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NCDV Contact Data Verifier

Correction and review functions for personal and company-related data.

Status: Discontinued


Creation date: 2024/09/21
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • NCDV Contact Data Verifier
    NCDV Contact Data Verifier checks, corrects and enriches personal and company data using a service developed by /data.mill...


  • Contact Data Verifier Setup
    Before the NCDV Contact Data Verifier can be used, its basic functionality must be set up...
  • Registration with /data.mill
    To use the NCDV Contact Data Verifier, you must register with /data.mill...
  • /data.mill Credits
    The NCDV Contact Data Verifier is charged by usage. Each function has its corresponding price in credits...


  • Working with Contact Data Verifier
    Customers, Vendors, Contacts etc. are recorded as before...


  • Contact Data Verifier Entries
    If the Log Requests field is checked in the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Setup, the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Entries page displays the history of requests sent to the service...


  • NAVAX License Management
    The NAVAX License Management page (in older versions NAVAX License Overview or NCEX License Overview) displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions...
  • Installation Notes
  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  General
 NCDV Contact Data Verifier

NCDV Contact Data Verifier checks, corrects and enriches personal and company data using a service developed by /data.mill. The correct data and responsible handling of data will make your company stand out from the competition. Clean, accurate and complete data are an important basis for compliance with the DSGVO.


  • No personal data from the requests are stored at /data.mill. All data transmitted to /data.mill are processed on the systems only for the duration of the request (usually less than one second) and then deleted. Also, no personal data is stored in any log information.
  • The /data.mill service is a contract processor in terms of the Data Protection Basic Regulation (DSGVO). Even if personal data are only on the /data.mill systems for fractions of a second (e.g. mail addresses or telephone numbers), they are still legally processed. On request, we will be happy to send you an agreement for order processing according to Art. 28 DSGVO.


Fields, actions, pages and reports originating from the NCDV Contact Data Verifier extension are identified by the abbreviation NCDV. This additional labeling makes them clearly distinguishable from other extensions (which may use similar names and designations). NCDV stands for NAVAX Consulting Data Verifier. The search term "ncdv" is also recognized by "Tell me what you want to do". This allows very fast access to the individual areas of the NCDV Contact Data Verifier.

Permission Sets

The following permission sets are available for the NCDV Contact Data Verifier:
NCDVNCDV Contact Data Verifier You need these permissions to use the NCDV Contact Data Verifier. For more information, see Tasks, Working with Contact Data Verifier.
NCDV, SETUPNCDV Setup Contact Data Verifier You need these permissions to set up the NCDV Contact Data Verifier. For more information, see Setup, Contact Data Verifier Setup.

Installation Notes

For more information, see Appendix, Installation Notes.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Setup
 Contact Data Verifier Setup

Before the NCDV Contact Data Verifier can be used, its basic functionality must be set up. In the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Setup page the general settings and defaults are defined.

Setup, Actions

  • /data.mill Registration

    Opens the /data.mill registration.


    To use the NCDV Contact Data Verifier, you must register with /data.mill. For more information, see Setup, Registration with /data.mill.
  • /data.mill Shop

    Opens the /data.mill shop where you can buy more credits.


    The NCDV Contact Data Verifier is charged according to use. Each function has its corresponding price in credits. For more information, see Setup, /data.mill Credits.

General, Fields

/data.mill License CodeSpecifies the License Code (credentials) for the /data.mill service. For more information, see Setup, Registration with /data.mill.
/data.mill GUIDSpecifies the GUID (credentials) for the /data.mill service. For more information, see Setup, Registration with /data.mill.
Minimal Address Relevance %Specifies how much percent of the entered address data must at least match with the address data found by /data.mill so that the address data is taken from /data.mill or supplemented by /data.mill. Every typo and every missing match between the address data entered and the address data found by /data.mill reduces the percentage of match. So the higher the value in the field, the more address data entered must match the address data found by /data.mill.
Timeout (Milliseconds)Specifies the length of time in milliseconds that the service is allowed to use, before aborting the sending attempt with an error.
Verifier ActivatedSpecifies that the NCDV Contact Data Verifier is active. The NCDV Contact Data Verifier can only be activated when the fields /data.mill License Code and /data.mill GUID are specified.
/data.mill CreditsSpecifies the total /data.mill Credits available for /data.mill.
Used CreditsSpecifies the already used /data.mill Credits.
Remaining CreditsSpecifies the remaining /data.mill Credits.

