Current Version: of Business Central 25.
Creation date: 2025/02/28 The current version of this manual can be found at:
☰ Contents
App Job Purchase Line Integration The NVXJPL Job Purchase Line Integration app links purchase orders with projects & enables the mapping of processes that are not covered by the standard Business Central functionality...
Extended Job Base Setup
Budget Check The Budget Check compares the remaining budget on the project planning line to the Amount (LCY) on the purchase order and notifies the user if the budget on the project planning line is fully used and stops the user from releasing the purchase order if there is no more available budget on the project...
Budget Change Using the budget change functionality, budget can either get shifted from one project to another or increased for a specific project...
Job Purchase Orders From the Project/Project Task/Project Planning Line there is a new Action called Purchase Orders...
Release Notes
Docs / NVXJPL Job PL Integration / General General
The NVXJPL Job Purchase Line Integration app links purchase orders with projects & enables the mapping of processes that are not covered by the standard Business Central functionality.
The Budget Check compares the remaining budget on the project planning line to the Amount (LCY) on the purchase order and notifies the user if the budget on the project planning line is fully used and stops the user from releasing the purchase order if there is no more available budget on the project.
Project Planning Line
When a project planning line is created, the Available Budget Amount equals the total cost of the project planning line. This means no budget has yet been reserved for any purchase order.
Purchase Order
When entering a purchase order line, the fields Project No., Project Task No. and Project Planning Line No. need to be filled.
When releasing the purchase order (or sending it into the approval-workflow) Business Central reserves the budget on the project planning line for this purchase order line. The reserved budget can be seen in the field Reserved Budget Amount on the project planning line.
The available budget amount is then reduced by the total amount (LCY) of the purchase order line.
Example 1: Remaining budget (project planning line) > line amount (PO)
If the remaining budget is bigger than the purchase order line amount, the PO can be released (or transmitted for approval) without any notification or error message.
Example 2: Remaining budget (project planning line) < line amount (PO)
If the remaining budget on the project planning line is smaller than the purchase order line amount, but the total remaining budget on the project (= sum of remaining budget for all project planning lines for the project) is bigger than the purchase order line amount, the user will get the following notification:
Nevertheless, the purchase order can be released.
Example 3: Remaining budget (project) < line amount (PO)
If the remaining budget on the project planning line is smaller than the purchase order line amount, and the total remaining budget on the project (= sum of remaining budget for all project planning lines for the project) is also smaller than the purchase order line amount, the user will get a notification and cannot release the purchase order or send it into the workflow.
Receiving Purchase Order Lines
When a purchase order line is received, the received amount is transferred from Reserved Budget Amount to Reserved Budget Amount - Received.
Invoicing Purchase Order Lines
When a purchase order line is invoiced, the invoiced amount is no longer reserved but only reduces the available budget amount.
Budget Information Factbox
The “Budget Information Factbox” has been added to the purchase order.
Following values are displayed here:
Total Budget Amount: Specifies the total budget of the associated project planning line.
Total Usage Budget Amount: Specifies the sum of the cost amounts of the associated project ledger entries.
Total Reserved Budget Amount: Specifies the currently reserved budget amount.
Total Available Budget Amount: Specifies the currently available budget amount.
Order Amount: Specifies the line amount of the purchase order line.
Outstanding Order Amount: Specifies the total amount of the purchase order that has not yet been invoiced.
Using the budget change functionality, budget can either get shifted from one project to another or increased for a specific project.
Extended Job Base Setup
In the Extended Job Base Setup, in the Field the Budget Change Nos. add the number sequence which should be used for budget changes.
Budget Change Types
Budget Changes types can be created manually. In the Field Type select:
Increase: The budget (= Quantity) of a project planning line gets increased
Shift: The budget (= Quantity) of a project planning line in project A gets decreased and increased in project B
Budget Shift Process
To shift budget from one project to another, open the list page Budget Change and create a new Budget Change.
Add a Number and Description and select the Type Shift.
If you want to shift Budget within the same company, select Type Local. If you want to shift budget between two companies, select Global.
In the Field Project No. select the project from which the budget should be shifted from. The Description is being populated automatically from the project description.
In the Budget Change Lines, select either the Project Task No. and Project Planning Line or the Item No. from which the budget should be shifted from. The Available Budget is being populated from the respective planning line.
Then select the New Project No., Project Task No. and Project Planning Line No. to which the budget should be shifted to.
If there is no project task and/or planning line for the same item from which the budget is being shifted from, the budget shift can be released and transferred with the fields left blank. The Project Task and planning line will then be created.
In the Field Amount add the quantity which should be shifted from the old project to the new one. The Amount cannot exceed the Available Budget.
Once all lines have been entered, the budget change needs to be released. Once the Status changes to Released the Transfer can be executed. The quantity of the project planning line is then being shifted from the old project to the new one and the status changes to Transferred. In this status, no more changes can be made.
In case of a global budget shift, a budget change of the shift type increase is automatically created in the target company. The status is set to transferred and no changes can be made.
Budget Increase Process
To increase budget for a project, open the list page Budget Change and create a new Budget Change.
Add a Number and Description and select the Type Increase.
In the Field Project No. select the project for which the budget should be increased.
In the Budget Change Lines, select either the Project Task No. and Project Planning Line or the Item No. The Available Budget is being populated from the respective planning line.
The Fields New Project No., New Project Task No., New Project Planning Line No. can be left blank.
In the Field Amount add the quantity to increase.
Once all lines have been entered, the budget change needs to be released. Once the Status changes to Released the Transfer can be executed. The quantity of the project planning line is then being increased and the status changes to Transferred. In this status, no more changes can be made.
From the Project/Project Task/Project Planning Line there is a new Action called Purchase Orders.
It shows a list of all active and archived purchase order lines (If Purchase Order Archiving is activated) for the project.
With Open Purchase Order… the selected purchase order or archived purchase order can be opened. If there is only one purchase order, it will be opened directly.
The same view exists on the project planning line. There you can see the purchase order lines which have been entered for this specific project planning line.
Document Type
Specifies the the type of document.
"Document No."
Specifies the number associated with the document.
"Version No."
Specifies the version number of the archived document
Specifies the vendor name.
"Line No."
Specifies the line number that is linked to the document. Numbers are created sequentially.
Specifies the Quantity.
"Quantity Received"
Specifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as received.
"Quantity Invoiced"
Specifies how many units of the item on the line have been posted as invoiced.
"Line Amount"
Specifies the line amount.
Open Purchase Order
Open the sales invoice or sales credit memo for the selected line.
Would you like to know what has changed in the extension? Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates.
Build-Overview in DevOps
as of Business Central 25 2025/02/21
Budget Change was extended with a global/local transfer.
as of Business Central 16 2025/02/20
The Order Amount of the "Budget Information" Factbox has been reassigned.
as of Business Central 16 2024/12/05
The calculation of available budget amount has been changed.
as of Business Central 16 2024/11/28
When releasing a purchase order the calculation logic of the budget check has been adjusted.
as of Business Central 16 2024/11/20
The Budget Information Factbox fields have been grouped.
as of Business Central 16 2024/11/03
Only purchase orders are now taken into account when calculating the reserved budget amount on project planning line level.
as of Business Central 16 2024/10/23
The validation of the table relation (property ValidateTableRelation) has been resolved.
The budget reduction logic has been improved for purchase invoices.
as of Business Central 16 2024/10/22
Budget Changes can now be performed between different items.
as of Business Central 16 2024/10/17
Budget increases now support negative Amounts.
n the project plan line is created, the field “Usage Link” is filled in from the project.