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NVXLDT Leadtime

The app calculates the expected lead times for items for up to 6 quantity scales on the basis of work plans and lead times per department.

Current Version: as of Business Central 24.


Creation date: 2025/02/28
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App Leadtime
    The app calculates the expected lead times for items for up to 6 quantity scales on the basis of work plans and lead times per department...


  • Lead Time Setup
    In the Lead Time Setup window, the six lot sizes can be set up for staggering...
  • Manufacturing Setup
    In the Manufacturing Setup window, the Lead Time Setup function can be used to open the Lead Time Setup window...
  • Lead Time Per Work Center Group
    The Lead Time Per Work Center Group window lists the Lead Time in Workdays for the combination of Work Center Group Code and From Quantity...
  • Lead Time Per Item
    In the Lead Time Per Item window, the Default Lead Time is displayed for the combination of Item No. and From Quantity...
  • Estimated Lead Time Surcharges
    In the Estimated Lead Time Surcharge window, the Surcharge per Lot Size is displayed for the combination of Type, No., Valid From and Valid To...


  • Working with the App

Reports and Analysis

  • Generate Item Lead Time
    The Generate Item Lead Time job runs through all items and generates a Default Lead Time and a Estimated Lead Time with each lot size from the Lead Time Setup...


  • Release Notes
    Would you like to know what has changed in the app...

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  General

The app calculates the expected lead times for items for up to 6 quantity scales on the basis of work plans and lead times per department. In the sales orders, the new Default Shipment Date field is then determined based on the order date for each line and the latest date of the lines is copied to the order header.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Setup
Lead Time Setup

In the Lead Time Setup window, the six lot sizes can be set up for staggering. The Lead Time Setup window is accessible from the Manufacturing Setup.


The Lead Time Setup contains the following fields:
Rounding MethodThe field defines how Leadtimes are rounded. Valid Values: Unrounded, Round, Round Up, Round Down
Rounding PrecisionThe field defines how many places to round to.
Lot Size 1The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts. The value of this field must not be less than 1.
Lot Size 2The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts.
Lot Size 3The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts.
Lot Size 4The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts.
Lot Size 5The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts.
Lot Size 6The field defines from which quantity the lot size starts.
Fill Lead Time Calc. with Lot SizeThe field defines whether and if so, the value of which lot size is written back to the item.
Estimated Calculation Valid For Next Day Begins AtThe field defines if the base for the estimated lead time calculation is the current day or the following day.
Make-To-Stock Work Center Group CodeThe field defines the Work Center Group Code of Make-To-Stock items.
Calculate Low-level CodesThe field defines if the Calulate Low-level Code should be executed before calculating the Lead Times
Clear Lead Time Group On Repl. ChangeThe field indicates if Clear Lead Time Group on Repl. Change is active.
Clear Default Item Lead Time Group On Routing ChangeThe field indicates if Clear Default Item Lead Time Group On Routing Change is active.
For more information, see Working with the App.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Setup
Manufacturing Setup

In the Manufacturing Setup window, the Lead Time Setup function can be used to open the Lead Time Setup window. For more information, see Working with the App.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Setup
Lead Time Per Work Center Group

The Lead Time Per Work Center Group window lists the Lead Time in Workdays for the combination of Work Center Group Code and From Quantity. In this window the editing of the data is allowed. For more information, see Working with the App.


The table contains the following fields:
Work Center Group CodeThe field defines for which work center group the lead time applies.
From QuantityThe field defines from which quantity the lead time applies.
Lead Time in WorkdaysThe field defines the lead time of the work center group in the lot size.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Setup
Lead Time Per Item

In the Lead Time Per Item window, the Default Lead Time is displayed for the combination of Item No. and From Quantity. Calculated values are listed in this window and editing of the data is not allowed.


The table contains the following fields:
Item No.The field defines for which item the lead time is valid.
From QuantityThe field defines from which quantity the lead time applies.
Default Lead TimeThe field defines the lead time of the item in the lot size.
Estimated Lead TimeThe field defines the estimate lead time of the item in the lot size. This is calculated with surcharge + lead time in workdays.
SurchargeThe field defines the surcharge in the lot size.
Make-To-Stock Lead TimeThe field defines the lead time for Make-To-Stock.
Default Lead Time RoutingThe field defines the default lead time of the item in the lot size for routing.
Default Max Lead Time ComponentThe field defines the default maximum lead time of the item in the lot size for component.
Estimated Lead Time RoutingThe field defines the estimated lead time of the item in the lot size for routing.
Estimated Max. Lead Time ComponentThe field defines the estimated maximum lead time of the item in the lot size for component.
For more information, see Working with the App.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Setup
Estimated Lead Time Surcharge

In the Estimated Lead Time Surcharge window, the Surcharge per Lot Size is displayed for the combination of Type, No., Valid From and Valid To. For more information, see Working with the App.


