Document Type | Shows the Document Type of the Document for which the QR Code Document Data entry was created.
The following options are available:
Document No. | Shows the Document No. of the document associated with this QR Code Document Data entry. |
IBAN | Shows the IBAN of the recipient with which the QR Code Document Data entry was created. |
SWIFT/BIC | Shows the SWIFT/BIC of the recipient used to create the QR Code Document Data entry (required in version 001; optional in version 002 within the EEA). |
Receiver Name | Shows the receiver's name that was used when creating the QR Code Document Data entry. |
Reference Text | Shows the Reference Text that was used when the QR Code Document Data entry was created. |
Amount | Shows the Amount that was used to create the QR Code Document Data entry. |
Currency Code | Shows the Currency that was used when creating the QR Code Document Data entry. |
Purpose Code | Shows the Purpose Code that was used when creating the QR Code Document Data entry (max. four-digit code analogous to the text key according to DTA method, optional). The purpose code corresponds to the text key known from the DTA procedure in order to be able to classify transfers and direct debits automatically. Payers and payees, as well as the payment service providers involved in payment processing, can use a purpose code to automatically identify payments (e.g., salary payments) and use the information, for example, for the automated calculation of account maintenance fees or the granting of overdraft facilities. Regular payments, such as salaries or capital-forming payments, should therefore always be made using a purpose code. For more information, see Purpose-SEPA-Codes |
QR-Code Id. | Shows the unique Id. that was generated when the QR Code Document Data entry was created. |
QR-Code Size" | Shows the QR Code Size of the QR Code Document Data entry.
The following values are available for selection:
Version | Shows the Version of the QR Code Document Data entry. If Version 001 is selected, the BIC must be specified. With Version 002 the BIC is optional to specify or to leave blank. |
Function | Shows the Function that was used to create the QR Code Document Data entry. The function is defined by the key value: SCT - SEPA Credit Transfer |
Display | Shows the Display of the QR Code Document Data entry. This Introduction will be displayed to the user after the code has been captured and will provide a brief textual explanation of what they are about to initiate. This text is not reflected in the data transferred in the payment transaction. |
Text | Shows the Message of the QR Code Document Data entry. This Message will be displayed to the user after the code has been captured and will provide a brief textual explanation of what they are about to initiate. This text is not reflected in the data transferred in the payment transaction. |
Data | Displays the data used to generate the QR code. Click the field to display the formatted text in a new window. |
QR-Code | Shows the generated QR Code of the QR Code Document Data Entry. |
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