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NCKR Cost Accounting (NAV)

Current Version: 13.00 Dynamics NAV BC 13/12. For older NAV versions, downgrades are available.


NCKR Cost Accounting has been completely redesigned for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and is available as an extension under the new product name NCCA Cost Accounting. For more information, see [Docs] NCCA Cost Accounting


Creation date: 2024/10/18
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • NAVAX Registration
    The current registration status of a NAVAX Dynamics NAV AddOn is displayed in the AddOn Setup page in the System group...
  • Release Notes
  • Upgrade to Business Central
    This topic is for developers and describes the steps required to transfer the data from the old C/AL version (NAV AddOn) to the new AL version (BC Extension)...

Docs  /  NCKR Cost Accounting (NAV)  /  Appendix
NAVAX Registration

The current registration status of a NAVAX Dynamics NAV AddOn is displayed in the AddOn Setup page in the System group.


VersionSpecifies the currently installed version of the AddOn.
Serial No.Specifies the serial number of the AddOn.
StatusSpecifies the current registration status of the AddOn.

Trial Version

A NAVAX AddOn can be tested or used free of charge for 30 days after installation. After that, the AddOn can only be used with a valid registration.

Request Registration

The registration can be requested or checked via the What's New? action. This opens a window. The following example shows the NAVAX AddOn "NCC Cube". Fill in the fields in the window and then click Send Registration Request. Please note that the registration process may take some time. In the next few days you will receive an email with further information.


For registration, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to and must be allowed. In addition, TLS 1.2 is required. For more information, see How to get earlier versions of the Dynamics NAV development environment to work with TLS 1.2 Public IP from for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443 Checking the connection to using PS: Test-NetConnection -port 443 (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)

Activate/Update Registration

As soon as the registration has been completed, you will receive an email and the registration can be activated via the Update Registration action. The registration is company independent. So it does not matter in which company the action is called.


  • The registration must be updated once a year via the Update Registration action.
  • The update is only possible or necessary within the last 30 days before the registration expires, or afterwards. Within the last 30 days before the registration expires, notes are displayed.

Terms & Conditions

For more information, see

Data Security

For more information, see

Docs  /  NCKR Cost Accounting (NAV)  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates.


NCKR Cost Accounting has been completely redesigned for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and is available as an extension under the new product name NCCA Cost Accounting. For more information, see [Docs] NCCA Cost Accounting

NCKR Update

The following update codeunits are available: All files needed for the updates can be downloaded here:

NCKR 13.00

Dynamics NAV BC 13/12
  • Note

    This version is also available as a downgrade version for for older Dynamics NAV versions.


  • A registration is necessary. The trial version expires in 30 days. For more information, see Appendix, NAVAX Registration.
  • Improvements

  • NC Cost Accounting is now available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – OnPremises. For a complete list of all available versions, see the document Version Matrix. Note that the features or functionality of the solution may vary depending on the installed version, the client you are using, and/or your license model.

NCKR 6.20

Dynamics NAV 2018


  • With function Import Cost Journal you can now also import Quantity Postings in Cost Journals. Therefore fields Work Type Code, Unit Price and Quantity were added to end of interface file. The fixed filling of Type with option Costs was removed.
  • Function Recplace Dates was added to Recurring Cost Allocation Journals. With this function you can now very comfortable replace all date fields in all journal lines. At starting of this function all date fields of first found line are shown, then you can insert the new dates and start the program with OK. If one new date field is empty then there will be no replacement of this date field. Only date fields which match with old date value will be replaced.
  • New option field Transfer (Both, Depreciation and Gain/Loss) were added to program Calculatory Depr.-Transfer. So you can now transfer beside Depreciation also Gain/Loos or both together to Cost Accounting. Therefore 2 new fields Cost Account No. Depr. (NCKR) and Cost Account No. Disposal (NCKR) were added to table FA Posting Group.
  • Corrections

