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Docs  /  NVXAPP Automatic Picking for Production Orders  /  General


2023/11/24 • 2 min. to read
With the Automatic Picking for Production Orders-App Prod. Order Components of released Production Orders can be picked automatically.

The app analyzes the Production Order Components of the released Production Orders and checks which Components are within the Lead Time to the Due Date and have not been picked yet. These Components are being sorted by the fields Status, Prod. Order No., Prod. Order Line No., Due Date and Routing Link Code. For the Components of which the Status is "Released", the Qty. Picked (Base) is less than the Expected Qty. (Base) and the same values in the fields:
  • Prod. Order No.
  • Prod. Order Line No.
  • Due Date
  • Routing Link Code
a new Pick is being created. Components which are eligible to be picked, but could not be picked due to lacking availability etc. are being marked. The Components where the pick has failed can be viewed in the tile "Pick failed" in the Role Centers "Purchasing Agent Role Center" und "Manufacturing Manager Role Center". With this app it is also possible to exceed the quantity in the pick. This feature is used to handle whole units. For returning the remaining quantity there is a new function in Production Order. With the new field "Over-Consumption" on "Prod. Order Component" it is possible to add quantity to "Expected Quantity" and get a additional Pick.

Manufacturing Manager Role Center

Purchasing Agent Role Center

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