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Docs  /  FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Validation  /  Setup

 VAT Reg. No. Prefixes

2024/10/04 • 8 min. to read
In the FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Prefixes page you can specify the general settings and defaults of the VAT Reg. No. prefixes for the FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Validation.


The VAT Registration No. Formats, which can be set up by default in Business Central via the Countries/Regions page, are ignored by the FinanzOnline validation resp. are irrelevant for the FinanzOnline validation of customers, vendors and contacts.
Via the Download action the setup can be created or updated quickly and easily.


PrefixSpecifies the two-digit prefix with which the VAT Reg. No. starts. When entering a VAT Registration No., the prefix for the number must exist. If you also enter numbers in the VAT Registration No. field of your master data for which no validation should be done resp. which are not part of the validation, you have two possibilities:
  1. You can set up the prefix, e.g. CH for Switzerland, and select the None option in the Validation Type field.
  2. You can set up a * (Asterisk) as a prefix. This prefix applies to all numbers for which no prefix has been set up. The validation is always disabled for these numbers.

Region Code
Specifies the country to which the prefix belongs.
Region Name
Specifies the name of the Country/Region Code.
Duplicate CheckSpecifies whether a duplicate check should be made when the VAT Reg. No. is entered. If the VAT Reg. No. is already entered in other records, a note is displayed.
Validation TypeSpecifies whether and, if so, at which level the validation should be requested from FinanzOnline. The details resp. the address data are only verified at level 2.
Validation RuleSpecifies whether a special rule should be used to verify the details resp. the address data during a level 2 validation. For more information, see Setup, Validation Rules.
Validation Data ExistsSpecifies whether numbers with this prefix have already been validated via FinanzOnline. For more information, see Archive, Validation Data.

Structure Address Line

These fields specify, with the help of placeholders, how the address lines returned by FinanzOnline are structured and how they should be interpreted. So this is where you define the position of the individual values (e.g. the post code) and which separators are used. If no separator is specified between two placeholders, a space is assumed during validation.


Via the Download action the setup can be created or updated quickly and easily. If it is necessary to change the structure of the address lines, you will find detailed information on how the placeholders work below.

Available placeholders and their function:

[ADRESSE]Linked Address Field: Address
[ORT]inked Address Field: City
[PLZ]Linked Address Field: Post Code
[X]Skip data
_Space as Separator, can be combined, e.g.: '___' = three or more spaces in a row
<Activate reverse search (Automatically set to the first position when selected)

Simple example

  • For an Austrian VAT Reg. No., for example, the following is returned from FinanzOnline in Address Line 1:
    Technologiestraße 8/EUROPLAZA
    The entire address line can therefore be assigned to the Address field in the master data. The following structure must therefore be specified in the Structure Address Line 1 field: [ADRESSE] Interpretation: Read everything into the Address field. Result: Technologiestraße 8/EUROPLAZA The following is returned from FinanzOnline in Address Line 2:
    AT-1120 Wien
    The part 'AT' is to be skipped. The placeholder [X] can be used for this. After that comes the separator '-' (minus), followed by the Post Code and City. The following structure must therefore be specified in the Structure Address Line 2 field: [X]-[PLZ][ORT] Interpretation:
    1. Skip everything up to the separator '-' (minus). So this part: 'AT'
    2. Then read everything up to the next ' ' (space) into the Post Code field. Result: 1120
    3. Read the rest into the City field. Result: Wien
    Alternatively, you could also specify the following in the Structure Address Line 2 field: AT-[PLZ][ORT] Interpretation:
    1. Skip the text 'AT-'.
    2. Then read everything up to the next ' ' (space) into the Post Code field. Result: 1120
    3. Read the rest into the City field. Result: Wien

Multiple Specification

  • A placeholder can also be specified multiple times in the structure of the address line. The determined values are then concatenated, separated by a space. This also applies to the placeholder '_', which always indicates the minimum number of spaces, which are then interpreted as separators in context. Example In the Czech Republic, the Post Code consists of two parts, separated by a space, e.g. 150 00 For a Czech VAT Reg. No., for example, the following is returned from FinanzOnline in Address Line 3:
    150 00  PRAHA 5
    So first comes the first part of the Post Code, followed by the second part of the Post Code. After that, there are two spaces separating the City from the Post Code. The following structure must therefore be specified in the Structure Address Line 3 field: [PLZ]__[ORT] Interpretation:
    1. Read everything up to the separator '  ' (i.e. at least two spaces in a row) into the Post Code field. Result: 150 00
    2. Read the rest into the City field. Result: PRAHA 5
    Alternatively, you could also enter the following in the Structure Address Line 3 field: [PLZ][PLZ][ORT] Interpretation:
    1. Read everything up to the separator ' ' (space) into the Post Code field. Result: 150
    2. Then read everything up to the next separator ' ' (space) also into the Post Code field. Result: 150 00
    3. Read the rest into the City field. Result: PRAHA 5

Reverse Search

  • In some cases, it is easier to determine the values backwards. The reverse search is activated by entering '<' in the structure of an address line. The position at which you enter the '<' in the Structure Address Line field is irrelevant, as it is automatically set to the first position. Example For a Bulgarian VAT Reg. No., for example, the following is returned from FinanzOnline in Address Line 1:
    ул. Доспат  №43 обл.СОФИЯ, гр.СОФИЯ 1000
    гр. Гълъбово , Стара Загора обл.СТАРА ЗАГОРА, гр.ГЪЛЪБОВО 6280
    The problem: In the first example there is only one comma, in the second example there are two. The first part is therefore not really regulated. The following structure must therefore be specified in the Structure Address Line 1 field: <[X],[ADRESSE],[ORT][PLZ] Interpretation: For the interpretation, you have to imagine the information the other way round: [PLZ][ORT],[ADRESSE],[X] Example 1:
    1. Read everything up to the separator ' ' (space) in the Post Code field. Result: 1000
    2. Read everything up to the comma in the City field. Result: гр.СОФИЯ
    3. Read everything up to the comma in the Address field. Result: ул. Доспат №43 обл.СОФИЯ (In this case, there is no further comma.)
    4. Skip the rest. Not present in this case.
    Example 2:
    1. Read everything up to the separator ' ' (space) in the Post Code field. Result: 6280
    2. Read everything up to the comma in the City field. Result: гр.ГЪЛЪБОВО
    3. Read everything up to the comma in the Address field. Result: Стара Загора обл.СТАРА ЗАГОРА
    4. Skip the rest: гр. Гълъбово

Unused parameters and separators

  • If there are more parameters and separators than actually appear in the address line, the rest are skipped. [X]-[PLZ][ORT] would therefore yield the same result as [X]-[PLZ][ORT][ORT][ORT]. However, if you would specify the following structure: [X]-[PLZ][ORT][ADRESSE] the result for
    AT-1120 Wien
    would be the same, but for
    AT-2700 Wiener Neustadt
    the following would result: The City would be identified as just Wiener and Neustadt would be added to the Address.


  • Download

    Via this action the default setup of the FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Prefixes can be downloaded. This allows you to create or update the setup quickly and easily.
  • Import

    Imports the FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Prefixes from a file.
  • Export

    Exports the FinanzOnline VAT Reg. No. Prefixes to a file.

See also

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