  • Missing Fields (Report Name, Company Name, Page Text and Filter Textes) added in RTC Report Headers.
  • Field Consolidation Code in Table Department extended from 10 to 20 characters. Field Consolidation Code in Table Project extended from 10 to 20 characters.
  • Filter for Totaling was added to Flow Fields in table Section.
  • Field Description in table Cost Alloc. Recurring Freq. Extended from 30 to 50 characters.
  • Field Description in table NaviCalc Line extended from 30 to 50 characters.
  • Excel Export of Navi Calcs were made executable. Descriptions for workbook and sheet were overworked.
  • G/L Account – Cost Account Mapping is only created for Cost Accounts with Account Type Posting in programm Create Cost Account.
  • Only depreciation entries are transfered in programm Calculatory Depr.-Transfer. In earlier versions all posted entries were transfered.

NCKR 6.12.1

Dynamics NAV 2016


  • Missing Fields (Report Name, Company Name, Page Text and Filter Textes) added in RTC Report Headers.

NCKR 6.12

Dynamics NAV 2016


  • Field Base (Entries) was added to (Recurring) Cost Allocation Journals. This field calculates on basis of entered filters in (Recurring) Cost Allocation Journal Line the base for allocation and displays the value as preview.
  • Function Fill Allocation was added to (Recurring) Cost Allocation Journals. With this function you can fill (Recurring) Cost Allocation Journal Lines automatically, the logic depends here on Group Assignment in Cost Accounts, Departments, Projects, Sub-Accounts and Sections. Following fields were added to Cost Allocation Journal Lines – Type of Debit, Debit Group No., Debit Group Code, Default Cost Account No. Debit and Default Cost Account No. Relation. If you enter for example Project for Type of Debit, Group 3 for Debit Group No., Job for Debit Group Code, 77900 for Default cost Account No. Debit and 5000..5999 for Default Cost Accounting No. Relation, this function will created allocation lines for all Projects which have assigned Job to Group 3.
  • Modifications

  • Page Actions ACTIONS and sometimes REPORTS removed in Chart of Cost Accounts, Chart of Departments, Chart of Projects, Chart of Sub-Accounts, Chart of Sections, NaviCalc List, NaviCalc Result, NaviCalc Line Result and Cost Budget, as these option are already in Page Action START included.
  • Corrections

  • In Edit - Cost Budget you had to press REFRESH after some modifications, in order to see correct values or to have the possibility to scroll between period.
  • Wrong text at error message in function Copy Budget to General Ledger at window Edit – Cost Budget. Wrong error message The cost account budget NAME does not contain the dimension DIMNAME should be The finance budget NAME does not contain the dimension DIMNAME.
  • Were in financial accounting budget besides the 2 global dimensions 2 more dimensions defined (these 4 dimensions are identical to those of the costing account setup), you couldn't set a filter on dimension values 3 and 4 in function "Copy Budget to Cost Accounting (NCKR)" at Edit – Budget and at copy of budget all dimensions were ignored (neither in Cost Accounting Budget directly or in Cost Budget Journal Lines).
  • During synchronization of Global Dimensions by Cost Accounting Field Global Dimension-ID wasn't filled at creation of Dimension Values, whereby this Dimension Values were not visible in lists of Dimension Values, even though they were present. Program routine for Departments and Projects were adjusted and logic extended to Cost Accounts, Sub-Accounts and Sections.
  • Fields Name and Search Name in Table Cost Account extended from 30 to 50 characters. Field Description in table Cost Allocation Journal Line extended from 30 to 50 characters.

NCKR 6.11

Dynamics NAV 2015


  • Adjustment of some Control ID to NC KORE Number Series.

NCKR 6.10

Dynamics NAV 2015


  • Table Fields, which Names and/or CaptionML were equal with Microsoft Standard Cost Accounting Fields, were amended by addition NCKR.

NCKR 6.09

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • In Role Tailored Client values of NaviCalc windows Result and Line Result were filled with values of last lines in some constellation.

