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NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector

Interface to Shipping.NET logistics platform from OnDot.

Current Version: as of Business Central 22.


Creation date: 2024/10/18
The current version of this manual can be found at:

☰ Contents


  • App Ondot ShippingNet Connector
    Setting up the Ondot Shipping.Net Connector allows a connection between the platform and Business Central...


  • Extended Setup
    To guarantee that the shipping processes run efficiently, it is important that all the necessary settings are configured correctly. This includes, among other things, the shipping agent, printer, tariff and shipping costs settings as well as web messages...
  • Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup
    The printer setup should be able to print shipping labels needed for efficient shipping. Users and their corresponding printer names can be created in the configuration. For example, a user ID such as PSTATION01 can be created, which is associated with the corresponding printer name LStation01...
  • Shipping Agent Setup
    The shipping agent setup enables the management of different shipping agents...
  • OSC Shipping Cost Setup
    Shipping and packaging costs can be transferred individually to using the following table and are not exported as an item line. In this table, the customer can create any number of items as shipping costs. This can be useful for a new shipping method. The shipping costs, if available, are always sent to via Web Request, regardless of the item ordered. However, if this is not desired, it can be edited using the Boolean field: Send shipping costs as CustomsAdditionalCostList...
  • Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup
  • Tariff Setup
    The implementation of a Tariff setup offers the opportunity to optimize shipping processes according to the individual regulations of the respective destination country and to ensure legally compliant compliance with the valid customs and tax regulations...
  • Retention Policy
    A separate retention policy has been provided for the Ondot Shipping.Net Files...


  • Working with the App
    The process starts with the creation of a sales order in Business Central. A warehouse commission is then created. As soon as this posting is made and the goods have been shipped, the shipment information as well as the customer data, delivery address and contents of the parcel (general. item information, number of Packages, weights,..) are transmitted to


  • Ondot Shipping.Net Sales Shipment Colli
  • Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Additional Info
  • Ondot Shipping.Net Files
  • Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup

Page Extensions

  • Extended Text List
    On the page Extended Text List the following fields and actions were added...
  • Extended Text
    On the page Extended Text the following fields and actions were added...
  • Inventory Pick
    On the page Inventory Pick the following fields and actions were added...
  • Posted Sales Shipment
    On the page Posted Sales Shipment the following fields and actions were added...
  • Posted Transfer Shipment
    On the page Posted Transfer Shipment the following fields and actions were added...


  • Release Notes

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  General

Setting up the Ondot Shipping.Net Connector allows a connection between the platform and Business Central.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup

To guarantee that the shipping processes run efficiently, it is important that all the necessary settings are configured correctly. This includes, among other things, the shipping agent, printer, tariff and shipping costs settings as well as web messages. Various fields such as BusinessPartnerNumber, Tracking Link, Tracking Link as well as standard telephone numbers and follow-up texts can be set up in the main setup. It is also possible to set up automatic sending to for sales delivery and warehouse picking. The field "Standard Proforma Invoice Ending Text" can be used to print a standard proforma post text in the proforma invoice. This is integrated as a standard text code and can therefore be edited at any time. You can also use "Send Shipping Cost as CustomsAdditionalCostList" to set whether shipping costs should be sent individually in the WebCall. To check and, if necessary, adjust other various settings, these can be viewed under "Related".

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Setup

The shipping agent setup enables the management of different shipping agents. Several settings can be made for, which are as follows: Commercial Invoice Report ID: Specifies the commercial invoice report ID. This report will send to as the commercial invoice. Use AddressLine2: Specifies if the AddressLine1 should be cut at 35 characters and continued at AddressLine2. AddressLine2 will also be cut at 35 characters. Send Item Prices: Specifies if item prices should be sent. Send Item Without Sales Price: Specifies if item without sales price should be sent. Prevent Negative Amounts: Specifies if negative amounts should be prevented. If true negative line amounts will be set to zero. Active: Shows if the connector is active for this deliverer. In the AdditionalInfo table, information about the delivery can be added. Depending on which "Additional information" is stored for the delivery agent, this information is also sent. These are provided with abbreviations to simplify the WebCall to • INV o AdditionalField1 = Shipping No. • INVINFO o AdditionalField1 = Shipping No. o AdditionalField2 = recipient name • IOR o AdditionalField1 = (Post) • INV2 o Additional information for the Fedex deliverer • EDT o Required for printing the label (

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Label Printing prints the shipping label by itself. Labels do not need to be printed via the BC, unlike documents such as delivery note or invoice.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup

The printer setup should be able to print shipping labels needed for efficient shipping. Users and their corresponding printer names can be created in the configuration. For example, a user ID such as PSTATION01 can be created, which is associated with the corresponding printer name LStation01.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Web Messages Setup

