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Working with the App

2024/02/07 • 1 min. to read
The following steps are necessary to use the under-receipt for warehouse receipts that are within a definable tolerance. 1) Setup Under-Receipt Code Picture 1: Setup Under-Receipt Code 2) The quantity in the purchase order is adjusted/forwarded by entering an "Under-Receipt Quantity Receive" in the warehouse receipts. The quantity entered in the "Under-Receipt Quantity Receive" field is used to fill the "Under-Receipt Code" field from the item card (or vendor card). The quantity of the under-receipt can also be entered in the purchase unit of measure. To do this, the "Under-Receipt Quantity to Receive (Base)" field must be filled in. Picture 2: Adjustment of incoming underdelivery quantity in the purchase order 3) The quantity in the item tracking lines is also adjusted. Picture 3: Adjustment quantity item tracking 4) By posting the warehouse receipts, the warehouse receipt is set to "Completely received" by the system. Picture 4: "Completely received" = TRUE

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