NCKR 6.08

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Design of Cost Account Authorizations was improved.
  • Design of Matrix Pages in Role Tailored Client was improved.
  • Corrections

  • Pages/Forms NaviCalc Line Schedule und NaviCalc Column Schedule were modified. Creation of a new data record should now be possible in both windows without problems.
  • NCKR MenuSuites caused troubles with other AddOn AMenuSuites under certain conditions.
  • Values of window Line Result in NaviCalc was filled with values of last lines in constellation of multiple NaviCalc lines. Further you couldn't change between lines in this window. For this reason 2 new buttons Next Line and Previous Line were added.
  • Values in column view Period showed wrong results in Role Tailored Client in following Matrix Pages:
    • Cost Budget Quantity
    • Cost Budget
    • Section – Balance by Dimension
    • Cost Account – Balance by Dimension
    • Department – Balance by Dimension
    • Project – Balance by Dimension
    • Sub-Account – Balance by Dimension
  • Field Customer Name in Table Sub-Account was expanded from 30 to 50 digits.

NCKR 6.07

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Function Calculate in NaviCalc stopped under certain Filter Constellation with Error Message.
  • Field Schedule Type (by default not visible) could be changed by User in NaviCalc Line/Column Schedule Setup.

NCKR 6.06

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Allocation Windows in Cost Allocation Journals and Budget Cost Allocation Journals were enlarged.
  • Corrections

  • Options of Field Convert Balance in function Create Cost Accounts weren't shown correct in RTC.
  • Import Function in Cost Journals and Cost Budget Journals stopped with Error in RTC.
  • In Chart of Cost Accounts, Chart of Departments, Chart of Projects and Chart of Sections all fields were shown in bold in RTC.
  • Button Edit Journal was missing in window Cost Budgets.
  • Button Post and Print was missing in window Cost Budget Allocation Journals.

NCKR 6.05

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Role Center (Role Center ID 1002200) was created for Cost Accounting.
  • Modifications

  • Entrance of Cost Accounting Templates was modified. Now all Journal Templates and Batches should be created correctly. Especially use of RTC caused problems.
  • Corrections

  • Function Allocate Cost Budget didn't always calculate correct values. E. g. budget should be allocated in 4 quarters from 1.1.2011 to 31.12.2011, but function calculated only 3 quarters.

NCKR 6.04

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • In window G/L Entries – Cost Accounting Correction Function Reverse Transaction was replaced by Function Reset G/L Entry.

NCKR 6.03

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • In NaviCalc you couldn't use Reason Code Filter with Blank.

NCKR 6.02

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Group 4 to 8 were missing in field Totaling Type in NaviCalc Column Schedule.
  • CaptionML DEU and DES were partially missing in Table 1001750 and Form 1001777.
  • Blank Lines were partially printed in Classic NaviCalc Landscape Format Report.

NCKR 6.01

Dynamics NAV 2009


  • Allocation Journals support now postings by Iteration method. In Journal Template you decide whether you post by iteration method.
  • NaviCalc Reports are now available for RTC.

Docs  /  NCKR Cost Accounting (NAV)  /  Appendix
Upgrade to Business Central

This topic is for developers and describes the steps required to transfer the data from the old C/AL version (NAV AddOn) to the new AL version (BC Extension).


The following describes the upgrade of a solution without customizations. If customizations exist in the old solution, separate extensions must be created for the customizations.

Prerequisites for the Upgrade

  • Minimum NCKR 6.00 Older versions of NCKR must first be updated in NAV.

Upgrade notes

  • Allocations cannot be converted automatically and must be recreated after the upgrade.

Files for the upgrade

All files needed in each step for the upgrade can be downloaded here:

Preparation 1: Rename old tables in the NAV database

The tables of the old solution are already in the NAV database in the 1000000 object range. In order to bring the table structure of the old solution on a uniform basis and to avoid naming conflicts with the tables of the new solution, the old tables must be updated and renamed. To do this, import the NCCA_UpgradeToBC_Step1_RenameOldTables.fob file with Replace All. The old tables are then marked with OLD_. The code, variables and functions and all TableRelations to the standard objects were also removed from the old tables.

