Extension to meet legal national requirements for the fiscalization of POS systems.
Current Version: of Business Central 24. For older BC versions, downgrades are available. AppSource Name: fiskaltrust POS Interface
Creation date: 2025/02/28 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
fiskaltrust POS Interface The fiskaltrust POS Interface extends the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central processes to meet legal national requirements for the fiscalization of POS systems by using a service developed by fiskaltrust...
fiskaltrust Access Data The fiskaltrust POS Interface operates exclusively in conjunction with a fiskaltrust account...
Cash Register Setup Before the fiskaltrust POS Interface can be used, its basic functionality and at least one Cash Register must be set up...
Cash Registers A Cash Register Code must be specified in an invoice or credit memo if a Payment Method is selected that is subject to the cash register obligation...
Real Data Permissions Real Data Permissions add an additional level of security to actions and processes. This is to prevent test data from being accidentally interpreted as real data. Particularly critical actions and processes (e.g. sending data to an external service) can therefore only be executed if a real data permission has been granted for the current environment...
Payment Methods The Payment Method selected in an invoice or credit memo determines whether the document is subject to the cash register obligation...
Cash Register User In the Cash Register User Setup page the settings and defaults for the users of the Cash Register are specified...
Report Layouts & Report Selection
Working with the App
Documents Sales documents and service documents are created, posted and printed as before...
Error Handling After posting a cash register document, users are informed if an error has occurred during communication with the service or if there are open errors for the Cash Register...
Status Documents After posting a cash register document, you are notified when a status document (Zero Document, Month Document, Year Document) can/must be created...
Subsequent Cash Payment If an invoice gets subsequently paid in cash, the document can be signed via the Subsequent Cash Payment action on the Posted Sales Invoice or Posted Service Invoice pages...
Handwritten Document Set the field Handwritten Cash Register Document in a sales document or in a service document if the document was originally handwritten...
Annual Closure On 31 December of each year, users of cash registers must prepare, print and store the Year Document instead of a Month Document. The Year Document must be created for each active Cash Register of a company...
Data Collection Log The Data Collection Log is generally defined by national laws. It is stored online at fiskaltrust and can be downloaded via the fiskaltrust Portal...
Cash Register Entries The Cash Register Entries page displays the history of all cash register documents (Invoices, Credit Memos, Status Documents)...
Cash Register Signature Attempts The Cash Register Signature Attempts page displays detailed information about the signature attempts...
Information for Developers
QR Codes The QR Codes are generated via a function from the NAVAX Extension Base...
Event Request
receiptrequestmode (Optional)
NAVAX License Management The NAVAX License Management page (in older versions NAVAX License Overview or NCEX License Overview) displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions...
Installation Notes
Release Notes
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / General fiskaltrust POS Interface
The fiskaltrust POS Interface extends the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central processes to meet legal national requirements for the fiscalization of POS systems by using a service developed by fiskaltrust.
The fiskaltrust service takes care of the Data Collection Log, i.e. the servie assigns a sequential document number, increments the sales counter, encrypts the sales counter and creates a signature. The additional document content created by the fiskaltrust service is then returned to Business Central and can be printed on the document.
The fiskaltrust POS Interface is integrated into existing sales and service processes. Sales documents and service documents are created, posted and printed as before.
The search terms "fiskaltrust", "ft.", "nvxcr", "nccr" and "navax" are recognized by "Tell me what you want to do".
The fiskaltrust POS Interface was developed with the prefix NCCR resp. NVXCR.
NCCR resp. NVXCR stands for NAVAX Consulting resp. NAVAXCash Register.
Permission Sets
The following permission sets are available for the fiskaltrust POS Interface:
ft. POS Interface
You need these permissions to use the fiskaltrust POS Interface.
For more information, see Working with the App, Documents.
ft. POS Interface Setup
You need these permissions to set up the fiskaltrust POS Interface.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / General fiskaltrust Access Data
The fiskaltrust POS Interface operates exclusively in conjunction with a fiskaltrust account.
How do I request my fiskaltrust access?
To create a new account with fiskaltrust, you need to register on the fiskaltrust portal.
The test environment is completely separated from the production environment, there is no data transfer between the two systems. This means that a separate account must be created with fiskaltrust for the test environment.
To create a new account for the test environment, you need to register on the fiskaltrust sandbox portal.
Master Data
Once you have completed the registration process, you must log in to the portal and check your company details. It is important that the UID number or the Taxpayer identification number is entered and the Data Check has been completed. To do this, click on Master data in the Company info section:
FinanzOnline Data
In addition to the master data, you must also enter your FinanzOnline access data. To do this, click on FinanzOnline notifications in the Tools area:
Assignment as Pos Operator
Once you have checked the master data and entered the FinanzOnline access data, you must define your company as a Pos Operator. To do this, click on Overview in the Company info section and select the PosOperator role:
As soon as you click on the slider, the contract that you need to sign will be displayed on the next page:
Assignment of the Pos Dealer
Once your company has been assigned the Pos Operator role, the PosOperator section appears in the navigation area:
In the PosOperator area, click Search PosDealer/Consultant and search for navax:
Then click on Request assignment - PosDealer:
In the next step, NAVAX will process or activate your invitation and carry out the rollout management for you.
