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Docs  /  NVXEJB Extended Job Base

Resource Groups

2024/11/20 • 1 min. to read
This API EJBWSResourceGroupNVX is released under the following URL: ({{url}})/environment/api/navax/ejb/v1.0/companies({{CompanyID}})/ejbResourceGroupExts

Request Type


EJBWSResourceGroupNVX, Fields

capacitySpecifies the capacity.
globalDimension1Code.Specifies the global dimension code 1.
globalDimension2CodeSpecifies the global dimension code 2.
nameSpecifies the name.
noSpecifies the number.
noOfResourcesAssignedSpecifies the number of assigned resources.
qtyQuotedJobSpecifies the quantity of quoted projects.
qtyOnOrderJobSpecifies the quantity on ordered projects.
qtyOnServiceOrderSpecifies the quantity on ordered services.
salesCostSpecifies the sales cost.
salesPriceSpecifies the sales price.
salesQtySpecifies the quantity of sales.
usageCostSpecifies the costs of usage.
usagePriceSpecifies the price of usage.
usageQtySpecifies the usage quantity.

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