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Zebra Label Layouts

2023/11/06 • 2 min. to read
On this page zpl layouts can be defined in a separate dialog with a text editor and testet via the actions "Download" or "Test Print".


CodeSpecifies the code of this zpl layout.
DescriptionSpecifies the description of this zpl layout.
Label TypeSpecifies the Label Type.


  • Edit Layout

    A page(ZPL Layout Editor) is being opened which enables the user to edit the label layout directly.
  • Test Print

    Sends the selected zpl layout to a selected zebra printer.
  • Download

    Downloads the defined label layout as a .txt file.


The following methods are available on instances of the ZPL Layout record.
Method Name Description
SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(Integer): Text Adds a parameter to the layouts zpl code with the no. of copies specified.
SetNoOfCopiesForLayout(Integer; Text): Text Adds a parameter to the specified zpl code with the no. of copies specified.
GetLayoutAsText(): Text Gets the zpl layout as text.
GetLayoutAsStream(): InStream Gets the zpl layout as a stream.
Print() Prints the current layout on the zpl printer according to the ZPL Printer Selection
Print(Code[20]) Prints the current layout on the zpl printer specified in the parameter.
Print(Text) Prints the specified layout on the zpl printer according to the ZPL Printer Selection
GetNoOfPlaceholdersFromLayout(Text): Integer Retrieves the no. of placeholders occuring in the layout.
ReplacePlaceholders(Text; List of [Text]): Text Replaces the available placeholders within the layout with the specified list of values. The placeholders must be defined in the format %1-n. A placeholder in the zpl code is being replaced with the value, from whcih the index of the value within the list is equal to the placeholder identifier.

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