Rollout Management
After you have requested the assignment of the Pos Dealer, NAVAX will contact you to carry out the rollout management.
The rollout management consists of 2 steps:
Creation of the license
Creation of the CashBox
Cash Register Setup - Business Central
In the last step, a Cash Register or a Cash Register Code must be created in Business Central for each CashBox created. To do this, click on CashBox in the Configuration area:
Copy the fields CashBoxID, AccessToken and Cash register identification into the corresponding fields of the Cash Register Card in Business Central:
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
Before the fiskaltrust POS Interface can be used, its basic functionality and at least one Cash Register must be set up.
In the Cash Register Setup page the general settings and defaults are defined.
General, Fields
Real Data Permission
Indicates whether data may be sent from the current Business Central environment to the fiskaltrust production environment. This additional security level prevents test data from being accidentally interpreted as real data. Click on the field to manage the Permissions.
For more information, see Setup, Real Data Permissions.
Cash Registers
In the Cash Registers area the Cash Registers are created or managed.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
If several Cash Registers have been created, you can specify in the Cash Register User Setup whether a specific Cash Register should be suggested when selecting the Payment Method in the document.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
Setup, Actions
Payment Methods
View or set up the Payment Methods. The Payment Method selected in an invoice or credit memo determines whether the document is subject to the cash register obligation.
For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods.
View or set up the settings for the cash register users.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
Specifies the actual size of the QR Code in pixels.
If no value is specified, the QR Codes will be created with a resolution of 600x600 pixels.
If the QR code is displayed blurred on the document, a different specification may improve the print quality.
Logo Representation Sales Slip
Specifies whether the company logo should be printed on the sales slip and, if so, in which format.
History, Fields
Allow Delete Request Data
Specifies whether the Delete Request Data older than... action may be executed in the Cash Register Entries.
For more information, see Archive, Cash Register Entries.
Delete Request Data Date Calculation
Specifies the time period for the Delete Request Data older than... action in the Cash Register Entries. If the field is empty, the period is assumed to be 1Y (1 year).
System, Actions
Real Data Permissions
View or set up the Real Data Permissions of the Extension. This additional security level prevents test data from being accidentally interpreted as real data.
For more information, see Setup, Real Data Permissions.
NAVAX License Management
Opens the NAVAX License Management which displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions.
For more information, see Appendix, NAVAX License Management.
A Cash Register Code must be specified in an invoice or credit memo if a Payment Method is selected that is subject to the cash register obligation.
For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods.
Cash Registers are managed or created via the Cash Register Setup page.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.
General, Fields
The first thing to do is to assign a freely definable Code for the Cash Register.
Specifies a Code for the Cash Register. For historical reasons, this field is case-sensitive, as the Code used to have to match the ID stored in the fiscal trust service. This was later changed and the ID stored in the fiskaltrust service has since been stored in the Cash register identification field.
If several Cash Registers have been created, you can specify in the Cash Register User Setup whether a specific Cash Register should be suggested when selecting the Payment Method in the document.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
Specifies a description for the Cash Register.
Specifies the Country for the Cash Register.
Specifies the current state of the Cash Register.
Pending indicates that the Cash Register is not yet in operation.
Active indicates that the Cash Register is ready for operation.
Out of Operation indicates that the Cash Register is no longer in operation.
Pending Errors
Specifies the number of Cash Register Entries with a pending error for the Cash Register.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Allow Manual Completion
Specifies whether the Complete manually action may be executed in the Cash Register Entries.
The Complete manually action may only be used in justified exceptional cases and only if there are no other possibilities to complete an entry in the Cash Register Entries.
Specifies whether the Cash Register is blocked.
You cannot post documents with a blocked Cash Register.
When copying a Company, all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company are automatically set to Blocked.
fiskaltrust CashBox, Fields
After a Code has been assigned, the connection with the fiskaltrust service must be set up. As soon as Environment, CashBoxID and AccessToken are specified, the action Check Connection can be used to check whether the fiskaltrust service is reachable and a connection with the stored settings is possible.
For more information on how to request your fiskaltrust access, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
Specifies whether the Cash Register should send data to the fiskaltrust production environment or to the fiskaltrust test environment.
Specifies the CashBoxID of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section.
For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
When copying a Company, the field will be resetted in all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company.
Specifies the AccessToken of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section.
For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
When copying a Company, the field will be resetted in all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company.
Cash register identification
Specifies the Cash register identification of the fiscaltrust CashBox. You can find the information in the fiskaltrust portal in the CashBox section.