The Web Messages setup should be able to transfer shipment tracking data directly to automatically to guarantee a seamless communication. The setup offers the possibility to display the payload sent to right on the platform. This feature helps ensuring that all relevant data reaches and enables successful collaboration between the parties involved.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Tariff Setup

The implementation of a Tariff setup offers the opportunity to optimize shipping processes according to the individual regulations of the respective destination country and to ensure legally compliant compliance with the valid customs and tax regulations. The Freight Payer field specifies in the performa invoice who is responsible for the applicable customs duties. The BusinessPartnerNumber field is input information that is passed on to This can be entered as a default in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask. Furthermore, an EORI No. can be provided in the Web Request depending on the country of setup. The Importer field defines who the invoice is to be sent to, and there are two options for this: • BusinessPartnerNumber: This field can be filled as required. The customs fee payer is entered as the invoice recipient. If the field is not filled in, the default field BusinessPartnerNumber is used in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask. • Invoice to debtor: This issues the invoice to the customer. The freight payer field in the Performa invoice indicates who is responsible for the customs fees incurred. This must be entered as a contact. The EORI No. field is especially useful when shipping to countries outside the EU, where the EORI No. of the following country can be entered in the field. This information is sent to as Importer of Record (IOR). If an entry exists in the "EORI no." field in the customer card, this value is transferred to the EORI number text field in the proforma invoice. If there is no entry in the EORI field in the customer card, the EORI number is transferred from the Ondot customs facility for each country. The Proforma Invoice Ending Text field is printed on the proforma invoice. If a Proforma Invoice Ending Text is available in the Ondot Shipping.Net customs facility, this should be transferred for each country. However, if there is no customs setup, the standard proforma text should be printed in the connector setup.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Shipping Cost Setup

Shipping and packaging costs can be transferred individually to using the following table and are not exported as an item line. In this table, the customer can create any number of items as shipping costs. This can be useful for a new shipping method. The shipping costs, if available, are always sent to via Web Request, regardless of the item ordered. However, if this is not desired, it can be edited using the Boolean field: "Send shipping costs as CustomsAdditionalCostList".

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup

The printer setup should be able to print shipping labels needed for efficient shipping. Users and their corresponding printer names can be created in the configuration. For example, a user ID such as PSTATION01 can be created, which is associated with the corresponding printer name LStation01.


User IDSpecifies the value of the User ID field.
Printer NameSpecifies the value of the Printer Name field.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Setup

The shipping agent setup enables the management of different shipping agents. Several settings can be made for, which are as follows: Commercial Invoice Report ID: Specifies the commercial invoice report ID. This report will send to as the commercial invoice. Use AddressLine2: Specifies if the AddressLine1 should be cut at 35 characters and continued at AddressLine2. AddressLine2 will also be cut at 35 characters. Send Item Prices: Specifies if item prices should be sent. Send Item Without Sales Price: Specifies if item without sales price should be sent. Prevent Negative Amounts: Specifies if negative amounts should be prevented. If true negative line amounts will be set to zero. Active: Shows if the connector is active for this deliverer. In the AdditionalInfo table, information about the delivery can be added. Depending on which "Additional information" is stored for the delivery agent, this information is also sent. These are provided with abbreviations to simplify the WebCall to • INV o AdditionalField1 = Shipping No. • INVINFO o AdditionalField1 = Shipping No. o AdditionalField2 = recipient name • IOR o AdditionalField1 = (Post) • INV2 o Additional information for the Fedex deliverer • EDT o Required for printing the label (


Shipping AgentSpecifies the value of the Shipping Agent field.
Shipping Agent ServiceSpecifies the value of the Shipping Agent Service field.
DescriptionSpecifies the value of the Description field.
Delivery carrierSpecifies the delivery carrier.
Delivery carrier service"Specifies the delivery carrier service.
Proforma Invoice Report IDSpecifies the proforma invoice report id. This report will sent to as the commmercial invoice.
Use AddressLine2Specifies if the AddressLine1 should be cut at 35 charactes and continued at AddressLine2. AddressLine2 will also be cut at 35 characters.
Send Item PricesSpecifies if item prices should be sent.
Send Item Without Sales PriceSpecifies if item without sales price should be sent.
Prevent Negative AmountsSpecifies if negative amounts should be prevented. If true negative line amounts will be set to zero.
ActiveSpecifies the value of the Active field.


  • Additional Info

    Opens the related additional infos.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
OSC Shipping Cost Setup

Shipping and packaging costs can be transferred individually to using the following table and are not exported as an item line. In this table, the customer can create any number of items as shipping costs. This can be useful for a new shipping method. The shipping costs, if available, are always sent to via Web Request, regardless of the item ordered. However, if this is not desired, it can be edited using the Boolean field: "Send shipping costs as CustomsAdditionalCostList".


