Procedure name | Description |
InitDocumentArraySalesOrder(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var HeaderInfoArrCaption: array[12] of Text[250]; var HeaderInfoArrValue: array[12] of Text[250]) |
Returns the HeaderInfoArrCaption and HeaderInfoArrValue arrays for the Sales Header - Document Type::Order table.
Applies to "Order Confirmation" and "Proforma Invoice"
Old DSS functionality
InitDocumentArraySalesQuote(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var HeaderInfoArrCaption: array[12] of Text[250]; var HeaderInfoArrValue: array[12] of Text[250]) |
Returns the HeaderInfoArrCaption and HeaderInfoArrValue arrays of the Sales Header table - Document Type::Quote.
Old DSS functionality
SalesHeaderShipTo(var ShipToAddr: array[8] of Text[100]; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header") |
Returns the ShipToAddress array from the standard FormatAddress codeunit.
CalcInvDiscountAmountPercent(var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header") Result: Text |
The function returns the entire invoice discount amount of the sales document. The value is converted using the function GeneralReportLibrary.FormatLineDiscountStdandardFormatWithPercent().
Area: "Sales Header".
CalcInvDiscountAmountPercent(var SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header") Result: Text |
The function returns the entire invoice discount amount of the sales document. The value is converted using the function GeneralReportLibrary.FormatLineDiscountStdandardFormatWithPercent().
Area: "Sales Invoice Header".
GetTariffNo(SalesInvoiceLine: Record "Sales Invoice Line") Result: Text |
The function returns the full description of the Tariff Number table. Format = "Tariff Number: + Description"
GetCommaSeparatedSellToAddress(SalesShipmentHeader: Record "Sales Shipment Header"; Number: Code[20]) AddressText: Text |
Lists the following Sell-to values one after the other - with a comma separator. Format = ""Sell-to Customer Name", "Sell-to Customer Name 2", "Sell-to City", "Sell-to Country/Region Description"
Similar to the function GeneralReportLibrary.GetCommaSeparatedAddressArray().
Area: "Sales Shipment Header"
GetCommaSeparatedSellToAddress(SalesInvoiceHeader: Record "Sales Invoice Header"; Number: Code[20]) AddressText: Text |
Lists the following Sell-to values one after the other - with a comma separator. Format = ""Sell-to Customer Name", "Sell-to Customer Name 2", "Sell-to City", "Sell-to Country/Region Description"
Similar to the function GeneralReportLibrary.GetCommaSeparatedAddressArray().
Area: "Sales Invoice Header"
GetCommaSeparatedSellToAddress(SalesCrMemoHeader: Record "Sales Cr.Memo Header"; Number: Code[20]) AddressText: Text |
Lists the following Sell-to values one after the other - with a comma separator. Format = ""Sell-to Customer Name", "Sell-to Customer Name 2", "Sell-to City", "Sell-to Country/Region Description"
Similar to the function GeneralReportLibrary.GetCommaSeparatedAddressArray().
Area: "Sales Cr.Memo Header"
SaveClearContactName(var ContactName: text[100]; var SavedContactName: Text) |
The function saves and resets the ContactName variable.
trigger OnAfterAfterGetRecord()
GeneralReportLibrary.SaveClearContactName(Header."Bill-to Contact", SavedContactName);
FormatAddress.SalesInvBillTo(CustAddr, Header); //print bill-to address without Contact Name
GeneralReportLibrary.RewriteClearSavedContactName(Header."Bill-to Contact", SavedContactName);
// it's possible to print/manipulating the field "Bill-to Contact" in the code or layout later
GeneralReportLibrary: Codeunit GRLGeneralReportLibraryNVX;
FormatAddress: Codeunit "Format Address";
SavedContactName: Text;
RewriteClearSavedContactName(var ContactName: text[100]; var SavedContactName: Text) |
The function writes back the previously saved "SavedContactName" value into the ContactName variable.