to a journal and that there are open journal lines. The lookup function opens the corresponding journal.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Journal Lines Shows if data has been transferred to a journal and journal lines have been posted.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Open Reconciliation Lines Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and open reconciliations exist. The lookup function opens the corresponding reconciliation.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Reconciliation Lines Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and if there are posted reconciliation lines.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Statements Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and posted statements exist.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
Posted Statement Lines Shows if data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and posted statement lines exist.


Depending on the setting used in the NCP Imports Setup, under the respective file format setting, this field may or may not be shown.
For more information, see the Business Central online help, at Working with General Journals.
IBAN (Bank Account No.) Shows the IBAN or account number of the imported data (file info: Acct Id IBAN (Acct Id Othr Id)).
SWIFT-Code (Bank Branch No.) Shows the SWIFT code or the bank branch code of the imported data (file info: Acct Svcr FinInstnId BIC (Acct Svcr FinInstnId Othr Id)).
ISO Bank Currency Code Shows the ISO bank currency code of the imported data (file info: Acct Ccy).
Additional Information Shows additional information of the bank statement (file info: AddtlInf). The lookup function opens the NCP Imports Additional Information page.
Closing Booked last Statement Shows the closing balance of the last booked account statement.
Sum Transaction Amount Shows the total of the booking amounts from the imported bank file.
Closing Booked Shows the current closing balance, reduced by the booking amounts from the imported bank file.
Entry No. Shows the number assigned to the record. The application assigns a unique number to each record.
Import Entry No. This field contains the number of the import.

Import Data, Actions

  • Suggest Bank Account

    This function can help to suggest already used bank accounts.
  • Transfer

    With this option, entries from the NCP Imports can be transferred to a journal. During the transfer, a corresponding entry is created for each NCP Imports Transaction in the Journal or in the Bank Account Reconciliation. If the field Trans. Charges is set to Yes in the NCP Imports Setup, an entry is also created for the total charges per transaction. You can either transfer the entire imported file, or individual NCP Imports Data, or just individual NCP Imports Transactions. For more information, see Tasks, Imports, Working with Payment Imports.
  • Balances

    The balances from the NCP Imports are listed here.
  • Transactions

    The transactions from the NCP Imports are listed here. Each row in the NCP Imports window can contain multiple data rows, which in turn can contain multiple transactions. The transactions, in turn, can contain multiple payment remittance entries and expenses.
  • Additional Info.

    Öffnet die Karte mit den Zusatzinformationen aus dem Group Header (GrpHdr) des Imports.
  • Open Reconciliations

    This action opens the page Bank Account Reconciliations, where the transferred entries from import are listed, if any exist.
  • Posted Statements

    This action opens the page Bank Account Statement that shows the posted statements that previously was imported and posted.

Import Balances

This page views the balances from the NCP Imports.

Import Balances, Fields

Type Shows the type of balance (file info: Tp CdOrPrtry Cd).
Amount Shows the amount (file info: Amt).
ISO Currency Code Shows the ISO Currency Code of the balance (file info: Ccy)
Positive Shows whether the balance is positive or negative (file info: CdtDbtInd).
Date Shows the date of the balance (file info: Dt Dt).

Import Transactions

The Import Transactions page lists the transaction of the imported bank file.


External Account Holder Shows the name of the account holder of the imported transaction (file info: RltdPties Dbtr Nm/RltdPties Cdtr Nm).
External Account Holder Address Shows the address of the account holder of the imported transaction (file info: RltdPties Dbtr PstlAdr AdrLine/RltdPties Cdtr PstlAdr AdrLine).
External IBAN (Bank Account No.) Shows the IBAN or account number of the imported transaction (file info: RltdPties DbtrAcct Id IBAN/RltdPties CdtrAcct Id IBAN (RltdPties DbtrAcct Id Othr Id/RltdPties CdtrAcct Id Othr Id)).
External SWIFT-Code (Bank Branch No.) Shows the SWIFT code or bank branch no. of the imported transaction (file info: RltdAgts DbtrAgt FinInstnId BIC/RltdAgts CdtrAgt FinInstnId BIC (RltdAgts DbtrAgt FinInstnId Othr Id/RltdAgts CdtrAgt FinInstnId Othr Id)).
Order Amount Shows the order amount of the imported transaction (file info: AmtDtls InstdAmt Amt).
Order ISO Currency Code Shows the ISO currency code of the order amount of the imported transaction (file info: AmtDtls InstdAmt Ccy).
Currency Factor Shows the currency factor of the imported transaction. When the transaction entry is transferred to an journal, the amount of the order is converted with the currency factor in case of foreign currency (file Info: Ccy/AmtDtls TxAmt CcyXchg XchgRate).
Positive Shows if the imported transaction is positive or negative (file info: CdtDbtInd).
Reversal Posting Specifies if the imported transaction is a chargeback (return-credit/direct debit and reversal) (file info: RvslInd).
Posting Status Shows the posting status of the transaction (file info: Sts).
Posting Date Shows the posting date of the imported transaction (file info: BookgDt Dt).


Depending on the settings used in the NCP Imports Setup, under Transfer, this field is filled with the appropriate values For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Setup.
Value Date Shows the value date of the imported transaction (file info: ValDt Dt).