For more information, see General, fiskaltrust Access Data.
Timeout (Milliseconds)
Specifies the length of time in milliseconds that the service is allowed to use, before aborting with an error.
Documents, Fields
Sales Slip Text Setup Exists
Specifies whether beginning- and/or ending-texts for the sales slip are set for the Cash Register.
Click on the field to set up the texts.
For each text, a time period can be specified in which the text is valid.
The text can contain up to 1000 characters. Line breaks in the text are also possible.
All texts valid at the time of posting are stored for the posted document.
Ongoing Documents
Specifies the number of ongoing sales documents for the Cash Register.
Ongoing documents were created but not yet posted.
Ongoing Service Documents
Specifies the number of ongoing service documents for the Cash Register.
Ongoing service documents were created but not yet posted.
History, Fields
Last Month Document Date
Specifies the date of the last month document for the Cash Register.
Last Year Document Date
Specifies the date of the last year document for the Cash Register.
Start of Operation Date
Specifies the start of operation date for the Cash Register.
End of Operation Date
Specifies the end of operation date for the Cash Register.
Check Connection
Checks if the fiskaltrust service can be reached and a connection with the stored settings is possible.
Open Portal
Opens the fiskaltrust Portal for the Cash Register depending on the selected environment.
Reload Service Configuration
If the configuration of a fiskaltrust CashBox is changed in the Portal, it may be necessary to call up this action so that the changes take effect immediately.
Start of Operation
This will put the cash register into operation.
The start document will be created as a Posted Sales Invoice with Amount 0.
If the document has been successfully signed by the service, the Status of the cash register is set to Active.
If an error occurs, the cause of the error must first be corrected and then a further signature attempt must be made with the Fix Errors action.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
The Start Document must be kept and can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document.
In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 document of the posted sales invoice, the appropriate report layouts must be set up.
For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
Sends all Cash Register Entries with a pending error to the service again and tries to sign them.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
End of Operation
This will take the cash register out of operation. The procedure is identical to that for Start of Operation.
If the cash register is taken out of operation, it can no longer be used or put back into service.
The Final Document must be kept and can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document.
View the Cash Register Entries resp. the document history for the Cash Register.
For more information, see Archive, Cash Register Entries.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Setup Real Data Permissions
Real Data Permissions add an additional level of security to actions and processes. This is to prevent test data from being accidentally interpreted as real data. Particularly critical actions and processes (e.g. sending data to an external service) can therefore only be executed if a real data permission has been granted for the current environment.
Practical example
You create a new test database in an on-premises environment by copying the real database, which contains the fully set up fiskaltrust extension. The service of the fiskaltrust extension has the function to sign documents that are subject to the cash register obligation and to protect them against manipulation. Without an additional security level, data from the test database would also be forwarded to fiskaltrust, where it would be interpreted as real data and reported to the tax office. However, this is prevented by the real data permissions function.
Manage Real Data Permissions
The real data permissions of an extension can be viewed or managed via the setup page of the extension in the system area. In the setup of the real data permissions, an environment is defined by the company name, the database name and the server name.
Company Name
Specifies the company name of the permitted environment.
Database Name
Specifies the database name of the permitted environment.
Server Name
Specifies the server name of the permitted environment.
Current Environment
Specifies whether the permitted environment is the current environment.
Date and Time
Specifies the date and time when the environment was permitted.
User ID
Specifies the ID of the user who permitted the environment.
User Name
Specifies the name of the User ID.
Permit Current Environment
Grants a real data permission for the current environment.
Do not permit your current environment unless you are absolutely sure.
Once the environment is permitted, the secured action or process can be called or executed by all users. Although real data permissions can be deleted or removed at any time, this does not undo actions that have already been performed.
The Payment Method selected in an invoice or credit memo determines whether the document is subject to the cash register obligation.
Cash Register Obligation
Specifies whether the Payment Method is subject to the cash register obligation.
If the field is set, a Cash Register Code must be specified for invoices and credit memos, which will be used to sign the document when it is posted.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Setup Cash Register User
In the Cash Register User Setup page the settings and defaults for the users of the Cash Register are specified.
User ID
Specifies for which user the settings apply. The specification is optional.
If no User ID is specified, the settings are general and apply to all users for whom no special settings exist.
Specifies whether the user receives an A4 document, a sales slip, or a selection when posting/printing a cash register document.
For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
Paper Roll
Specifies the paper roll width for the sales slip (80 or 57 mm).
Default Output
Specifies a default value for the Create Status Document action.
Base32 instead of QR Code
Specifies whether Base32 should be printed on the document instead of a QR Code.
Select this setting when the user uses a printer that cannot print QR Codes.
Specifies whether to display feedback (e.g., errors, notes, and necessary actions).
The option No should only be set in exceptional cases, as important information is ignored.
