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BMD Customer/Vendor List

2024/10/04 • 6 min. to read
The master data provided for the export can be viewed on the BMD debtors/creditors overview page. This list can be filled automatically with every change to the customer and vendor master data or manually via an action. Whether this list is filled automatically can be set in the BMD setup.


CustomerVendorIDSpecifies the Cust. Vendor Indicator.
Account No.Specifies the Account No..
BMD account no.Specifies the BMD Account No.
NameSpecifies the Name.
MatchcodeSpecifies the Matchcode.
TitleSpecifies the Title.
BranchSpecifies the Branch.
StreetSpecifies the Street.
Post CodeSpecifies the Post Code.
CitySpecifies the City.
PO BoxSpecifies the PO Box.
PO Box Post CodeSpecifies the PO Box Post Code.
Street IndicatorSpecifies the Street Indicator.
Contact PersonSpecifies the Contact Person.
Phone No.Specifies the Phone No.".
Fax No.Specifies the Fax No../td>
E-MailSpecifies the E-Mail.
Home PageSpecifies the Home Page.
Bank Account No.Specifies the Bank Account No..
Bank Branch No.Specifies the Bank Branch No..
SWIFT CodeSpecifies the SWIFT Code.
Bank Country CodeSpecifies the Bank Country Code.
VAT Registration No.Specifies the VAT Registration No..
Cession NoteSpecifies the code for the cession note.
Due DaysSpecifies the Due Days.
Discount %Specifies the Discount %.
Discount 1 DaysSpecifies the Discount Days.
Discount 2 %Specifies the Discount 2 %
Discount 2 DaysSpecifies the Discount 2 Days
Condition 2Specifies the Condition 2.
Tolerance %Specifies the Tolerance %.
Reminder blockSpecifies the Reminder block.
Reminder costsSpecifies the Reminder costs.
Reminder Posting IndicatorSpecifies the Reminder Posting Indicator.
Reminder DateSpecifies the Reminder Date.
Reminder FormSpecifies the Reminder Form.
Credit RatingSpecifies the Credit Rating.
Offsetting AccountSpecifies the Offsetting Account.
Miscellaneous CodeSpecifies the Miscellaneous Code.
KKreisSpecifies the KKreis.
Payables/Receivables AccountSpecifies the Payables/Receivables Account.
Invoice AccountSpecifies the Invoice Account.
VAT Registration DateSpecifies the VAT Registration Date.
Company SalutationSpecifies the Company Salutation.
Personal SalutationSpecifies the Personal Salutation.
For the attention SalutationSpecifies the For the attention Salutation.
Letter SalutationSpecifies the Letter Salutation.
Agent 1Specifies the Agent 1.
Agent 2Specifies the Agent 2.
Shipping MethodSpecifies the Shipping Method.
Sales AreaSpecifies the Sales Area.
Chain of StoresSpecifies the Chain of Stores.
Distance kmSpecifies the Distance km.
Deduction CodeSpecifies the Deduction Code.
Decuction %Specifies the Decuction %.
Order BacklogSpecifies the Order Backlog.
Credit LimitSpecifies the Credit Limit.
Posting blockSpecifies the Posting block.
Deletion FlagSpecifies the Deletion Flag.
CControl FlagSpecifies the Control Flag.
StateSpecifies the State.
IBANSpecifies the IBAN.
DateSpecifies the Date.
Payment blockSpecifies the Payment block.
Payment ExpensesSpecifies the Payment Expenses.
Reason for PaymentSpecifies the Reason for Payment.
ZahlumsatzposSpecifies the Zahlumsatzpos.
Payment Transfer TypeSpecifies the Payment Transfer Type.
Payment BankSpecifies the Payment Bank.
Direct DebitSpecifies the Direct Debit.
External Account No.Specifies the External Account No..
ForeignerSpecifies the Foreigner.
No TaxSpecifies the No Tax.
Reminder StatementSpecifies the Reminder Statement.
Branch IndicatorSpecifies the Branch Indicator.
Bills of ExchangeSpecifies the Bills of Exchange.
State No.Specifies the State No..
Fipkurz ZahlmodusSpecifies the Fipkurz Zahlmodus.
Place Holder 1Specifies the Place Holder 1.
Place Holder 2Specifies the Place Holder 2.
Second CurrencySpecifies the Second Currency.
Varcode 2Specifies the Varcode 2.
FCY CodeSpecifies the FCY Code.
Country CodeSpecifies the Country Code.
Opening Balance Acc.Specifies the Opening Balance Acc..
Opening Balance IndicatorSpecifies the Opening Balance Indicator.
FirstnameSpecifies the First Name.
Name 2Specifies the Name 2.
ProfessionSpecifies the Profession.
LanguageSpecifies the Language


  • Update Vendor/Customer Data

    Executes the Update Vendor/Customer Data action.
With the system-internal functions Edit List and Delete, this data can still be edited manually before the export. With the system-internal functions Open in Excel or Edit in Excel, the data is transferred to Excel and is available there for viewing or editing.

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