Shipping Cost TypeSpecifies the shipping cost type.
Shipping Cost No.Specifies the shipping cost No.
Shipping Cost DescriptionSpecifies the shipping cost description.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup

General, Fields

ActiveSpecifies if the Ondot Shipping.Net Connector is active.
Sender Location CodeSpecifies the sender location code. This code is used as the shipper for transfer shipments.
BusinessPartnerNumberSpecifies your BusinessPartnerNumber. This is the identification for your company in Ondot ShippingNet.
Packaging WeightSpecifies the weight of the packaging.
Min. WeightSpecifies the minimal weigth of the packaging.
Weight MultiplicatorSpecifies the multiplicator used to calculate the weight. Shipping.Net expects the weight in KG.
Tracking LinkSpecfies the tracking link.
INVINFO Additional Field 2Specifies the value for the INVINFO addtional field 2
Default System UnitSpecifies the default system unit.
Default Tax Liability TypeSpecifies the default tax liability type.
Defaul Phone No.Specifies the default phone no. This number is used if no other number is defined.
Standard Proforma Invoice Ending TextSpecifies the Standard Proforma Invoice Ending Text.
Send Shipping Cost as CustomsAdditionalCostListSpecifies if the shipping cost should be sent in the CustomsAdditionalCostList.

Send Shipping.Net Call Automatically For, Fields

Inventory PickSpecifies if inventory picks should be sent automatically.
"Transfer Shipment"Specifies if Sales Shipments should be sent automatically.

Authorization, Fields

OrgunitIDSpecifies the orgunit-id.
ClientIDSpecifies the client-id.
Auth-TokenSpecifies the auth-token.
Endpoint URLSpecifies the endpoint url.


  • Shipping Agent Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Setup.
  • Printer Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup.
  • Web Messages

    Opens the Web Messages.
  • Tariff Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net tariff setup.
  • Shipping Cost Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net tariff setup.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Ondot Shipping.Net Tariff Setup

The implementation of a Tariff setup offers the opportunity to optimize shipping processes according to the individual regulations of the respective destination country and to ensure legally compliant compliance with the valid customs and tax regulations. The Freight Payer field specifies in the performa invoice who is responsible for the applicable customs duties. The BusinessPartnerNumber field is input information that is passed on to This can be entered as a default in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask. Furthermore, an EORI No. can be provided in the Web Request depending on the country of setup. The Importer field defines who the invoice is to be sent to, and there are two options for this: • BusinessPartnerNumber: This field can be filled as required. The customs fee payer is entered as the invoice recipient. If the field is not filled in, the default field BusinessPartnerNumber is used in the "Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup" mask. • Invoice to debtor: This issues the invoice to the customer. The freight payer field in the Performa invoice indicates who is responsible for the customs fees incurred. This must be entered as a contact. The EORI No. field is especially useful when shipping to countries outside the EU, where the EORI No. of the following country can be entered in the field. This information is sent to as Importer of Record (IOR). If an entry exists in the "EORI no." field in the customer card, this value is transferred to the EORI number text field in the proforma invoice. If there is no entry in the EORI field in the customer card, the EORI number is transferred from the Ondot customs facility for each country. The Proforma Invoice Ending Text field is printed on the proforma invoice. If a Proforma Invoice Ending Text is available in the Ondot Shipping.Net customs facility, this should be transferred for each country. However, if there is no customs setup, the standard proforma text should be printed in the connector setup.


Country/Region CodeSpecifies the value of the Country/Region Code field.
Print Tariff TextSpecifies if the tariff text should be printed on reports
ImporterSpecifies who should be used as the importer.
Business Partner NumberSpecifies the Business Partner Number.
Freight PayerSpecifies the value of the Freight Payer field.
EORI No.Specifies the EORI no.
Proforma Invoice Ending TextSpecifies the Proforma Invoice Ending Text.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Setup
Retention Policy

A separate retention policy has been provided for the Ondot Shipping.Net Files. The suggested value for the retention period is 6 month but it can be adjusted as desired.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Tasks
Working with the App

The process starts with the creation of a sales order in Business Central. A warehouse commission is then created. As soon as this posting is made and the goods have been shipped, the shipment information as well as the customer data, delivery address and contents of the parcel (general. item information, number of Packages, weights,..) are transmitted to If the transfer of the data is not successful, it is possible to submit the data later to through the posted sales shipments. It is also possible to create a package tracking, in this case the available information is accessed using the web messages and a shipment tracking of the relevant sales shipments is accessed using this information.

Shipment overview can override the shipment overview for the customer according to individual requirements. Shipping process can be continued from this point. The shipment is directed to the appropriate shipping service provider, who prepares it for shipment.