Users can also disable notifications for the rest of the day.
Report Layouts control the content and format of the report, i.e. which fields appear on the report and how they are arranged.
Via the Report Selection you can specify which reports are used when printing a cash register document.
Report Layouts
In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 documents, the appropriate Cash Register report layouts must be selected. Via the Report Layout Selection page you can specify which layout should be used by default when printing a document.
If you use your own customer-specific layout for A4 documents, you must add the cash register data to this layout or select the cash register report layout manually when printing.
However, it is also possible to print the sales slip with the cash register data in addition to the A4 document (or instead of an A4 document) via the Report Selection.
Available Cash Register Report Layouts
The following RDLC report layouts are currently available for the documents:
Report ID
Report Name
Sales - Invoice
Sales - Credit Memo
Service - Invoice
Service - Credit Memo
Use the search term 1306|1307|5911|5912 to filter all documents supported by the cash register.
Via the Report Selection - Cash Register page you can specify which reports are used when printing a cash register document.
Basically, a distinction is made between A4 documents and sales slips in the Usage field.
By default, the report selections of the A4 documents are used when printing a cash register document.
The following applies: The settings in the Report Selection - Cash Register are optional and only need to be specified if a deviation from the Report Selection - Sales (or Report Selection - Service) is required.
However, in order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 documents, the appropriate Cash Register report layouts must be selected. But it is also possible to print the sales slip in addition to the A4 document (or instead of an A4 document).
Über das Feld Belegformat in der Registrierkassenbenutzereinrichtung kann festgelegt werden, ob die Berichtsauswahlen der A4 Belege (Standardeinstellung) oder die Berichtsauswahlen der Bons verwendet werden sollen.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
Specifies which type of document the report is used for.
Specifies a number that indicates where this report is in the printing order.
Report ID
Specifies the object ID of the report.
Report Caption
Specifies the display name of the report.
Use for Email Body
Specifies that summarized information, such as invoice number, due date, and payment service link, will be inserted in the body of the email that you send.
Use for Email Attachment
Specifies that the related document will be attached to the email.
Email Body Layout Code
Specifies the ID of the email body layout that is used.
Email Body Layout Description
Specifies a description of the email body layout that is used.
Printer Selections
View or set up a printer that will be used to print the report.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Documents
Sales documents and service documents are created, posted and printed as before.
The Payment Method selected in the document determines whether the document is subject to the cash register obligation.
For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods.
If the Payment Method is subject to the cash register obligation, a Cash Register Code must be specified for invoices and credit memos, which will be used to sign the document when it is posted.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
The following fields are available in the Order, Invoice and Credit Memo in Sales and Service.
Cash Register Document
Specifies whether the selected Payment Method is subject to the cash register obligation.
If this is the case, a Cash Register Code must also be specified, which will be used to sign the document when it is posted.
For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods.
Cash Register Code
Specifies which Cash Register should be used. The field is suggested or must be filled if the selected Payment Method is subject to the cash register obligation.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register User.
After posting a cash register document, users are notified of open errors and pending tasks.
Depending on the type of notification, different actions can be executed via the window.
As the various actions may affect other open tasks or even complete them, only one action can be executed at a time via the window.
After an action has been executed, a new notification window is displayed if there are still open tasks.
Users can also disable these cash register notifications for normal documents for the rest of the day. However, the setting is reset when the browser is restarted.
After creating status documents via the Create Status Document action, cash register notifications are always displayed, if any exists.
Posted Documents
The following fields are available in the Posted Invoice and Posted Credit Memo in Sales and Service.
Cash Register Document
Specifies whether the document is a cash register document.
Yes means that this is a normal cash register document.
Sales documents can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document, Service documents can only be printed as an A4 document.
In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 document, the appropriate report layouts must be set up. For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
The following actions are available in the Posted Invoice Card in Sales and Service.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Error Handling
After posting a cash register document, users are informed if an error has occurred during communication with the service or if there are open errors for the Cash Register.
To fix errors, select Fix Errors:
This will open the Cash Registers page.
The Pending Errors field shows the number of Cash Register Entries with a pending error.
Click on the field (or on Entries) for more information.
The Check Connection action can be used to check whether the service is available.
After the cause of the error has been eliminated, all incorrect entries can be resent to the service via the Fix Errors action. This automatically activates the Post-Recording of the service. The Post-Recording is active until a final Zero Document is created via the Create Status Document action (Cash Registers page).
For more information, see Working with the App, Status Documents.
Even if the service is running in Post-Recording mode, "normal" cash register documents can still be posted. However, after posting a normal cash register document, you will be notified that the Post-Recording mode is still active.
Details about the incorrect entries are displayed in the cash register entries.
Entries that contain the value Error or Pending in the Status field are considered to be incorrect and are taken into account by the Fix Errors action.
The Signature Attempts field specifies the number of signature attempts made so far.
