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 Payment Status Entries

2024/08/22 • 8 min. to read
After a payment file is created, it can be directly transmitted to the bank using the konfipay Connector Export extension. During this process, a payment status entry is created to reflect the status from konfipay in Business Central. Since there can often be delays in status feedback, it is necessary to regularly update these payment status entries to keep the status synchronized. To address this, NAVAX Payment has introduced the capability to use an automatically configured job queue that updates the status of open and pending payment status entries.


For some German banks, the status feedback can take up to 14 business days. Therefore, please note that some payment status entries may remain open for a longer period.

Page Payment Status Entries


Status Shows the processing status of the file. Status values with the prefix KON specify the status of the file within konfipay. Status values with the prefix FIN represent the status of the file within the financial institution.
Bank Account No. Specifies the bank account number for which the payment file was created.
Bank Account Name Specifies the name of the bank account for which the payment file was created.
Type Shows what type of payment file it is. Possible values:
  • pain - SEPA payment order file (ISO pain format)
  • dtazv - Foreign trade payment file (DTAZV format)
OpenField Specifies whether the payment status entry has been completed or not.


If the payment status entry has already been completed, the job queue to retrieve the status will no longer take this entry into account.
Pending Specifies whether the payment status entry is in pending status or not.


If the payment status entry is set to pending, the job queue to retrieve the status will consider this entry.
Cancelled Specifies whether the payment status entry is cancelled or not.


If the payment status entry has been cancelled, the job queue to retrieve the status will no longer consider this entry.
Order Id. Fin. Institute Shows the Order number assigned by the financial institution to the file. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Last Sync on Shows the Date when the payment file was saved in konfipay.
Last Sync at Shows the Time when the payment file was saved in konfipay.
Reason Code Shows the ISO reason code that further describes the processing status of the file within the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Uploaded Fin. Inst. on Shows the date of the successful transmission of the file to the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Uploaded Fin. Inst. at Shows the time of the successful transmission of the file to the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Error Code Shows the error code for clear identification of the error that has occurred. Structure of the error codes: ERR-{Category}-{Number} ERR - Fixed prefix for all error codes {Category} - Category of the error {Number} - Number of the error The number is unique within its category. For more information, see Appendix, Possible Error messages konfipay.
Error MessageShow the textual description of the error.
Error Message on Shows the date of the occurrence of the error.
Error Message at Shows the time of the occurrence of the error.
Clearing Entry No. Shows the entry number of the related clearing entry.
Entry No. Specifies the entry number assigned to the NAVAX konfipay Connector Payment File Status entry.

Page Payment Status Entry Card

On the page Payment Status Entry Card, more detailed data about the selected Payment Status Entry can be viewed.

General, Fields

Clearing Entry No. Shows the entry number of the related clearing entry.
Type Shows what type of payment file it is. Possible values:
  • pain - SEPA payment order file (ISO pain format)
  • dtazv - Foreign trade payment file (DTAZV format)
Bank Account No. Specifies the bank account number for which the payment file was created.
Bank Account Name Specifies the name of the bank account for which the payment file was created.

Processing Status, Fields

OpenField Specifies whether the payment status entry has been completed or not.


If the payment status entry has already been completed, the job queue to retrieve the status will no longer take this entry into account.
Pending Specifies whether the payment status entry is in pending status or not.


If the payment status entry is set to pending, the job queue to retrieve the status will consider this entry.
Cancelled Specifies whether the payment status entry is cancelled or not.


If the payment status entry has been cancelled, the job queue to retrieve the status will no longer consider this entry.
Status Shows the processing status of the file. Status values with the prefix KON specify the status of the file within konfipay. Status values with the prefix FIN represent the status of the file within the financial institution.
Last Sync on Shows the Date when the payment file was saved in konfipay.
Last Sync at Shows the Time when the payment file was saved in konfipay.

Information, Fields

Order Id. Fin. Institute Shows the Order number assigned by the financial institution to the file. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Reason Code Shows the ISO reason code that further describes the processing status of the file within the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Additional Information Shows additional information about the status of file within the financial institution as free text.
Uploaded Fin. Inst. on Shows the date of the successful transmission of the file to the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:
Uploaded Fin. Inst. at Shows the time of the successful transmission of the file to the financial institution. This element is only available if the file possesses one of the following status values:

Error, Fields

Error Code Shows the error code for clear identification of the error that has occurred. Structure of the error codes: ERR-{Category}-{Number} ERR - Fixed prefix for all error codes {Category} - Category of the error {Number} - Number of the error The number is unique within its category. For more information, see Appendix, Possible Error messages konfipay.
Error MessageShow the textual description of the error.
Error Message on Shows the date of the occurrence of the error.
Error Message at Shows the time of the occurrence of the error.


  • Update Payment Status

    This action is used to update the status of the selected data record.
  • Show Payment File

    This action shows the payment file sent to konfipay.
  • Cancel Processing

    This action can be used to cancel the processing of incorrectly sent payment files. This is possible as long as the payment file has not yet been validated by the financial institution or has already been accepted.

See also

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