Verify, Fields

In this section you specify which tables and which fields should be checked.
Verify CustomersSpecifies whether the data of the Customers should be checked.
Verify Customer Bank AccountsSpecifies whether the data of the Customer Bank Accounts should be checked.
Verify VendorsSpecifies whether the data of the Vendors should be checked.
Verify Vendor Bank AccountsSpecifies whether the data of the Vendor Bank Accounts should be checked.
Verify ContactsSpecifies whether the data of the Contacts should be checked.
Verify EmployeesSpecifies whether the data of the Employees should be checked.
Verify Bank AccountsSpecifies whether the data of the Bank Accounts should be checked.
Verify Name DataSpecifies whether the fields Name, Name 2, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Surname and Company Name should be checked. Costs: 1 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Changes any word in a given text so that the first letter is capitalized and all others are converted to lower case. Special proper names like "DiCaprio" are recognized and ignored.
Suggest GenderSpecifies whether a value should be suggested in the Employees Gender field based on the data in the First Name field. The value for the gender is determined when a first name is entered. Costs: 1 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Recognizes the gender of a particular first name.


Works only with common first names in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Verify Address DataSpecifies whether the fields Address, Address 2, Post Code, City, County and Country/Region Code should be checked. Costs: 27 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Searches the location based on the address information entered.
Suggest Data via VAT Reg. No.Specifies whether name data and address data should be proposed when entering an VAT Registration No. Costs: 30 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Company information (company name and postal address) is resolved on the basis of the company's VAT ID number. Only companies within the European Union can be verified and dissolved. Some countries have access restrictions and may not provide complete company information.


This function is not a replacement for the VAT Registration No. Validation Service. Only if the VAT Registration No. Validation Service is activated you will receive a Request Identifier and thus an entry in the VAT Registration Log.
Verify Phone DataSpecifies whether the fields Phone No., Mobile Phone No., Pager, Telex No. and Fax No. should be checked. Costs: 2 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Checks a specific phone number and converts it to the canonical form. In addition, the type of the telephone number is determined (e.g. "landline", "mobile phone", ...).


The number is not checked for existence.
Check if Mobile Phone No. existsSpecifies whether the field Mobile Phone No. should be tested for existence. Costs: 30 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Real-time validation of mobile phone numbers without triggering a call or sending a text message
Verify E-Mail AddressesSpecifies whether to check E-Mail fields. Costs: 15 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Checks the spelling of an e-mail address to detect typos and spelling errors. If the e-mail address has a valid syntax, its mail server is determined and checked for existence. The mail server itself is compared with a list of available providers to determine addresses with a short lifespan. In addition, the mail server is checked whether an email can be received for the specified mailbox.
Verify IBAN/SWIFT CodeSpecifies whether the IBAN and SWIFT Code fields should be checked. Costs: 2 /data.mill Credits per request. Functionality: Checks the spelling, the country code and the checksum of an IBAN or the spelling of a SWIFT Code.


The function does not check whether the IBAN or SWIFT Code really exists, but only checks the validity of the format.

System, Fields

Log RequestsSpecifies whether the requests sent to the service should be logged.
No. of EntriesSpecifies the number of NCDV Contact Data Verifier Entries.

System, Actions

  • NAVAX License Overview

    Opens the NAVAX License Overview which displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions. For more information, see Appendix, NAVAX License Management.Appendix, NAVAX License Overview.
  • Entries

    View the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Entries.
  • Delete Entries

    If necessary, this action can be used to delete the logged requests.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Setup
 Registration with /data.mill

To use the NCDV Contact Data Verifier, you must register with /data.mill. Click on /data.mill Registration to register with /data.mill. The registration is free. After successful registration you will receive your access data from /data.mill by e-mail. With these data you can then create the license code and a GUID for the /data.mill service in the /data.mill programs. Both information must be stored in the Contact Data Verifier Setup.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Setup
 /data.mill Credits

The NCDV Contact Data Verifier is charged by usage. Each function has its corresponding price in credits. For example, checking a postal address costs 27 credits, while checking a mail address costs 15 credits. In order to use the functions, sufficient credits must be available. If the credit price of a function is higher than the available credits, the function cannot be executed. Credits are deducted from your credit balance after the function has been executed. The still available /data.mill credits are displayed in the Contact Data Verifier Setup.


