Import of Sales- and Purchase Invoices for Jobs with Excel.
Current Version: of Business Central 19.
Creation date: 2025/02/18 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
App Excel Import Job Invoices With this app it’s possible to import an excel file which then creates a purchase invoice, links it to an existing job where a new job task as well as a billable job entry is being created...
App Setup
Working with the App ...
Release Notes Would you like to know what has changed in the app...
Docs / NVXIJI Excel Import Job Invoices / General General
With this app it’s possible to import an excel file which then creates a purchase invoice, links it to an existing job where a new job task as well as a billable job entry is being created.
In the Page Mappings a new Mapping needs to be created:
Within the mapping the connection between the table fields and excel columns is being defined.
Up to 3 excel columns can be linked to one table field (the necessary columns/fields in Business Central need to be added to the view) and can be separated by a custom separator in the adequate field
Choose the table in which you want to import the data to
Load Mapping-Fields
Upload an Excel sample file to link make the columns available in the mapping lines
Feld No.
Chose the field you want to link
Column No.
Chose the excel column you want to import
Define the separator which should be used to separate the values from the two columns
Column No. 2
WChose the excel column you want to import
Docs / NVXIJI Excel Import Job Invoices / Tasks Working with the app
After the necessary setups have been made, you can use the Excel Import - Projects and Documents function to call up the table to be imported into.
Via the function Start Excel Import the request page for importing tables from Excel opens. Here constant values can be entered, which are then inserted into the table.
Click OK to select the Excel file to be imported. (The format must match that of the previously defined mapping).
The lines are checked for format errors and then inserted in the status Imported
If a format error is detected, a corresponding message is displayed and the import is aborted, i.e. in this case no rows are inserted. The Excel file must be cleaned up and re-imported.
The lines are inserted at the top and are not directly apparent. Only when you scroll all the way up again, you can see the newly inserted rows.
In the next step, click on Check Excel Import.
Now the data is checked for correctness of content. If an error is detected, this is written in the column "Error message" and the status remains on imported. Successfully checked rows receive the status Checked .
All lines which have the status Checked can be processed by clicking on Create documents and jobs.
Using this function the following is being created:
A purchase Invoice with a purchase invoice line per import Line
A Job Task per Import Line
A Job Planning Line per Import Line
Processed lines get the status Processed and can be deleted.
An Update Report is used in the App.
Would you like to know what has changed in the app?
Below you'll find an overview about new features and changes that has been done in the updates.
Build-Overview in DevOps
as of Business Central 19 2024/10/22
Additional fields “External Document No.” and “Description 3 Sales” are taken into account.
as of Business Central 19 2022/03/01
Necessary field added back as obsolete.
as of Business Central 19 2022/03/01
Rows that have already been imported and have the status Processed, but are not deleted, are imported again.
The transfer of the text lines does not always work cleanly.
Text instead of Description 2 in job plan lines.
Error message during processing, due to incorrect determination of the last line in new job tasks.