The Error Type Specifies the type of error.
Electronic Recording System failed means that it is technically impossible for the cash register to access the service.
Postprocessing Error means there is a problem with your data structure.
In this case, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner directly.
The Error Message field specifies technical details about the error.
Faulty documents are marked with the label Electronic Recording System failed and a running error counter instead of the signature block.
A copy is also printed automatically. The copy must be archived.
Signature Creation Device
A failure of the signature creation device occurs if the service temporarily cannot communicate with the signature creation device. Failures of the signature device are not marked as Error. Instead, the field Signature Creation Device displays the value Temporarily failed.
If the failure lasts longer than 48 hours, the value Permanently failed is displayed.
For failures of the signature unit no "Fix Errors" is necessary or possible and you can continue to post cash register documents as before. As soon as the signature creation device is available again, you will be notified (after posting another cash register document) that a Zero Document is required. This Zero Document is then used to sign the affected documents together.
Complete manually
In justified exceptional cases, this action can be used to close entries.
The entry is marked with Manually Completed and a note with Date, Time and User ID is created.
The process can also be undone using the same action.
The action may only be used in justified exceptional cases and only if there are no other possibilities to complete an entry.
A justification for manual closure should be included in the comments.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Status Documents
After posting a cash register document, you are notified when a status document (Zero Document, Month Document, Year Document) can/must be created.
Status documents are created as Posted Sales Invoices with Amount 0 and can be created on the Cash Register page via the Create Status Document action.
Document Type
Specifies the type of status document.
Start Document and Final Document
Status documents of type Start Document and Final Document are created via the actions Start of Operation and End of Operation in the setup page of the Cash Register.
A Start Document or a Final Document must be kept as basic records for at least seven years (§ 132 BAO).
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
Year Document
On 31 December of each year, users of cash registers must prepare, print and store the Year Document instead of a Month Document.
For more information, see Working with the App, Annual Closure.
Cash Register Code
Specifies for which Cash Register the status document should be created.
Specifies the Country of the Cash Register. The field is only displayed for Start of Operation and End of Operation.
Specifies whether the data will be sent to the fiskaltrust production environment or to the fiskaltrust test environment. The field is only displayed for Start of Operation and End of Operation.
Specifies the output for the document.
Status Documents can be printed as a sales slip or as an A4 document.
In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 document of the posted sales invoice, the appropriate report layouts must be set up.
For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Subsequent Cash Payment
If an invoice gets subsequently paid in cash, the document can be signed via the Subsequent Cash Payment action on the Posted Sales Invoice or Posted Service Invoice pages.
For more information, see Working with the App, Documents.
The action sets the Cash Register Document field in the document to Subsequent and forwards it to the service resp. signs the document.
No posting is made in the system. The document is therefore not automatically applied/closed.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Handwritten Document
Set the field Handwritten Cash Register Document in a sales document or in a service document if the document was originally handwritten.
For more information, see Working with the App, Documents.
Handwritten Cash Register Documents are not automatically forwarded to the service when posting, but creates entries with status Pending.
After all documents have been entered and posted, they must be signed via the Fix Errors action (Cash Registers page). This automatically activates the Post-Recording of the service. The Post-Recording is active until a final Zero Document is created via the Create Status Document action (Cash Registers page).
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling and Working with the App, Status Documents.
Even if the service is running in Post-Recording mode, "normal" cash register documents can still be posted. However, after posting a normal cash register document, you will be notified that the Post-Recording mode is still active.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Working with the App Annual Closure
On 31 December of each year, users of cash registers must prepare, print and store the Year Document instead of a Month Document. The Year Document must be created for each active Cash Register of a company.
General Information
Technical Requirement
The Year Document must be signed correctly. If the signature creation device has failed, the creation and verification of the Year Document must be rescheduled immediately after the end of this failure. In most cases, these failures can be terminated by creating a Zero Document.
Special Cases
Cash register closing after midnight
You run a business that generates cash sales after midnight on December 31? In this case you may create the Year Document after the close of business or immediately before the start of the following business day.
Seasonal business
You run a seasonal business and your last cash turnover was already made before December (e.g. in September)? In this case the Year Document can already be created and checked in a previous month.
The Year Document must be created on the Cash Register page via the Create Status Document action.
For more information, see Working with the App, Status Documents.
After the document has been successfully transmitted to fiskaltrust, you will receive two e-mails from fiskaltrust.
One e-mail contains the confirmation for the Year Document, the other e-mail contains the verification via web service by fiskaltrust at FON.
Both emails are to be kept by means of a printout.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Archive Data Collection Log
The Data Collection Log is generally defined by national laws. It is stored online at fiskaltrust and can be downloaded via the fiskaltrust Portal.