Depending on the settings used in the NCP Imports Setup, under Transfer, this field is filled with the appropriate values For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Setup.
Open Journal Line Exists Shows if the data has been transferred to an journal and if there is an open journal line.
Journal Line Posted Shows if the data has been transferred to an journal and the journal line row has been posted.
Open Recon. Line Exists Shows if the data has been transferred to an reconciliation and if there is an open reconciliation line.
Posted Statement Lines Exists Specifies if the data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation and a posted statement line exists.
No. of Charges Shows the number of charges.
Open Charge Journal Line Exists Shows if the charges have been transferred to an journal and if there is an open journal line.
Open Charge Reconciliation Line Exists Shows if the charges have been transferred to an reconciliation and if there is an open reconciliation line.
Posted Charge Journal Line Exists Shows if the charges have been transferred to an journal and if the journal line has been posted.
Posted Charge Reconciliation Line Exists Shows if the charges have been transferred to an reconciliation and if the reconciliation line has been posted.
No. of Remittance Info. Lines Specifies the number of remittance information lines.
Remittance Info. Shows a part of the remittance info (file info: RmtInf Ustrd).
Payment Reference Shows the payment reference of the imported transaction (file info: RmtInf Strd CdtrRefInf Ref).
Transaction Reference (Sender Reference) Shows the Transaction Reference (Client Reference) of the imported transaction (file info: Refs EndToEndId >>> [TransactionReference]).
Order Reference (Batch Control No.) Specifies the order reference (payment info id) of the imported transaction (file info: Refs PmtInfId >>> [OrderReference]).
File Reference (Message Reference) Displays the file reference (message reference) of the imported transaction. (file info: Refs MsgId >>> [FileReference]).
Transaction Code Displays the transaction code (file info: BkTxCd Prtry Cd). These are import codes for transaction types that may appear in the import files. These should be set up before you start with importing. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
Transaction Code Description Shows the transaction code Description of the corresponding import code. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
SWIFT Transaktion Code Shows the SWIFT transaction code (file info: BkTxCd Prtry Cd). These are import codes for transaction types that may appear in the import files. These should be set up before you start with importing. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
SWIFT Transaction Code Description Shows the SWIFT transaction code description of the corresponding import code. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
Primanota No. Shows the primanota number of the imported transaction.
Additional Info. Shows additional information about the imported transaction.
Return Reason Code Shows the return reason code of the imported transaction (file info: RtrInf Rsn Cd). These are import codes for transaction types that may appear in the import files. These should be set up before you start with importing. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
Return Reason Description Shows the Return Reason Description of the imported transaction. These are import codes for transaction types that may appear in the import files. These should be set up before you start with importing. For more information, see Setup, Imports, Imports Codes.
Mandate ID Displays the Mandate ID of the imported transaction (file info: Refs MndtId). For more information, see Setup, Exports, SEPA-Direct Debit-Mandates.
Check No. Shows the check number of the imported transaction (file info: Refs ChqNb).
Entry No. Shows the entry number assigned to the record. The application assigns a unique number to each record.
Data Entry No. This field contains the entry number of the data record.
Import Entry No. This field contains the entry number of the import.

Import Transactions, Actions

  • Transfer

    Allows lines from the NCP Imports to be transferred to an journal. During the transfer, for each payment transaction import, a corresponding line is created in the journal or in the reconciliation. If the option Transfer Charges in the NCP Imports Setup is set to Yes, an entry is also created in the journal or in the reconciliation for the total charges by each transaction. You can either transfer the entire imported file, or individual NCP Imports Data, or just individual NCP Imports Transactions. For more information, see Tasks, Imports, Working with Payment Imports.
  • Remittance Info.

    Opens the overview of the Remittance Info lines for this Transaction. Each row in the NCP Imports window can contain several data entries, which in turn can contain several transactions. The transactions in turn can contain several remittance info. lines and charges.
  • Charges

    Opens the overview of charges for this Transaction. Each row in the NCP Imports window can contain several data entries, which in turn can contain several transactions. The transactions in turn can contain several remittance info. lines and charges.
  • Additional Info.

    Opens the overview with the Additional Information for the selected transaction. (Stm/Rpt/Ntfctn)

Import Charges

This page views the charges from the NCP Imports.

Import Charges, Fields

Code Shows the code of the charges (file info: Tp Prtry Id).
Amount Shows the amount (file info: Amt).
ISO Country Code Shows the ISO Currency Code of the balance (file info: Ccy)
Positive Shows whether the balance is positive or negative ( file info: CdtDbtInd).
Total Charges Shows the total charges amount of the transaction.
Open Journal Line exist Indicates that data has been transferred to a journal and that there is an open journal entry.
Posted Journal Line exist Indicates that data has been transferred to a journal and the journal entry has been posted.
Open Reconciliation Line exist Indicates that data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation journal and there is an open journal entry.
Posted Reconciliation Line exist Indicates that data has been transferred to a bank account reconciliation journal and the journal entry has been posted.

Import Remittance Infos

The remittance info. of the NCP Imports is viewed here.

Import Remittance Infos, Fields

Remittance Info. Shows a part of the intended use.

Import Additional Infos

This page lists the additional information from the NCP Imports Data or NCP Imports Transactions.

Import Additional Infos, Fields

Additional Info. Specifies the additional information from the NCP Imports.

See also

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