The table contains the following fields:
TypeThe field defines the Base Type for the Surcharges. The selected values are Work Center Group, Work Center and Machine Center.
No.The field defines the No. of the selected type.
Valid FromThe field defines from which date the surcharge is valid.
Valid ToThe field defines to which date the surcharge is valid.
Surcharge Lot Size 1The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 1.
Surcharge Lot Size 2The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 2.
Surcharge Lot Size 3The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 3.
Surcharge Lot Size 4The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 4.
Surcharge Lot Size 5The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 5.
Surcharge Lot Size 6The field defines the Surcharge in Days for Lot Size 6.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Tasks
Working with the App


From the Manufacturing Setup, the Lead Time Setup can be opened. The six lot sizes are then to be set up in the setup card. At least the Lot Size 1 must be set up. A value of 0 in a lot size deactivates the lot size. In the field Fill Lead Time Calc. with Lot Size you can select which lead time the field Lead Time at the item should be filled. Lead times for any lot size can be stored for each work center group. In the field Lead Time Calculation Valid For Next Day Begins At you can define, if the base date for the lead time calculation is the current day or the following day. Futhermore for the Estimated lead time calculation you must define values in the Estimated Lead Time Surcharges page. In the field Make-To-Stock Work Center Group Code you can select, on which Work Center Group Code the lead time per item calculation should be based on.

Periodic update job

The Generate Item Lead Time job can be triggered manually or set up as a periodic activity in the job queue. When the job is executed, the lead times per item and estimated lead time surcharges are calculated on the basis of the routings and lead times per work center group. Furthermore the Make-To-Stock lead time per item is calculated based on the Make-To-Stock Work Center Group Code. When changing Order Date, Item No. or Quantity, all related order lines are updated and the latest Default Shipment Date and Estimated Shipment Date are copied to the header.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Reports and Analysis
Generate Item Lead Time

The Generate Item Lead Time job runs through all items and generates a Default Lead Time and a Estimated Lead Time with each lot size from the Lead Time Setup. If the Calculate Low-level Codes field is activated in the setup, the function Calculate Low-level Code is executed before the Leadtime calculation is done. The working date is used for the valid surcharges, unless the execution time is later than the time stored in the setup, in which case the following day is used. When the Item Lead Time is generated, the Make-To-Stock Lead Time field from the Lead Time per Item table is also calculated based on the Make-To-Stock Work Center Group Code. Additionaly the fields Default Lead Time Routing ,Default Max Lead Time Component and Estimated Max. Lead Time Component were calculated without Capacity Surcharges. The field Estimated Lead Time Routing will be calculated with Capacity Surcharges. The job can be executed periodically using the job queue. For more information, see Working with the App.

Docs  /  NVXLDT Leadtime  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the app? Below you'll find an overview about new features and changes that has been done in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 24


  • The runtime version got changed from 14.0 to 13.0


as of Business Central 24


  • "Clear Lead Time Group On Repl. Change" is added to the Leadtime Setup.
  • "Clear Item Lead Time Group On Routing Change" is added to the Leadtime Setup.
  • In the Leadtime Setup are two fields (Rounding Method and Rounding Precision) added.
  • Leadtime for Sales Lines are rounded with this parameters.
  • The version is based on BC 24.5.


as of Business Central 23


  • The Business Central Application Version is changed from to .
  • The Business Central Platform Version is changed from to .


as of Business Central 23


  • The Business Central Application Version is updated from to .
  • The Business Central Platform Version is updated from to .


as of Business Central 17


  • "Calculate Low-level Codes" is added to the Leadtime Setup.
  • On Run "Generate Item Leadtime" (or generating within Job Que Entry) the function "Calculate Low-level Codes" is taking place right before.


as of Business Central 17


  • Added new fields Default Lead Time Routing, Default Max Lead Time Component, Estimated Lead Time Routing and Estimated Max. Lead Time Component to Lead Time Per Item, these are recalculated during generation.


as of Business Central 17


  • Value of field Make-To-Stock Lead Time in table Lead Time per Item is displayed without decimal places.


as of Business Central 17


  • When generating the lead time, the Make-To-Stock lead time per item is also calculated based on a defined Work Center Group.


as of Business Central 17


  • The generation of the lead time for the finished good does not consider the surcharges of the components.


as of Business Central 17


  • In the Routing, Routing Version List, Production BOM and Production BOM Version List pages, the calculations of the fields from Estimated Lot Size 1 to Estimated Lot Size 6 with the values from Lot Size 1 to Lot Size 6 from the Lead Time Setup are filtered.


as of Business Central 17


  • Changed caption of date field from Estimated Shipment Date to Default Shipment Date.
  • Changed caption of date field from Earliest Shipment Date to Estimated Shipment Date.
  • Changed caption of field from Lead Time in Workdays to Default Lead Time.
  • Changed caption of field from Capacity Lead Time to Estimated Lead Time.
  • Changed caption of page from Capacity Lead Time Surcharge to Estimated Lead Time Surcharge.


as of Business Central 17


  • For the generation of the lead time from the item card, the components of the item are also taken into account.


as of Business Central 17


  • Consider non working days in Lead Time calculation.


as of Business Central 17


  • When calculating the Lead Time for the Production BOM, only items with Manufacturing Policy = Make-to-Order are taken into account.


as of Business Central 17


  • Added new action Generate Lead Time in the item card. This makes it possible to calculate the lead times for an item.


as of Business Central 17


  • Capacity Lead Time Extension


as of Business Central 17


  • internal Hotfix


as of Business Central 17


  • Added new field Item Lead Time Group to Item Card.
  • During generating the Lead Time the field Item Lead Time Group will be filled.
  • Added new event to change the base date to combine Sales Lines.


as of Business Central 17


  • Added new event to change the calculation date.


as of Business Central 17

    Initial Version

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