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2024/10/29 • 9 min. to read
Error messages occasionally occur due to a faulty file structure or more often due to missing bank authorizations. More rarely, connection interruptions or general transmission errors to the bank server are the cause. konfipay contains a sophisticated warning and notification system for this purpose.

How errors are identified

konfipay has an error detection function that checks the submitted payment file for formal errors and thus ensures that this file does not reach the bank in the first place. A finely tuned duplicate check by konfipay also avoids potential duplicate submissions. Below you will find a list of error codes that can occur during synchronization with the konfipay Online Payment Services API. Errors can be read via the konfipay Service Log Entries.

Structure of the error codes

ERR-{Category}-{Number} ERR - Festes Präfix für alle Fehlercodes {Category} - Kategorie des Fehlers {Number} - Nummer des Fehlers. Die Nummer ist innerhalb ihrer Kategorie eindeutig.

List of all error codes and error messages with explanation

ERR-01-XXXX - Category: Invalid string parameter
ERR-01-0001RIdNotFoundThere is no resource for the given RId.
ERR-01-0002MsgIdNotFoundThere is no resource for the given message identification.
ERR-01-0003AmbiguousMsgIdThe given message identification is ambiguous.
ERR-01-0004InvalidStartDateThe start date was not recognized as valid date.
ERR-01-0005InvalidEndDateThe end date was not recognized as valid date.
ERR-01-0006InvalidPeriodThe given period is not valid (the start date and end date have to be chronological).
ERR-01-0007InvalidDateThe date was not recognized as valid date.
ERR-01-0008TransactionIdNotFoundThere is no resource for the given transaction id.
ERR-01-0009InvalidTransactionIdThe given transaction id is invalid (empty or mor than 19 characters).
ERR-01-0010AmbiguousTransactionIdThe given transaction id is ambiguous.
ERR-01-0011EMailAddressOrMerchantIdNotFoundThere is no resource for the given email or merchant id.
ERR-01-0012MissingParameterA required parameter is not set.
ERR-01-0013BankNotFoundThe requested bank was not found.
ERR-01-0014InvalidGatewayThe requested gateway is not supported. Only "SRZ", "EBICS" or a valid rId are allowed.
ERR-01-0015UnsupportedApiVersionThe API version is not supported for the requested resource.
ERR-01-0016InvalidQueryStringValueThe query string parameter contains an invalid value.
ERR-02-XXXX - Category: Content validation failed
ERR-02-0000ontentValidationFailedThe validation of the content failed. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details.
ERR-02-0001InvalidRIdThe given RId is invalid (empty or not 36 characters long).
ERR-02-0002InvalidXmlCharacterThe file contains invalid characters according to the DFÜ agreement.
ERR-02-0003MissingXmlNamespaceThe XML document does not contain a valid XML namespace
ERR-02-0004InvalidXmlNamespacePrefixThe XML namespace prefix is invalid.
ERR-02-0005PainVersionNotSupportedThe specified pain version is not supported by konfipay.
ERR-02-0006PainVersionReleaseDateNotReachedThe pain version specified in the XML document is not (yet) valid.
ERR-02-0007SchemaValidationErrorThe validation of the XML document against the XML schema failed.
ERR-02-0008InitPartyIbanChecksumValidationFailedThe IBAN checksum of the ordering party account is invalid.
ERR-02-0009OtherPartyIbanChecksumValidationFailedThe IBAN checksum of a beneficiary/payee account is invalid.
ERR-02-0010InvalidIbanIsoCountryCodeThe ISO country code contained in the IBAN is invalid or not supported.
ERR-02-0011TransactionLimitExceededThe maximum number of transactions allowed per payment order was exceeded.
ERR-02-0012LocalInstrumentMashupThe document contains more than one payment method.
ERR-02-0013InvalidServiceLevelThe specified service level is invalid (urgent payments are not allowed).
ERR-02-0014InvalidExecutionDateThe execution date is too far in the future/past.
ERR-02-0015InvalidInitiatingPartyIbanThe bank account is not assigned to the user account or is inactive.
ERR-02-0016IbanBicMismatchThe bank code of the IBAN does not match the BIC of the financial institution.
ERR-02-0017ControlSumMismatchThe specified checksum in the header or a payment does not match the content.
ERR-02-0018NumberOfTransactionsMismatchThe specified number of transactions in the header or a payment does not match the content.
ERR-02-0019InvalidOtherPartyCountryThe beneficiary/payer bank account is not located in a SEPA participating country.
ERR-02-0020InvalidBankAccountIbanThe checksum of the IBAN of the bank account is invalid.
ERR-02-0021InvalidBankAccountAdditionalInformationThe content exceeds the maximum length of 500 characters.
ERR-02-0022InvalidCreditorIdThe structure of the creditor identification is invalid.
