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 NVXJWB Job Onward Billing

Job onward billing with surcharges.

Current Version: as of Business Central 18.


Creation date: 2024/09/08
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App Job Onward Billing
    With this app, several job ledger entries can be converted into one billable job planning line. This helps on the one hand when the customer is being charged lump sums, or when costs are to be transferred from the cost unit to the cost center for internal projects...


  • App Setup
    The setup can be accessed via the Job Setup. This is where the setup for the job onward billing is defined...


  • Working with the App
    Via the action Onward Billing on the job card, all job ledger entries that are not already associated with to a Billable job planning line (through previous Onward Billings) are converted into a Billable job planing line...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXJWB Job Onward Billing  /  General

With this app, several job ledger entries can be converted into one billable job planning line. This helps on the one hand when the customer is being charged lump sums, or when costs are to be transferred from the cost unit to the cost center for internal projects.

Docs  /  NVXJWB Job Onward Billing  /  Setup
App Setup

The setup can be accessed via the Job Setup. This is where the setup for the job onward billing is defined.

General, Fields

Resource for Onward BillingSpecifies the resource for onward billing.
Resource for SurchargeSpecifies the resource for the surcharge.

Docs  /  NVXJWB Job Onward Billing  /  Tasks
Working with the App

Via the action Onward Billing on the job card, all job ledger entries that are not already associated with to a Billable job planning line (through previous Onward Billings) are converted into a Billable job planing line. The resource to be used can be preset in the job setup, but can be overridden in each case.

Docs  /  NVXJWB Job Onward Billing  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 18


  • When executing the action Carry-Out Onward Billing no Job Ledger Entry - Job Planning Line Link were created.


as of Business Central 18

    Initial Version

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