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Job Budget Entries

2024/11/20 • 4 min. to read
This API is EJBWSJobBudgetEntryNVX released under the following URL: ({{url}})/environment/api/navax/ejb/v1.0/companies({{CompanyID}})/ejbJobBudgetEntries

Request Type


EJBWSJobBudgetEntryNVX, Fields

amountSpecifies the amount that will be posted to the budget.
amountFixed.Specifies the fixed amount.
amountVariableSpecifies the variable amount.
budgetNameSpecifies the name of the Budget.
createdBySpecifies the date on which the entry was created.
currencyCodeSpecifies the currency for the budgeted line.
currencyDateSpecifies the date that will be used to find the exchange rate for the currency in the Currency Date field.
currencyFactorSpecifiec the currency factor.
dateSpecifies the date of the planning line.
descriptionSpecifies the name of the resource, item, or G/L account to which this entry applies.
endingDateSpecifies the ending date.
entryNoSpecifies the number of the entry, as assigned from the specified number series when the entry was created.
jobNoSpecifies the job number.
jobTaskNoSpecifies the job task no.
lineAmountSpecifies the budgeted amount that will be posted to the job ledger.
lineAmountLCYSpecifies the budgeted amount in the local currency that will be posted to the job ledger.
lineNoSpecifies the job planning line number.
lineTypeSpecifies the type of planning line.
noSpecifies the number of the account to which the resource, item, or general ledger account is posted, depending on your selection in the Type field.
originalBudgetSpecifies whether the entry was part of the original budget.
quantitySpecifies the number of units of the resource, item, or general ledger account that should be specified on the budgeted line.
totalCostSpecifies the budgeted total cost for the budget line. The total cost is in the job currency, which comes from the Currency Code field in the Job Card.
totalCostLCYSpecifies the budgeted total cost for the budget line. The amount is in the local currency.
totalPriceSpecifies the budgeted total price in the job currency on the planning line.
totalPriceLCYSpecifies the budgeted total price on the planning line. The total price is in the local currency.
typeSpecifies the type of account to which the budgeted line relates.
unitCostSpecifies the cost of one unit of the item or resource on the line.
unitCostLCYSpecifies the cost, in LCY, of one unit of the item or resource on the line.
unitPriceSpecifies the price of one unit of the item or resource.
unitPriceLCYSpecifies the price, in LCY, of one unit of the item or resource.
unitOfMeasureCodeSpecifies how each unit of the item or resource is measured, such as in pieces or hours. By default, the value in the Base Unit of Measure field on the item or resource card is inserted.
usedCostSpecifies the summed total cost of the job ledger entries created for the job planning line linked to this job budget entry.
usedPriceSpecifies the summed total price of the job ledger entries created for the job planning line linked to this job budget entry.
usedQuantitySpecifies the summed quantity of the job ledger entries created for the job planning line linked to this job budget entry.
variableCostsSpecifies the variable costs.
variantCodeSpecifies the variant of the item on the job planning line.
ejbJobPlanningLineTypeNVXSpecifies the Job Planning Line Type.

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