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Lot Numbers by Bin

2024/05/31 • 3 min. to read
This page calculates the inventory on the bins based on the filter set in the upper filter area when you call up the "Calculate" action. A sum is made for each location that can be expanded or closed. The "Show details by serial number" option controls whether serial number information should be calculated.


With the field Maximum No. of Lines in Lot Numbers by Bin Setup you control how much lines should be read. Are there more lines to read then the result will not be the real inventory and then either the filters of the page have to be changed or the value in the setup has to be increased. If this will occur there will be a notification in Business Cetral after Calculate was performed on the page.


Item No.Specifies the filter for the item number.
Variant CodeSpecifies the filter for the variant code of the item.
BlockedSpecifies whether the variant code is blocked.
Source RecordSpecifies the source record.
Location CodeSpecifies the filter for the location code.
Bin CodeSpecifies the filter for the bin code.
Show Detail by Serial No.Specifies if you want to show serial number information.


Item No.Specifies the item number.
Variant CodeSpecifies the variant code.
Item DescriptionSpecifies the item description.
Location CodeSpecifies the location code.
Bin CodeSpecifies the bin code.
Bin MandatorySpecifies if the location is bin mandatory.
Whse. Entry ExistsSpecifies if warehouse entries exist.
Item Tracking CodeSpecifies the item tracking code of the item.
Zone CodeSpecifies the zone code.
Bin is PickableSpecifies if the bin code is pickable.
Bin TypeSpecifies the bin type.
Lot No.Specifies the lot number.
Expiration DateSpecifies the expiration date of the lot number.
Serial No.Specifies the serial number.
Qty. (Base)Specifies the quantity.
Pickable QuantitySpecifies the pickable quantity.
Reserved QuantitySpecifies the reserved quantity.


  • Calculate

    View or change setup values.
  • Setup

    Recakculate the page based on the inserted filters.

See also

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