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Docs  /  NVXZPLTS ZPL Printer Management TCP Socket

Developer Information

2023/11/06 • 2 min. to read
This app only provides basic functionality and entities as well as interfaces. The connection to a printer and the conversion of an image to zpl code has to be implemented in subapps.


This app provides following interfaces and corresponding enums:


Enum: ZPLConnectionTypeNVX


Methodname Description
Print(Text; Code[20]) Prints the zpl code in text format to the selected printer.


Enum: ZPLImageConversionFormatNVX


Methodname Description
Convert(var ImageInStr: InStream; Size: Integer): Text; Converts an image from stream to zpl code.
Convert(var ImageInStr: InStream; Size: Integer; Rotation: Enum "Rotate Flip Type"): Text Converts and rotates an image from stream to zpl code

Print a ZPL Layout

On the table ZPLPrinterNVX the field "Connection Type" is defined, which implements the interface ZPLIPrinterConnectorNVX. This enum can be extended in subapps to support different connection methods to the printer.
procedure PrintLayout(LayoutCode: Code[20]; NoOfCopies: Integer)
    ZPLLayout: Record ZPLLayoutNVX;
    ZPLPrinter: Record ZPLPrinterNVX;
    ZPLPrinterMgt: Codeunit ZPLPrinterMgtNVX;
    PrinterCode: Code[20];
    IZebraConnector: Interface ZPLIPrinterConnectorNVX;
    Placeholders: List of [Text];
    LabelLayout: Text;
    ZPLPrinterMgt.GetPrinter(ZPLLayout.Code, PrinterCode); //determines the printer according to the ZPL printer selection
    IZebraConnector := ZPLPrinter."Connection Type"; //connection to the printer must be implemented in subapps
    Placeholders.Add('Test2'); //Definition of the values that replace the placeholders. The placeholder %1 is being replaced with 'Test' and placeholder %2 is being replaced with 'Test2'.
    LabelLayout := ZPLLayout.GetLayoutAsText();
    ZPLLayout.SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(NoOfCopies, LabelLayout);
    LabelLayout := ZPLLayout.ReplacePlaceholders(LabelLayout, Placeholders);
    IZebraConnector.Print(LabelLayout, PrinterCode);

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