ERR-02-0023MissingRefundIdentifierNo identifier was specified for the transaction (transaction id or RId).
ERR-02-0024InvalidRefundMemoThe memo specified for the refund is invalid (max. 255 characters).
ERR-02-0025InvalidRefundTypeThe specified refund type is invalid. Possible refund types: Full Partialtd>
ERR-02-0026MissingRefundAmountThe amount to be refunded is required but not specified. The amount is required if refundType specified with Partial.
ERR-02-0027InvalidRefundAmountValueThe value of the amount to be refunded is invalid.
ERR-02-0028InvalidRefundAmountCurrencyThe currency of the amount to be refunded is invalid.
ERR-02-0029DtazvValidationFailedThe validation of the DTAZV file has failed.
ERR-02-0030IbanValidationFailedThe validation of the IBAN has failed.
ERR-02-0031InvalidBlzThe bank code is invalid.
ERR-02-0032ContainerVersionNotSupportedThe container version specified in the XML document is not supported.
ERR-02-0033CamtVersionNotSupportedThe camt version specified in the XML document is not supported.
ERR-02-0034InvalidValueA field in the transferred Json or XML document has an invalid value.
ERR-02-0035OtherPartyAddressRequiredFor payment orders whose counter account is not located in an EU participating country and with an amount > 1000€, it is mandatory to provide the address.
ERR-02-0036DeprecatedLocalInstrumentThe file contains the unsupported direct debit type "COR1". Only "CORE" and "B2B" are supported. "COR1" can be automatically converted to "CORE" using the API settings.
ERR-02-0037InvalidLocalInstrumentThe file contains an invalid value for this payment type in the 'LocalInstrument' field.
ERR-02-0038PaymentMessageIsNotUniqueThe Message ID of the payment file needs to be unique. This is an optional check that can be deactivated in the API settings.
ERR-03-XXXX - Category: Content not readable
ERR-03-0001NoContentReceivedNo content was transferred.
ERR-03-0002InvalidContentTypeThe specified content type of the transferred content is invalid.
ERR-03-0003InvalidFileStructureThe structure of the transferred file is syntactically invalid.
ERR-03-0004InvalidXmlDocumentThe transferred content does not correspond to a well-formed XML document.
ERR-03-0005InvalidLoginCredentialsThe syntactical structure of the login information is invalid.
ERR-03-0006InvalidBankAccountThe syntactical structure of the bank account information is invalid.
ERR-03-0007InvalidRefundThe syntactical structure of the refund information is invalid.
ERR-03-0008ContentNotReadableThe transferred Text, Json or XML file does not have the expected structure.
ERR-04-XXXX - Category: Prerequisites not met
ERR-04-0001MissingScopeThe API key used for authentication does not have the necessary permissions to access the requested resource.
ERR-04-0002SrzMappingFailedThe determination of the service data center for submitting the payment file failed.
ERR-04-0003EbicsContactMappingFailedNo completely initialized EBICS contact for the transmission of the payment file was found.
ERR-04-0004MissingEbicsOrderTypeThe EBICS contact does not have the required order type for the payment type.
ERR-04-0005InvalidEbicsContactThe EBICS contact for the transmission of the payment file is not completely initialized or not configured to send payments.
ERR-04-0006InvalidPaymentStatusThe status of the payment is already set to "executed". A new execution is only possible if the parameter force set to true
ERR-04-0007BankAccountIbanAlreadyExistsA bank account with the specified IBAN already exists.
ERR-04-0008InactiveBankAccountThe bank account is deactivated in konfipay.
ERR-04-0009UnknownBankAccountNo bank account was found for the given IBAN.
ERR-04-0010AmbiguousRefundIdentifierThe identifier for the refund transaction is not ambiguous.
ERR-04-0011DuplicateFoundThe file was identified as a duplicate.
ERR-04-0012IndividualRestrictionThe payment file cannot be accepted due to an individual restriction of the financial institution.
ERR-04-0013ClientBlockedThe client application was blocked by konfipay. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details.
ERR-04-0014InsufficientPermissionsThe client is not authorized to perform the requested operation. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details.
ERR-05-XXXX - Category: Processing error
ERR-05-0000 ProcessingErrorAn error has occurred while processing the request. More information about the exact reason can be found in the error details.
ERR-05-0001EbicsErrorAn error has occurred while performing the EBICS action.
ERR-05-0002PayPalErrorAn error has occurred while performing the PayPal action.
ERR-05-0003PayPalUnspecifiedErrorDuring the execution of the PayPal action an error occurred that was not specified by PayPal.


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