To do this, click on Queue in the Configuration area, select the corresponding CashBox and then click on Export:
The view automatically switches to the Tools, Exports area. Select the range (either by date or by number) and the type of the export and then click on Start export:
Most exports should be finished in a few minutes, but processing very large queues might take up to one hour. You can also exit the portal in the meantime.
A list of exports and their state can be found in the Tools section under Exports:
For a PosArchive DEP 7 export, the zip file contains the file ATDEP....json, which contains the Data Collection Log.
Start Document and Final Document are special forms for start and end of operation of a cash register.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.
Specifies the date on which the entry was created.
Specifies the time when the entry was created.
Document Type
Specifies whether the cash register document is an invoice or a credit memo.
Document No.
Specifies the number of the cash register document.
Specifies the state of the entry.
Entries that contain the value Error or Pending in the Status field are considered to be incorrect and are taken into account by the error correction.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Error Type
Specifies the type of error.
Electronic Recording System failed means that it is technically impossible for the cash register to access the service.
Postprocessing Error means there is a problem with your data structure.
In this case, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner directly.
Error Message
Specifies technical details about the error.
Signature Creation Device
Specifies problems with the signature creation device.
A failure of the signature creation device occurs if the service temporarily cannot communicate with the signature creation device.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Specifies the number of notifications and tasks that were current at the time of the last signature attempt.
Post-Recording activated
Specifies whether the Post-Recording was active at the time of the last signature attempt.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Specifies whether there is a comment for the entry.
Amount Including VAT
Specifies the Amount Including VAT of the cash register document.
Payment Discount Amount
Specifies the Payment Discount Amount of the cash register document.
Whether a payment discount is deducted or calculated depends on the date.
The payment discount amount is only taken into account if the Pmt. Discount Date is >= the date of the Cash Register Notification.
Especially in the case of subsequent cash payment the date on which the payment (and thus the notification) is made is decisive.
Exception: If a document is entered as a Handwritten Document, the Pmt. Discount Date is not checked.
Payment Amount
Specifies the Amount Including VAT minus the Payment Discount Amount.
Currency Code
Specifies the currency code of the cash register document.
Specifies the number assigned to the cash register entry.
The application assigns a unique number to each cash register entry.
Show Document
Opens the document card.
Prepares to send the document according to the customer's sending profile.
The Send Document to page opens in which you can confirm or select a Sending Profile.
Prepares to print the document.
Prepares to send the document by email.
The Send Email page opens with the email address of the customer already entered.
You can add information or change existing information before sending the email.
Entry, Actions
Via the actions in the Entry group more detailed information or technical details about the entry can be displayed.
Additional Document Data
View the additional data for the cash register document.
The Cash Register Signature Attempts page displays detailed information about the signature attempts.
Signature Attempt
Specifies the number of the signature attempt.
Specifies the date on which the signature attempt was created.
Specifies the time when the signature attempt was created.
Failure Post-Recording
Specifies whether the signature attempt was triggered by the Fix Errors action.
Depending on whether the service is available or not, the Fix Errors action automatically activates the Post-Recording.
The Post-Recording activated field shows whether Post-Recording has been activated or was (already) active.
Specifies the state of the signature attempt.
Entries that contain the value Error or Pending in the Status field are considered to be incorrect.
HTTP Status Code
Specifies the HTTP status code returned when communicating with the service.
HTTP Status Message
Specifies the HTTP status message returned when communicating with the service.
Error Type
Specifies the type of error.
Electronic Recording System failed means that it is technically impossible for the cash register to access the service.
Postprocessing Error means there is a problem with your data structure.
In this case, contact your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner directly.
Error Message
Specifies technical details about the error.
Signature Creation Device
Specifies problems with the signature creation device.
A failure of the signature creation device occurs if the service temporarily cannot communicate with the signature creation device.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Specifies the number of notifications and tasks that were current at the time of the last signature attempt.
Post-Recording activated
Specifies whether the Post-Recording was active at the time of the signature attempt.
For more information, see Working with the App, Error Handling.
Archived Request Exists
Specifies whether data has been sent to the service and stored in the log.
All request data sent to the service is stored in the signature attempts.
If necessary, the archived request data can be removed from the signature attempts.
For more information, see Archive, Cash Register Entries.
Archived Response Exists
Specifies whether data was returned from the service and stored in the log.
All response data returned by the service is stored in the signature attempts.
The data, unlike the request data, cannot be deleted.
Service Cash register identification
Specifies the ID returned by the service.
The value specified in the Cash Register must match the value returned by the fiskaltrust service.
Specifies the Data Collection Log Number returned by the service.
For more information, see Archive, Data Collection Log.
Service Processing Date
Specifies the processing date returned by the service.
Service Processing Time (UTC)
Specifies the processing time (UTC) returned by the service.
Service Status
Specifies the status returned by the service.
The information may be useful for technical support.
Service QueueID
Specifies the QueueID returned by the service.
The information may be useful for technical support.
