2024/10/28 • 1 min. to read
The layout must be specified in this editor in the ZPL format.
Example zpl layout:
^FO220,50^FDLorem ipsum^FS
^FO220,115^FDdolor sit amet^FS
^FO220,155^FDconsetetur sadipscing^FS
^FO220,195^FD elitr, sed diam nonumy^FS
To add dynamic contents to the zpl layout during the runtime, you can define placeholders on any position within the zpl layout via %[1-n]. For a more detailed explaination about placeholders and their functionality please read the Developer Information:
^FO220,50^FDLorem ipsum%1^FS
^FO220,115^FDdolor sit amet%2^FS
^FO220,155^FDconsetetur sadipscing%3^FS
^FO220,195^FD elitr, sed diam nonumy%4^FS