Extended service functionalities. See description for details.
Current Version: of Business Central 18.
Creation date: 2025/02/19 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
NVXASM Extended Service The app provides the extended service functionalities...
Extended Service Setup
Service Management Setup
Arbeiten mit der App
Automatische Serviceartikelanlage
Hersteller Garantiedauer Within the Vendor card & Item card there is a field Manufacturer Warranty Duration available...
Service Item Line editability
Service Item Comments As part of NVXASM Extended Service, the standard Service Item comments have also been enhanced...
Assignment of ZIP Code to Service Zone You can assign a Service Zone Code to a ZIP code in the Post Codes table...
Creating a service Order from a Sales Order NVXASM Extended Service allows you to create a service order from a sales order...
Creating a Service Order from a Service Item NVXASM Extended Service allows you to create an associated Service Order from a Service Item...
Archive Servicedocuments There is a page action Archive document for service orders and service quote; this action allows the current document to be archived and subsequently viewed in the respective archives...
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Allgemein General
The app provides the extended service functionalities.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Setup Extended Service Setup
Service Order Type Mandatory
Specifies that a service order must have a service order type assigned before a service item line can be inserted.
Archive Service Order
Dieses Feld steuert, ob die Serviceaufträge bei einer Buchung archiviert werden sollen.
Archive Service Quote
Dieses Feld steuert, ob die Serviceangebote bei Erstellung eines Auftrags, archiviert werden sollen.
Inv. of sales order lines in service order
Definiert, ob, bei der Erstellung eines Serviceauftrags aus einer Verkaufsauftragszeile, alle Nicht-Bestandsartikelpositionen als Servicezeilen in den Serviceauftrag übernommen & dort verrechnet werden sollen. Sofern gesetzt, können, ab dem Zeitpunkt der Erstellung des Serviceauftrags, ausschließlich bereits vollständig bzw. teilweise ausgelieferte Artikel, aus dem Verkaufsauftrag heraus, fakturiert werden.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Setup Service Management Setup
The app extends Service Management Setup with:
Service Order Type Mandatory at Service Item Line Creation
Specifies that a service order must have a service order type assigned before a service item line can be inserted.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Automatische Serviceartikelanlage
Auto. Service Item Creation
It allows you to define for each service item group whether a separate service item should be created for each shipt unit (default) or whether a service item should be created for the entire delivery quantity.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Manufacturer Warranty Duration
Within the Vendor card & Item card there is a field Manufacturer Warranty Duration available.
Automatic filling
The Manufacturer Warranty Duration in the Item is stated when the Vendor No. is stated. Automatically filled with value from the associated Vendor.
In addition, the field is filled using the value from the Vendor when a corresponding Sales Order Line is created.
Functionality in the sales order
If a Item is inserted within a Sales Line, the new field Manufacturer Warranty Duration is automatically prefilled here too. In the Sales Line, the field Manufacturer Warranty Duration cannot be edited.
If a Service Item is created from the original Item, the standard fields Warranty Ending (Parts) & Warranty Ending (Labor) are calculated based on the Manufacturer Warranty Period field .
If a Service Item Group is assigned in advance to an Item in which the Create Service Item field has been set, an associated Service Item is automatically created when the sales order is posted.
In the same process, the previously described standard fields Warranty Ending (Parts) & Warranty Ending (Labor), in the Service Item, are automatically calculated.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Service Item Line editability
Service Item Line editability
In the Extended Service Setup it can be activated that a Service Item Line can only be created once a Service Order Type has been set up.
This is an extension of the standard mandatory field setup in the Service Management Setup and can therefore also be seen and set up there.
If the said setup is activated, the Service Item Line cannot be edited in the Service Quote or Service Order.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Service Item Comments
As part of NVXASM Extended Service, the standard Service Item comments have also been enhanced.
If you are working on a Service Order, Service Quote or Service Item, you can choose between different Service Item comment categories via Comments.
A Service Item comment can then be created for a specific category. If, on the other hand, the All option is selected, comments can be entered for all categories.
The Show Comment Text function can be used to enter comments in continuous text form. After confirming the entry, the entered text is automatically divided into the comment lines and can be subsequently adjusted at line level.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Assignment of ZIP Code to Service Zone
You can assign a Service Zone Code to a ZIP code in the Post Codes table.
This linked Service Zone Code is then automatically prefilled using the ZIP code or location defined in the Address & Contact tab for the desired customer.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Creating a service order from a sales order
NVXASM Extended Service allows you to create a service order from a sales order.
To do this, you must be in a sales order. You will find the "Create service order" function in the sales order lines under Lines - Functions.
The "Create service order" function can only be called up if the status of the sales order is set to Released.
If the status of the sales order has not yet been released, you will receive an error message.
When you call up the "Create service order" function, the request page opens.
The following fields can be found on the request page:
Sales to debtor number: is pre-assigned with the debtor no. of the associated sales order and can be edited.
Service order type: uses the project task line type to control whether it is a sale, maintenance or warranty.
Sales order line no.: The current sales order and items assigned to a service item group are filtered here.
Service item line no.: The service order number linked to the current sales order is filtered here.