Shipping.Net Backend

Within the individual shipments in, the shipment details are once again clearly displayed. Here, among other things, the sender, recipient and the shipping agent of the order in progress can be seen.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Pages
Ondot Shipping.Net Sales Shipment Colli


Sales Shipment Header No.Specifies the value of the No. field.
No. of PackagesSpecifies the no. of packages.
Package Tracking No.Specifies the Package Tracking No.
Sales Invoice Header No.Specifies the related sales invoice header no.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Pages
Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Additional Info


Additional InfoSpecifies the value of the Additional Info field.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Pages
Ondot Shipping.Net Files


Entry No.Specifies the Entry No.
File NameSpecifies the File Name.
File ExtensionSpecifies the File Extension.


  • Export File

    Exports the selected file.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Pages
Ondot Shipping.Net Connector Setup

General, Fields

ActiveSpecifies if the Ondot Shipping.Net Connector is active.
Sender Location CodeSpecifies the sender location code. This code is used as the shipper for transfer shipments.
BusinessPartnerNumberSpecifies your BusinessPartnerNumber. This is the identification for your company in Ondot ShippingNet.
Packaging WeightSpecifies the weight of the packaging.
Min. WeightSpecifies the minimal weigth of the packaging.
Weight MultiplicatorSpecifies the multiplicator used to calculate the weight. Shipping.Net expects the weight in KG.
Tracking LinkSpecfies the tracking link.
INVINFO Additional Field 2Specifies the value for the INVINFO addtional field 2
Default System UnitSpecifies the default system unit.
Default Tax Liability TypeSpecifies the default tax liability type.
Defaul Phone No.Specifies the default phone no. This number is used if no other number is defined.
Standard Proforma Invoice Ending TextSpecifies the Standard Proforma Invoice Ending Text.
Send Shipping Cost as CustomsAdditionalCostListSpecifies if the shipping cost should be sent in the CustomsAdditionalCostList.

Send Shipping.Net Call Automatically For, Fields

Inventory PickSpecifies if inventory picks should be sent automatically.
"Transfer Shipment"Specifies if Sales Shipments should be sent automatically.

Authorization, Fields

OrgunitIDSpecifies the orgunit-id.
ClientIDSpecifies the client-id.
Auth-TokenSpecifies the auth-token.
Endpoint URLSpecifies the endpoint url.


  • Shipping Agent Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net Shipping Agent Setup.
  • Printer Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net Printer Setup.
  • Web Messages

    Opens the Web Messages.
  • Tariff Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net tariff setup.
  • Shipping Cost Setup

    Opens the Ondot Shipping.Net tariff setup.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Page Extensions
Extended Text List

On the page Extended Text List the following fields and actions were added.


Shipping.Net Customs TextSpecifies if this text should be used as the Shipping.Net Customes Text.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Page Extensions
Extended Text

On the page Extended Text the following fields and actions were added.


Shipping.Net Tariff TextSpecifies if this text should be used as the Shipping.Net Tariff Text.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Page Extensions
Inventory Pick

On the page Inventory Pick the following fields and actions were added.


No. of PackagesSpecifies the no. of packages.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Page Extensions
Posted Sales Shipment

On the page Posted Sales Shipment the following fields and actions were added.


Related ColliSpecifies if an related colli exists.


  • Send to Shipping.Net

    Sends the current Sales Shipment to Shipping.Net.
  • Track Shipping.Net Package

    Opens the Shipping.Net tracking link.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Page Extensions
Posted Transfer Shipment

On the page Posted Transfer Shipment the following fields and actions were added.


  • Send to Shipping.Net

    Sends the current Posted Transfer Shipment to Shipping.Net.
  • Track Shipping.Net Package

    Opens the Shipping.Net tracking link.

Docs  /  NVXOSC Ondot ShippingNet Connector  /  Appendix
Release Notes

Would you like to know what has changed in the extension?
Below you'll find an overview of the new features and changes made in the updates. Build-Overview in DevOps


as of Business Central 22
  • Improvements

    • Added new Field "Send Item Without Sales Price" on Shipping Agent Setup.
    • Added new Value "Name2" for transfer in WebRequestMgt.


as of Business Central 22
  • Corrections

    • For deliveries with only one parcel, the weight was calculated twice.


as of Business Central 22
  • Improvements

    • Increased dependency on Business Central to BC22.5.
    • Added a Retention Policy for Ondot Shipping.Net Files.


as of Business Central 20
  • Improvements

    • Lines with quantity 1 are now also distributed evenly across the packages.
    • The distribution of articles now also works for transfer shipments.

    as of Business Central 20
    • Improvements

      • Fixed an error when creating the Recipient block.


    as of Business Central 20
    • Improvements

      • The item quantity is now distributed evenly across the packages.


    as of Business Central 20

      Initial Version

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