Preparation 2: Rename old fields in the standard tables of the NAV database

The fields of the old solution are already in the standard tables of the NAV database in the 1000000 range. In order to bring the field structure of the old solution on a uniform basis and to avoid naming conflicts with the fields of the new solution, the old fields must be updated and renamed.


The changed standard tables can be found in the file NCCA_UpgradeToBC_Step2_RenameOldFields.fob. Import the objects into a separate database, which has no customizations. The objects are based on a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central "Spring 2019" (Version 14.0) AT version.
After you import the objects into a separate database, the fields of the old solution (marked with OLD_NCCA) must be copied from the separate database to the NAV database.

The following fields must be copied:

Table 17 G/L Entry
  • Field No. 1002000
Table 200 Work Type
  • Field No. 1002000 to Field No. 1002001
Table 242 Source Code Setup
  • Field No. 1002000 to Field No. 1002010
Table 5601 FA Ledger Entry
  • Field No. 1002000
Table 5606 FA Posting Group
  • Field No. 1001750 to Field No. 1001751


All steps described refer to this document: [Microsoft Docs] Business Central - Upgrading Customized C/AL Application to Microsoft Base Application Version 19. Preparations and steps 1-2 must be performed for each installation.

Task 3: Move code customizations to extensions The current NCCA Cost Accounting represents the target app, so there is nothing else to do in step 3.

Task 4: Create empty System, Base, and customization extensions In step 4, empty apps are created, which subsequently take ownership of old C/AL tables. Use the file NAVAX Consulting GmbH_NCCA here. For each further change to the data structure of the standard application or NAVAX Cost Accounting, separate upgrade apps and conversion routines must be created.

Task 5: Create table migration extension In Task 5 a "Table migration Extension" is created, which contains all tables of the old C/AL solution (incl. NCCA). This is necessary so that data from the old C/AL tables can be transferred to the new AL apps (system and NCCA). In the second version of the "Table migration Extension", a reference to the provided app "NCCA Customization" must be added to the migration.json file:
    "apprules": [
            "id": "63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f"
            "id": "437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972"
            "id": "ca7a7451-d586-4034-9afe-7a2468241936"

Task 10: Publish DestinationAppsForMigrations extensions In step 10, the app "NCCA Customization" is published. Use the file NAVAX Consulting GmbH_NCCA here.

Task 12: Install DestinationAppsForMigration and move tables In step 12, the "NCCA Customization" app is installed.

Task 13: Publish final extensions In step 13, the app "NCCA Customization" is published. Use the file NAVAX Consulting GmbH_NCCA here.

Task 14: Synchronize final extensions In step 14, the "NCCA Customization" app is synchronized.

Task 17: Upgrade and install final extensions In step 17, the "NCCA Customization" app is installed with the Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade command. The upgrade to BC19 can be completed, there are no other special considerations regarding NCCA Cost Accounting.

After the upgrade

Once the upgrade is complete, the data from the old cost accounting system can be prepared for transfer to the new version. For this purpose, the app "NCCA Cost Accounting by NAVAX" must be installed. Use the file NAVAX Consulting GmbH_NCCA Cost Accounting by here. This app contains only the data structure and no cost accounting application code. After the installation, the upgrade routine can be started via the page NCCA Upgrade, which can be found via the search. The upgrade routine only needs to be started in one company and runs automatically across all companies in the database. Please note that the date format of the client (region settings) is used when converting the date filters. The cost accounting data is now prepared for the new version. The last step is to publish the latest version of NCCA Cost Accounting and install it using the Start-NAVAppDataUpgrade command. The two apps "NCCA Customization" and "NCCA Customization" must then be uninstalled and unpublished. The same applies to the app "NCCA Cost Accounting by NAVAX".

Information about the new solution and settings that should be checked after the upgrade

  • In the FA Posting Groups page, there are now 3 fields for cost accounting instead of 2.
  • If certain NaviCalc settings could not be applied, comments with further information are created in the rows and columns of the evaluation.
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