After purchasing additional credits, the display is not updated until the page is opened again.
Credits can be purchased through the /data.mill Shop. The smallest unit is 50,000 credits, which cost EUR 75.00 (+VAT). That means the above mentioned address check (27 credits) costs EUR 0.0405, the mail address check EUR 0.0225. Credits have no expiry date. You will automatically receive reminder e-mails from the system regarding the expiring credits. In the shop you can either pay on account or via PayPal with credit card or other payment methods offered by PayPal. When paying via PayPal, the purchased credits are immediately credited to the customer's account. When paying on account, the credits are only credited after receipt of your payment, which can take a few days.


If you consume more than 1.000.000 /data.mill Credits per year, a subsequent charging of the credits is also possible.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Tasks
 Working with Contact Data Verifier

Customers, Vendors, Contacts etc. are recorded as before. The settings in the Verify section of the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Setup determine which fields should be verified during entry. For more information, see Setup, Contact Data Verifier Setup.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Archive
 Contact Data Verifier Entries

If the Log Requests field is checked in the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Setup, the NCDV Contact Data Verifier Entries page displays the history of requests sent to the service.


Date and TimeSpecifies the date and time when the entry was created.
Table No.Specifies the number of the table for which the check was performed.
Table NameSpecifies the name of the table for which the check was performed.
Primary KeySpecifies the key of the record for which the check was performed.
Field No.Specifies the number of the field for which the check was performed.
Field NameSpecifies the name of the field for which the check was performed.
RequestSpecifies the request sent to the service.
URLSpecifies to which URL the request was sent to the service.
HTTP Status CodeSpecifies the HTTP status code returned when communicating with the service For more information, see
Error MessageSpecifies technical details about the error.
User IDSpecifies the ID of the user who created the entry.
Entry No.Specifies the number assigned to the NCDV Contact Data Verifier entry.


  • Card

    View the record for which the check was performed.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Appendix
 NAVAX License Management

The NAVAX License Management page (in older versions "NAVAX License Overview" or "NCEX License Overview") displays the current license status of the NAVAX extensions.


NameSpecifies the name of the Extension.
License StatusSpecifies the current license status of the Extension.
Serial No.Specifies the serial number of the Extension.
VersionSpecifies the currently installed version of the Extension.

Trial Version

A NAVAX extension can be tested or used free of charge for 30 days after installation. After that, the extension can only be used with a valid license.

Request License

The license can be requested or checked via the Current Status action. This opens a window. The following example shows the NAVAX extension Excel Report Builder. Fill in the fields in the window and then click Send License Request. Please note that the licensing process may take some time. In the next few days you will receive an email with further information.


For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to must be allowed.

Public IP from for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443

Checking the connection to using PS:
Test-NetConnection -port 443
(PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)

Activate/Update License

As soon as the licensing has been completed, you will receive an email and the license can be activated via the Update License action. The license is company independent. So it does not matter in which company the action is called.


  • The licence must be updated once a year via the Update License action.
  • The update is only possible or necessary within the last 30 days before the license expires, or afterwards. Within the last 30 days before the license expires, notes are displayed.
  • If the Automatic License Renewal is enabled, the Update License action is called automatically before the license expires. Note that the setting is only active after the license has been activated via the action.

Terms & Conditions

For more information, see

Data Security

For more information, see

Submit Rating

This action can be used to open the Microsoft AppSource ratings page for the extension. We would be very happy if you submit your rating and let us know about your experience with the Extension.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Appendix
 Installation Notes

Publish and Install the Extension

All necessary steps are described here:
[Microsoft Learn] Business Central - Publishing and Installing an Extension



The following Granules are required for an On-Premises installation:
  • 70714580 NCDV Contact Data Verifier by NAVAX
  • 1010860 NCEX Extension Base by NAVAX

External Addresses


    For licensing, calling the online help and performing some actions, access to must be allowed.

    Public IP from for setting firewall access:, Port: TCP/443

    Checking the connection to using PS:
    Test-NetConnection -port 443
    (PS must be performed with the M-Tier service user)

    To verify the data, access to must be allowed.

Docs  /  NCDV Contact Data Verifier  /  Appendix
 Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates.


as of Business Central 20
  • Note

    This version is also available as a downgrade version for Business Central 19, 18 and 17.


as of Business Central 20


as of Business Central 20


as of Business Central 19


as of Business Central 19


as of Business Central 18


as of Business Central 18
  • Business Central Update


as of Business Central 17


as of Business Central 17
  • Business Central Update


as of Business Central 16
  • Business Central Update


as of Business Central 15
  • Initial Version

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