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Docs  /  NAVAX Payment  /  Setup  /  General

 Pay with QR-Code

2024/09/13 • 3 min. to read
With the NCP Pay with QR Code function you can create a QR code that can then be placed on your invoices - whether digital or paper. The customer thus saves the tedious typing of data and also does not run the risk of entering incorrect data. This also makes it easier to apply payments later that were imported into Business Central via bank account statement. Before the NCP Pay with Code Setup extension can be used, it must be set up. The general settings and defaults are defined in this window.


Pay with Code activeSpecifies whether the pay with QR Code function is enabled and that a QR code should be printed on customer documents.
NameSpecifies the name to be used as the recipient name in the QR code. When the NCP Pay with Code Setup page is opened for the first time, the field is automatically filled with the company name.
QR Code VersionSpecifies the QR Code Version to be used when creating the QR Code.
QR-Code SizeSpecifies the QR-Code size for the documents.
QR-Code ResolutionSpecifies the actual size of the QR-Code in pixels. If no value is specified, the QR-Codes will be created with a resolution of 600x600 pixels.
Payment ReferenceSpecifies the structure and values for the payment reference that will be used for the QR code generation. Wildcards can be used in this field. Note that there is a maximum of 35 characters allowed in the payment reference. You can get more information about this via AssistEdit. The following placeholders can be entered in the Payment Reference field:
  • %1 Document No.
  • %2 External Document No.
  • %3 Customer No.
  • %4 Customer Name
  • %5 Our Account No.
  • %6 Customer Ledger Entry Description
  • %7 Document Date
  • %8 Your reference


  • Use square brackets, e.g. [REF%8], if you want to output the text only if the placeholder contains a value.
  • By specifying a numerical value within angle brackets directly after the placeholder, e.g. %1<2> or [Info: %10<15>], you can limit the maximum number of characters of the placeholder.


Note that there is a maximum of 35 characters for the payment reference.


  • Bank Accounts

    In the window Bank Account Setup, all bank accounts that are required for payment transactions are stored or managed.
  • Payment Methods

    Set up the payment terms that you select from customer cards or sales documents to define when the customer must pay, such as within 14 days.

Setting up a payment method for Pay with QR Code

On the Payment Methods page, the NCP Pay with QR Code field has been added. If the field is enabled and you create an invoice using this payment method, a QR code will be generated for the document. In the NCP Pay with Code Setup, Pay with QR Code active must be enabled.

Set up an bank account for using Pay with QR Code

When generating the QR code, the bank account that should be applied must be specified. This is achieved on the Bank Account Setup page by activating the Bank Account for Pay with QR Code field.


Only one bank account can be set as the default for creating the QR code. If a second one is checked, an error message will appear.

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