Service QueueItemID
Specifies the QueueItemID returned by the service.
The information may be useful for technical support.
Service QueueRow
Specifies the QueueRow returned by the service.
The information may be useful for technical support.
Response Time
Specifies the response time from the service.
Cash Register Entry No.
Specifies the entry number of the associated Cash Register Entry.
For more information, see Archive, Cash Register Entries.
Signature Attempt, Actions
Via the actions in the group Signature Attempt more detailed information or technical details about the entry can be displayed.
Additional Document Data
View the additional data for the cash register document.
Show Request/Response
View detailed information about what has been sent to and returned from the service. The information can be useful for technical support.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Information for Developers QR Codes
The QR Codes are generated via a function from the NAVAX Extension Base.
For more information, see [Docs] NAVAX Extension Base - Information for Developers, QR Codes
Via the OnBeforeCreateQRCode event in Codeunit "NCCR QR Code Mgt." another solution can be integrated.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Information for Developers Reports
By default, cash register data is integrated into the following reports via reportextensions:
Report ID
Report Name
Sales - Invoice
Sales - Credit Memo
Service - Invoice
Service - Credit Memo
Through custom programming, the cash register data can also be integrated into other reports based on the same posted tables.
The following example serves as a template or guide for integration in other reports and shows how the Cash Register is integrated in Report 1306 "Standard Sales - Invoice".
Code and layout of the example can be downloaded here:
The fiskaltrust POS Interface was developed with the prefix "NCCR".
NCCR stands for NAVAX Consulting Cash Register.
All layout changes required for the Cash Register can be found at the end of the report:
To integrate the cash register data or these layout changes into another report, proceed as follows:
Download the sample files using the link earlier in this topic.
Open the NCCRStandardSalesInvoice.rdlc file.
Change the file extension to .rdl if you cannot edit .rdlc files.
The cash register data or layout changes are composed of the 4 sub-areas NCCRHeaderTable, NCCRPaymentTable, NCCRQRTable and NCCRFooterTable.
Select all 4 areas from NCCRHeader to NCCRFooter:
When all 4 areas are selected, 4 move icons should be displayed:
Copy the selected area.
Open the layout of the report into which the layout changes are to be integrated.
Create enough space at the end of the report and insert the changes.
Docs / fiskaltrust POS Interface / Information for Developers Event Request
Changes as of version NCCR xx.2.0.0
The receiptrequestmode key no longer needs to be set for the CashBox. If the key is set anyway, this can have a positive effect on the amount of data that is transferred during troubleshooting.
The following applies to older versions:
The key receiptrequestmode must be set to the value 1 in the configuration of each CashBox.
To do this, click on CashBox in the Configuration area, select the relevant CashBox and then click on the CashBox settings (cogwheel):
Click on Add custom configuration in the Configuration window:
Enter the value receiptrequestmode in the Key field and the value 1 in the Value field:
Click on Save:
Finally, please click on Rebuild configuration:
For the change to take effect immediately, the Reload Service Configuration action for the corresponding Cash Register must be called via the Cash Register Card in Business Central. Otherwise, according to fiskaltrust, it can take up to an hour for the change to take effect.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
The NAVAX License Management page (in older versions "NAVAX License Overview" or "NCEX License Overview") displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions.
Specifies the name of the Extension.
License Status
Specifies the current license status of the Extension.
Serial No.
Specifies the serial number of the Extension.
Specifies the currently installed version of the Extension.
Trial Version
A NAVAX extension can be tested or used free of charge for 30 days after installation. After that, the extension can only be used with a valid license.
Request License
The license can be requested or checked via the Current Status action. This opens a window.
The following example shows the NAVAX extension Excel Report Builder.
Fill in the fields in the window and then click Send License Request.
Please note that the licensing process may take some time.
In the next few days you will receive an email with further information.
For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to https://www.navax.app must be granted.
Public IP from www.navax.app for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443
Checking the connection to https://www.navax.app using PS: Test-NetConnection navax.app -port 443 (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)
CRL Servers In addition, the following CRL Servers must also be accessible for the certificate check: https://certificates.godaddy.com/* http://crl.godaddy.com/* or their IP:
Activate/Update License
As soon as the licensing has been completed, you will receive an email and the license can be activated via the Update License action.
The license is company independent. So it does not matter in which company the action is called.
The licence must be updated once a year via the Update License action.
The update is only possible or necessary within the last 30 days before the license expires, or afterwards. Within the last 30 days before the license expires, notes are displayed.
If the Automatic License Renewal is enabled, the Update License action is called automatically before the license expires. Note that the setting is only active after the license has been activated via the action.
This action can be used to open the Microsoft AppSource ratings page for the extension.
We would be very happy if you submit your rating and let us know about your experience with the Extension.
The following Granules are required for an On-Premises installation:
1011180 fiskaltrust POS Interface by NAVAX
1010860 Extension Base by NAVAX
External Addresses
For signing data in a production environment, access to https://signaturcloud.fiskaltrust.at/ must be granted.
