The implementation of a Tariff setup offers the opportunity to optimize shipping processes according to the individual regulations of the respective destination country and to ensure legally compliant compliance with the valid customs and tax regulations.
The Freight Payer field specifies in the performa invoice who is responsible for the applicable customs duties.
The BusinessPartnerNumber field is input information that is passed on to This can be entered as a default in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask. Furthermore, an EORI No. can be provided in the Web Request depending on the country of setup.
The Importer field defines who the invoice is to be sent to, and there are two options for this:
• BusinessPartnerNumber: This field can be filled as required. The customs fee payer is entered as the invoice recipient. If the field is not filled in, the default field BusinessPartnerNumber is used in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask.
• Invoice to debtor: This issues the invoice to the customer.
The freight payer field in the Performa invoice indicates who is responsible for the customs fees incurred. This must be entered as a contact.
The EORI No. field is especially useful when shipping to countries outside the EU, where the EORI No. of the following country can be entered in the field. This information is sent to as Importer of Record (IOR). If an entry exists in the "EORI no." field in the customer card, this value is transferred to the EORI number text field in the proforma invoice. If there is no entry in the EORI field in the customer card, the EORI number is transferred from the Ondot customs facility for each country.
The Proforma Invoice Ending Text field is printed on the proforma invoice. If a Proforma Invoice Ending Text is available in the Ondot Shipping.Net customs facility, this should be transferred for each country. However, if there is no customs setup, the standard proforma text should be printed in the connector setup.
Country/Region Code
Specifies the value of the Country/Region Code field.
Print Tariff Text
Specifies if the tariff text should be printed on reports