Service item no.: The customer no. is filtered here.
Either the sales order line no. OR the service item line no. OR the service item no. can be selected.
After filling in and confirming the mask, a service order and a new service item are created. The sales order is archived, if archiving for orders is activated in the Accounts Sales & Receivables Setup.
The system checks whether a service order already exists for the combination.
If so, the following question appears:
If no service order exists yet, a new service order is created.
The service order header is filled with the information from the sales order header. Dimensions in the service order header are not taken from the sales order header, but are only taken from the service order based on the customer and the service order type.
There are three ways to create a service order.
the sales order line number field on the request page is filled in.
A new service item line is created. The service item group code is the service item group from the item in the sales line. The service item no. remains empty.
A new service line is created for each selected sales order line. The type and no. are taken from the type and no. fields in the sales order line. The quantity comes from the quantity field from the sales order lines.
the field Service item line no. on the request page is filled.
No new service item line is created, but the service lines are created in the selected service item line.
A new service line is created for each selected sales order line. The fields Type and No. are copied from the Type and No. fields in the sales order line. The Quantity field is copied from the Quantity field in the sales order line.
the Service item no. field on the request page is filled in.
A new service item line is created. The Service item no. field is copied from the service item no. field from the sales order lines.
A new service line is created for each selected sales order line. The Type and No. fields are copied from the Type and No. fields from the sales order line. The quantity field is copied from the quantity field in the sales order line.
If you have converted the selected sales order lines into a service order, the following happens:
the selected sales order lines in the text lines are converted into remark lines.The type is then "Remark".
All fields, except for the description, are reset to empty or 0.
The service line created for each sales order line is written into three new fields in the sales order line.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App Creating a Service Order from a Service Item
NVXASM Extended Service allows you to create an associated Service Order from a Service Item.
To do this, you simply need to be in a Service Item and select the Create service order function via the menu under Actions > Other.
After confirmation, a new Service Order is created based on the current Service Item.
The following fields are automatically prefilled in the Service Order Header:
Customer No.
Post Code
Post Code
The following fields are automatically prefilled at line level:
Service Item Group Code
Service Price Group Code
Serial No.
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Arbeiten mit der App <topic header undefined>
Docs / NVXASM Extended Service / Anhang Release Notes
Would you like to know what has changed in the extension? Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates.
Build-Overview in DevOps
as of Business Central 18 2024/10/11
If the servicec order type is set service lines can now be directly edited without reloading the page.
as of Business Central 18 2024/10/01
New functionality for document archiving of service orders for different versions.
Extension of the function for service item lines and service lines in service orders
as of Business Central 18 2024/08/29
New field in the extended service setup for invoicing items from sales orders in service orders
Extension of the function for the creation of service lines in service orders
as of Business Central 18 2024/08/21
New event for the creation of service item components
as of Business Central 18 2024/08/05
Extension of the page Sales Order Subform with the function "Create Service Order"
as of Business Central 18 2024/06/20
Filled fields "Sales Order No." and "Sales Order Line No." on "Service Item" with the correct values.
as of Business Central 18 2024/05/17
New field "Sales order no." added to service orders and service offers (service header). The new field serves as information for the original sales order.
New field "Sales order no." added to Service Archive.
as of Business Central 18 2024/05/17
When creating a service contract from a service contract offer, the contract lines Service Codes are adopted.
as of Business Central 18 2024/05/08
Feature Service Archive added
as of Business Central 18 2024/04/25
Extension of the page Service Quote Lines with the function "Add Contract Line Service Code"
Extension of the page Service Order Lines with the function "Add Contract Line Service Code"
as of Business Central 18 2024/04/24
Extension of the page Service Item Card and Service Item List with fields "Sales Order No." and "Sales Order Line No."
Extension of the page Service Item Component List with field "Quantity"
as of Business Central 18 2024/04/23
Extension of the page Service Contract Quonte Lines by the functions "Contract Line Service Code" and "Get Std.-Servicecodes"
Extension of the page Service Contract Quonte Lines by the functions "Contract Line Service Code" and "Get Std.-Servicecodes"
as of Business Central 18 2024/03/25
The Service Order No. has been displayed and the fields, Purpose and Sales Order No. have been added to the Service Item Components table
The Show Comments action has been added to the Service Items page and now allows you to enter continuous text that automatically creates line breaks from 80 characters onwards
The Service Area Code field has been added to the Post Codes table.
The action Create service order has been added to the Service Item page with which a service order can be created from the Service Item.
as of Business Central 18 2024/03/14
Service Order Type mandatory at Service Order creation
Added standard Service Lines Page searchable into menu
Added standard Service Item Lines Page searchable into menu
as of Business Central 18 2024/03/13
The Manufacturer Warranty Duration field got new ID in the Vendor table
The Manufacturer Warranty Duration field got new ID in the Item table
as of Business Central 18 2024/03/13
A function for calculating the Manufacturer's Warranty Duration and an event hook have been added to the tableService Item
The Manufacturer Warranty Duration field has been added to the Vendor table
The Manufacturer Warranty Duration field has been added to the Item table