For signing data in a sandbox environment, access to https://signaturcloud-sandbox.fiskaltrust.at/ must be granted.
To create the QR Codes via the CreateQRCodeRedSoft function, access to https://qr01.navax.com:8080 must be granted.
Checking the connection to https://qr01.navax.com:8080 using PS: Test-NetConnection qr01.navax.com -port 8080 (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)
For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to https://www.navax.app must be granted.
Public IP from www.navax.app for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443
Checking the connection to https://www.navax.app using PS: Test-NetConnection navax.app -port 443 (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)
CRL Servers In addition, the following CRL Servers must also be accessible for the certificate check: https://certificates.godaddy.com/* http://crl.godaddy.com/* or their IP:
If a start or final document was manually completed, the status of the cash register was not set correctly.
Affected cash registers can be corrected by manually completing them again.
The reversal flag (0x0000000000040000) is no longer set in the ftReceiptCase for Credit Memos.
Changes for Business Central 24 compatibility.
as of Business Central 21 2024/02/01
Due to the installation of the extension, the totals were not always printed on the A4 documents when using the RDLC report layouts.
Information for Developers:
In case of custom programming, the error can be corrected by adding the dataitem NCCRQRCode via addafter(Line) and not via addlast(Header) as before.
as of Business Central 21 2024/01/22
New Product Name
The NCCR Cash Register extension has been renamed to fiskaltrust POS Interface.
The Cash Register Setup has been revised.
The Environment Confirmations have been replaced by Real Data Permissions.
For more information, see Setup, Real Data Permissions.
For security reasons, the Real Data Permissions must be assigned again manually after the update.
The Cache QR Code field has been removed. The QR Code Cache is now automatically cleared when an Year Document is created.
The ID field has been renamed to Code.
The code no longer has to match the ID stored in the fiskaltrust service.
The fields No. of Entries, Service, URL, Sandbox URL, Sandbox Login ID and Sandbox Token have been removed.
The fields Environment and Cash register identification have been added.
When copying a Company, all copied Cash Registers in the newly created Company are now automatically set to Blocked and the CashBoxID and AccessToken fields are reseted.
The Cash Register Posting field has been renamed to Cash Register Obligation in the Payment Methods.
For more information, see Setup, Payment Methods.
The Cash Register Posting field has been renamed to Cash Register Document in the Documents.
For more information, see Working with the App, Documents.
The Cash Register ID field has been renamed to Cash Register Code in the Documents.
For more information, see Working with the App, Documents.
The Cash Register Entries have been revised.
The German caption has been renamed.
The fields Sandbox, Service, Sales Counter Document Value and Sales Counter have been removed.
The action Delete Request Data older than... has been added. This action replaces the Delete Data action, which was removed from the Cash Register Setup.
In case of a subsequent cash payment, a page is now opened where the Cash Register ID can be selected or changed.
Separate fields for Login ID and Access Token have been added in the Cash Register ID Setup for the fiskaltrust sandbox.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
In the Online Help, the text in the Setup, Registration with fiskaltrust, Sandbox (Test System) section has been corrected.
The statement "fiskaltrust transfers all data at regular intervals from the real system to the test system or sandbox." is not correct.
No data will be transferred from fiskaltrust.
To register a service sandbox, you must repeat all the steps of the registration in the fiskaltrust sandbox.
as of Business Central 19 2022/02/22
The Beginning- and/or ending-texts of a Cash Register ID are now edited or entered via a text editor.
The text of a text line can contain up to 1000 characters. Line breaks in the text of the text line are now also possible.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
Beginning- and/or ending-texts for the sales slip can now be set up for a Cash Register ID via the NCCR Cash Register Setup.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Registers.
Added action NAVAX License Overview on the NCCR Cash Register Setup page.
Other licensing actions and fields have been removed from the setup.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.
The QR Codes were not always printed on the A4 documents.
The NCCR report layouts for the A4 documents have been modified.
For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
For the creation of the QR Codes the service of red.soft is now used instead of the service of TEC-IT.
Added field QR Code Resolution in Pixel on the NCCR Cash Register Setup page.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.
as of Business Central 18 2021/05/13
Business Central Update
The cash register data can now also be printed on the A4 documents.
In order for the cash register data to be printed on the A4 documents, the appropriate report layouts must be set up.
For more information, see Setup, Report Layouts & Report Selection.
as of Business Central 17 2021/03/12
NCCR Cash Register now uses Environment Confirmations to prevent test data from being accidentally forwarded to the external service of fiskaltrust as real data.
An external service was used to create the QR codes, which has been discontinued.
A function from NAVAX Extension Base is now used.
Some fields on the NCCR Cash Register Setup page have been rearranged.
For more information, see Setup, Cash Register Setup.